National Archives File C54/2145
[Partial Transcript]
[Image 12.17.17]
Et memorand …
This indenture tripartite under the [?] day of October in the [?] of the reign of our sovereign Lord James by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland the tenth and of Scotland the six and fortieth King defender of the faith and between the right Honourable Anthony Lord Viscount MONTAGUE on the first party, Sir Francis ENGLEFIED Wootton Bassett in the county of Wiltshire Baronet and Robert DORNEY of [?] in the county of [?] Knight and by John DORNEY of [?] in the county of [?] Knight of the second party and John MURRAY esquire one His Majesties bedchamber and keeper of His Majesties privy purse of the third party.
Witnesses that King Henry the eighth of [?] Memory late King of England by his highnesses letters patent under great seal of England bearing the date [?] day of July in the eight and twentieth year [1537] of his reign did give and grant unto William FITZWILLIAM of the noble order of the garter knight treasurer of His Majesty’s household amongst others all that his manor of [Wanborough?] in the County of Surrey with all the lands tenements hereditaments and other things thereunto belonging to have and to hold the said manor lands and premises and other there unto belonging unto the said William FITZWILLIAM His heirs and assigns for ever as by the said Letter Patent more at large appears. And [?] the [?] William FITZWILLIAM by the name of William FITZWILLIAM of the noble order of the Garter Knight being then Earl of Southton and High Admiralty of England by his deed of [feoment?] indented bearing the date the first day of July in the thirtieth year [1539?] of the reign of the [?] late King amongst other things did give and grant unto William FITZWILLIAM gent the said manor of Wanborough with the lands and premises and other things unto the Said manor belonging to have and to hold the said manor lands premises unto the said William FITZWILLIAM Gent his heirs and assigns forever to the use and behoof of him the aforesaid Earl and of Lady [?] his wife and to the heirs of the body of the said Earl lawfully begotten and for [?] of such issue to the use and behoof of Sir Anthony BROWNE knight brother of the said Earl and his heirs [?] of his body lawfully begotten with [?] [?] [?] as the said deed more at large also doth and unto appear. All which // premises did lawfully after the death and for want of issue of the said Earl come unto the said Sir Anthony // BROWNE knight afterwards Lord Viscount MONTAGUE deceased son and heir of he said Sir Anthony BROWNE knight // brother of the said Earl. And whereas the said Lord Viscount MONTAGUE in his life time did by his deed dated the // twentieth day of January in the four and thirtieth year [1592] of our late sovereign Queen Elizabeth // of [famous] memory and by other good and sufficient indenture and assurance in [law?] convey and assure the said // manor of Wanborough and other the premises unto the said right honourable Anthony Lord Viscount MONTAGUE // party to their [?] in fee title with [?] remainders [?] as by the said last sealed deed appears. And whereas // the said Anthony now Lord Viscount MONTAGUE by his deed indenture bearing the date the second day of July in the // ninth year [1612?] of the King majesty’s reign that now is of England and Scotland the four and fortieth for the // consideration therein expressed did grant bargain settle convey and assure he said manor of Wanborough with the // lands and other things thereunto belonging and all his right title [?] claim and [?] of in and to the same // unto the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD baronet by the name of Francis ENGLEFIELD of Stratfielsley in the County of // [Berks?] Esquire and to the said Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY knights and to their heirs forever as in and by // the said last cited Indenture more plainly appears to have to hold the said manor and premises unto them // the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD, Sir Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY their heirs and assigns forever and did also // at the [?] of St Michael then next following the date of the same deed suffer one [?] [?] of the said manor of Wanborough and premises together with the rectory of Wanborough amongst other things as // southee according to the use of [?] [?] which [?] [W?] to the only uses of the said Sir Francis // ENGLEFIELD, Sir Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY their heirs and assigns as the said deed and [?] // more at large also appears. [?] this indenture further witnesses that the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD, Sir // Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY for and in consideration of the sum of four thousand pounds of [?] English money paid by or upon the request of the said right honourable Viscount Montague by the said John MURRAY one His Majesties bed chamber and keeper of his majesty’s privy purse for the full discharge // and satisfaction of one bond of [blank] entered unto by the said Lord Viscount Montague unto his [?] for the payment of four thousand pounds and for and in consideration of the sum of two thousand two // hundred pounds of like [?] English money by the said John MURRAY at and by the appointment and direction // of the said noble Lord Viscount Montague and in discharge of the debts of the Lord Viscount to the hands of [?] James also paid and of the sum of two hundred pounds of like [?] English money to them the said // Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD, Sir Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY in [?] paid by the said John MURRAY before the // Ensealing and delivery of their [?] of which said some of two hundred pounds they the said Sir Francis // ENGLEFIELD, Esquire Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY confess themselves settled and fully satisfied and paid and do // thereof and of every part and parcel thereof freely acquit [?] and discharge the said John MURRAY his heirs // Executors and administrators and every of them by their [?] […] bargained sold and consigned // and by their [?] so then grant bargain set and confirm unto the said John MURRAY his heirs and // Assigns forever all that the said manor of Wanborough with the rectory of the church of Wanborough and all and every // their rights members and appurtenances situate and being in the County of Surrey. And also all and singular houses edifaces buildings, [?] stables barns yards orchards gardens backsides lands tenements meadows [?] pastures commons//, common of pasture [?] Waste ground, woods under woods [?] [?] [?] rents [? [?] court // Profits of court leets, [?] of frank pledge fees [?] [?] of them […] // privileges tithes [?] portions obligations offerings and all other profits commodities and hereditaments [?] to // the said manor and rectory lands and tenements and other the before bargained premises belonging or in any [?] // appertaining or therewith used occupied and enjoyed as part parcel or member of them or accepted reputed deemed // or taken as part parcel or member of them and every of them appertaining // Situate lying and being within the [?] lordships parish or [?] of Wanborough Worplesdon, Flexworth, Puttenham, Pepper Harrow, Elstead and Witley in the said county of Surrey. And the [p?] and [?] remainder // And [?] of all and singular the before bargained premises together with all deeds charts [?] //
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[Image 12.25.21
Court rolls [terrierts?] ]?] writings and [?] whatsoever conveying only the before bargained premises or only// conveying any of them and the true copies of all other deeds charters evidenced and writings conveying the before // bargained premises or any part of parcel of them [jointly?] with any other grounds lands tents or hereditaments // the same to be written and copied out at the cost and charge of the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns // to have and to hold the said manor rectory lands tents and hereditaments with and and singular other the premises// [?] they and every of appurtenances before by these [?] bargained and sold or herein or hereby mentioned // and intended to be bargained and sold to the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns to the sole only and // [?] use and behoof of the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns for ever. And the said Sir Francis // ENGLEFIELD for himself his heirs executors and administrators and for every of them doth wherein [?] and // grant to and with the said John MURRAY his heirs executors administrators and to and with every of // them by this [?] that he the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD for and notwithstanding any act or thing by him // the said Sir Francis // ENGLEFIELD done or at any time hereafter until such time as the [?] of inheritance or // freehold of and in the before bargained premises should be held under duly executed to the said John MURRAY // and his heirs according to the true intent and meaning of this [?] to be done to the contrary at the // time of the settling and delivery of this [?] and until such time as aforesaid shall be [?] and [?] // lawfully and rightfully seized of a perfect and rightful title of inheritance in fee simple of and in the said //manor rectory lands tents and hereditaments and all and singular other the premises with their and every of their //appurtenances before by this [?] bargained and sold or herein or hereby mentioned and intended to be bargained // and sold and of and in every part and parcel of them without any nature of condition or limitation of use // or uses to alter change charge encumber or discontinue the same. And that the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD for this // notwithstanding any act or thing by him the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD done to the contrary as aforesaid which // and shall have good rightful power and lawful authority to grant bargain and sell the said manor rectory lands tents and hereditaments and other the premises before [?] mentioned or intended to be by this [?] // bargained and sold unto the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns for every according to the [?] true intent // and meaning of this [?]. and the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD for himself his heirs executors and administrators // doth [?] pays and grant to and with the said John MURRAY his heirs executors and administrators and to and with every of them by this [?] that the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns and every of them at all times and from time to time henceforth forever shall or lawfully and peacefully and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said manor rectory lands tents and hereditaments with all and singular other // the premises before by this [?] bargained and sold or herein or hereby intended meant or mentioned to be // bargained and sold without any lawful let trouble suit [?] denyeth disturbance encumbrance or interruption of // him the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD his heirs or assigns or any of them or any other person or person lawfully // claiming or which shall or may lawfully claim the said manor rectory lands tents and hereditaments or any other the before bargained premises or any part or parcel of them by from or under him his heirs or assigns or // any of them except the [?] and their assigns hereafter excepted and [?] and absolutely [?] acquitted // and discharged or other ways upon reasonable request set and sufficiently [?] and kept [?] and [?] // articles [?] recognisance judgement executions statues [?] and of the [?] mortgage rents arrears of // rents and [?] and of and from all other things titled and encumbrances whatsoever had made committed or done // Hereafter until such execution of [?] as aforesaid to be [?] [?] committed or done or [?] or willingly // [?] except before excepted by him the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD his heirs or assigns or by any other person // Or persons lawfully claiming or which shall or may lawfully claim by from or under him except due bargain // and sale to [?] James of the said manor of Wanborough for four score years from the first day of December // 1612 by indenture dated the seven and twentieth day of [November?] 1611. And also except one lease under by the // Said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD by Robert DORNEY and Sir John DORNEY of certain land and woodland grounds parcel of the // said Manor of Wanborough by indenture dated the fifth day February one thousand six hundred and eleven [1611] // to have and to hold to Richard AMYE of Wanborough aforesaid as in and by the said indenture more plainly // appears. And also excepting one other lease dated the four and twentieth day of February in the fourth year [1607] of the // reign of our said sovereign Lord the King Majesty that now is whereby the [?] Lord Viscount MONTAGUE // Party to this [?] demise and to farm let to the Honourable Julius CESAR Knight now Chancellor // Of His Majesty’s High Court of Exchequer and one of His Majesty’s Privy Council [?] [?] // Or copy ground parcel of Wanborough Wood known by the name of the New Coppice of Wanborough containing // By estimation two hundred acres now or late in the tenure of or occupation of the said Richard AMYE or his assigns // As in and by the said indenture more at large appearing.
Also excepting one other lease dated the second of // October in the fifth year [1608] of the reign of said Sovereign Lord the King Majesty that now is [wherein?] the said // Anthony Lord Viscount Montague [party?] to this [?] hath denied and to [?] letten unto the said Richard AMYE // At the Wood and under wood which or [?] grow stand or be in that coppice called Monkgrove containing by // Estimation fourteen acres.
And also that coppice of Woody ground called Horslingham Grove and Cowland containing by // Estimation fourteen acres together with all the Woods situate lying and being in Wanborough except as in the said // Indenture is excepted and for such term of years therein to come as in and by the said last recited indenture more // plainly and at large appears. And also excepting one other lease dated the thirtieth day of February in the five and // fortieth year [1603] of the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth deceased wherein the said Anthony Lord Viscount MONTAGUE // party to this [?] demised and farm let unto the said Richard AMYE all the [?] [?] and farm of // The said manor of Wanborough in the said of Surrey with all houses barns stables gardens orchards and // Buildings unto the same belonging. And all the demesne lands meadows pastures feedings and commons with their appurtenances // There upon late built together with all manner the tithes and tenths of corn and grain and other tithes whatsoever // Issuing growing and [?] of the demesne lands aforesaid together with the yearly profits of a fair there particularly // Kept on the feast day of St Bartholomew the apostle yearly. And also the herbage and [?] of all those woodlands// And woody grounds set with great oaks and other woodland parcel of Wanborough Wood adjoining to the Great // Coppice of Wanborough on the West containing by estimation three score acres.
And all that cottage and lands with // the appurtenances called the [gyle oske?] except as in the indenture is excepted and for such term of years therein to // come as in the said last recited indenture is mentioned.
And also excepting one other lease dated the sixth day of // March in the said twentieth year [1578] of the reign of the said late Queen deceased Wherein Anthony // Lord Viscount MONTAGUE grandfather to the said Anthony Lord Viscount MONTAGUE [party?] to [?] did demise // [grant?] and to farm let to Thomas WINSTON [?] to the said Lord Viscount Montague the grandfather and // to Jane his Wife all that the tent or house newly built by him the said Thomas and all that tent called Costens with all houses barns stables and other [?] and buildings on the same and all outhouses gardens lands meadows // pastures feedings commons woods underwoods with all and singular the appurtenances to the same belonging.
And all those lands meadows pastures and [?] [?] [?] containing by estimation ten acres and one piece of land called // Fuiesbuyy containing by estimation one rood of land lying in Wanborough aforesaid.
And also two parts of waste ground // taken out of the common called Flexworth one of them containing in length on the south side sixteen perch and in breadth at the West end three perch and at the East end one perch and the other piece containing in length eight // perch and in breadth twenty foot.
And one other parcel of land taken out of the common to build a [barn?] upon // containing by estimation one acre together with a pond [?] by the Thomas on the Waste or Common of // Wanborough aforesaid except as in the said indenture is excepted.
And also excepting one other lease dated the Sixth day of March in the said twentieth year [1578] of the reign of the said late Queen deceased Wherein the said // Lord Viscount MONTAGUE grandfather to the [? Lord Viscount MONTAGUE [party?] to [?] did demise // [grant?] and to sign let to said Thomas WINSTON All that his parcel of ground and pit called [?balls] Pitt // Containing by estimation four acres lying and being in the premises of Wanborough and Compton and also one acre //
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[Image 12.30.16]
Of woodland lying on the north side of a coppice called Horseinhams? [Grove?] and parcel of the said coppice for // such term of years therein to come in and by the said last recited indenture more plainly and at large // appears. And also excepting one other lease dated the thirtieth day of [May?] in the fifth year [1608] of the kings [?] // reign that now is wherein the said Lord Viscount MONTAGUE party to this [?] hereby demises grants // and to farm let unto [?] WOODDRUFFE of Poyle in the County of Surrey Esquire all that land wood and // wood ground called or known by the name of Inwood lying and being in the towns or parishes of Ash Wicke Wanborough and Seale in the said County of Surrey except as in the said Indenture is excepted // and for such term of years therein to come as in and by the said last recited indenture more plainly and at large // appears. And also excepting all rents and arrears of rents due to the said Lord Viscount Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD // Sir Robert DORMER and Sir John DORMER or any of them for any the lands tent or hereditaments herein before // granted at any time before and until and a the feast of St Michael the Archangel now last past with // full power and authority by all lawful ways and means to be used by the said Lord Viscount, Sir Francis // ENGLEFIELD, Sir Robert DORMER and Sir John DORMER and every of them to [?] the said rent and arrears thereof // if any be. And the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD for him his heirs executors administrators and assigns and // for every of them doth further [?] [?] and grant to and with the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns // and to and with every of them by this [?] that he the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD his heirs and assigns and every of them and all and every other person and persons and their heirs now having or lawfully claiming // or which at any time hereafter [?] or any [?] or lawfully challenge [?] or claim any lawful // or rightful title or interest out of inn or to the said manor rectory messuages lands tents and hereditaments // or any other the before bargained premises or out of in or to any part or parcel of hem by from or under him // the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD his heirs or assigns or any of them except only such person and persons as do // or shall lawfully claim by or under the several [?] before mentioned to be excepted and that only for the // said estate so excepted at all times hereafter and from time to time for by and during the space of three // years next ensuing the date of this [?] at and upon the reasonable request and at the charge and cost in the // law of the said John MURRAY or of his heirs and assigns shall and will do make knowledge execute and [?] // or cause to be done make knowledge executes and suffers all and every other further lawful and reasonable act and acts, thing and things, devise and devises, assurance and conveyance in the law whatsoever for the further better// and more perfect assurance [?] [?] making and conveying of the said manor rectory messuage lands tents and // hereditaments and all and singular other the premises before by this [?] bargained and sold or herein or hereby // intended meant or mentioned to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel of them unto the said // John MURRAY his heirs and assigns to the only [?] use and behoof of him the said John MURRAY his heirs and // assigns for ever be it by some feosment [?] with double or single voucher or vouchers deed or deeds enrolled // the [?] of this [?] release confirmation with [?] against him the said Sir Francis ENGLEFIELD and his heirs and all and every other person and persons lawfully claiming or which shall or may lawfully challenge or claim by or under him them or any of them or by such other lawful [?] and [?] //
…. And hereditaments and all and singular //
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[Image 12.32.33]
Other the premises before by this [?] bargained and sold or herein or hereby intended meant or mentioned to be // bargained and sold and every part and parcel of them unto the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns to the // only purpose and behoof of hum the said John MURRAY his heirs and assigns fr ever be it by some feofinent // [?] with double or single voucher or vouchers deed or deeds enrolled the [?] of this [?] //
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