PROB 11/545/273 :
Will of William Lickfold or Luffold, Yeoman of Horsham, Sussex
Will Proved : 08 April 1715
Memorandum that I William LICKFOLD of Horsham in the county of Sussex Yeoman being aged and infirm in body but through the Lords mercy of sound and well disposed mind and memory do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is o say first and principally I commend my soul into the sands of the Lord who gave it and my body to be decently buried amongst my friends called Quakers, and as touching such temporal estate whereof I am or shall be possessed at the time of my decease I give devise and dispose of the same as followeth.
Imprimus. I give devised and bequeath to my Kinsman James EADE of Horsham aforesaid Gent. All that my messuage or tenement situate and being at Horley in the county of Surrey now in the tenure or occupation of Katherine STEDWELL widow together with the barns stables outhouses and land thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.
Also all that my messuage or tenement situate and being at Icfield in the county of Sussex now in the tenure or occupation of John LINVILL together with the barns stables outhouses and land thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.
To have and to hold the said messuages land and premises unto my said kinsman James EADE his heirs and assigns for ever provided nevertheless and on this condition that my said kinsman do and shall pay satisfy and discharge all my lawful debts funeral charges and legacies herein after mentioned and expressed.
Item I give and bequeath to my four kinsmen that is to say Thomas EADE, Robert EADE, William EADE and Henry EADE the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of Great Britain a piece
and to my three kinswomen vizt Sarah BENNETT, Jane HENDEN, and the widow GOCOCK? Late of Icfield the sum of five pounds a piece of like lawful money.
Item I give and bequeath to my five kinswomen vizt Joan SNELLING, Elizabeth WHITE, Ann HURST, Jane WHEELER and Hannah BILLINGHURST the sum of five pounds a piece.
Item I give and bequeath to my kinsmen John BILLINGHURST, and William BILLINGHURST fifty shillings each.
Item I give and bequeath to my kinswomen Joan PURLATSY widow and to her maiden daughter the sum of five pounds apiece.
Item I give and bequeath to Ann HAMPTON the sum of twenty pounds.
Item I give and bequeath to my kinsman James YATES and his daughter Elizabeth YATES twenty shillings a piece and to my kinswoman Mary YATES twenty shillings.
Item I give and bequeath to my kinswomen Martha FALLOWS and her seven children twenty shillings a piece.
Item I give to my friend Aaron ALLRIGHT twenty shillings.
Item I give to my Kinsman William HARDING forty shillings.
Item I give to my kinsmen Benjamin TRIGG five pounds per annum during his life.
Item I give to my kinsman Richard SMITH the sum of six pounds and to his five children twenty shillings a piece. Item I give to my friends John LINVILL and Thomas HUMPHREYS the sum of pounds in trust for the use of the poor belonging to the monthly meeting of the
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People called Quakers at Horsham in Sussex aforesaid to be disposed of as the said meeting shall think fit.
Item I give to my said friends John LINVILL and Thomas HUMPHREYS the sum of four pounds to be by them distributed amongst my poor friends belonging to Cafield and Woobleston [Worplesstone?] meetings in Surrey.
Item I give to the poor of the parish of Seale and Tongham in the county of Surrey where I was born the sum of twenty shillings and further my mind and will is that and every the legacies hereinbefore mentioned shall be paid with eighteen months next after my decease.
Item I give and devise and bequeath to my kinswoman Jane UPFOLD of Bishops Stortford in the county of Hertford spinster the sum of three hundred pounds and twelve pounds sterling money owing to me upon a mortgage and from several persons (now resident) in the province of Pennsylvania in America upon their respective Bonds together with all the interest that shall at the time of my decease be due there upon or shall hereafter arise and grow and grow due upon the same together with all the writings and evidences thereunto relating now are in the hands of Isaac NORRIS merchant at Philadelphia in the said province of Pennsylvania. Upon this condition nevertheless and in special trust and confidence that my said kinswoman the said Jane UPFOLD do and shall pay or cause to be paid to my kinsman Abraham UPFOLD ten pounds; and to my kinswoman Joan HASWELL widow her sister the sum of fifty pounds. Item I give and bequeath to my kinsman James EADE before named all the surplus of my estate and goods and chattels whatsoever. Moreover I make and ordain my said kinsman James EADE and my kinswoman Jane UPFOLD before named joint executors of this my Last Will and Testament.
And I appoint my trusty and loving friends Nathaniel OWEN, Richard HAYLER, William WRAGG, and William WALTER overseers of the same to each of whom I give the sum of twenty shillings a piece desiring them to assist my said executors in the due performance of this my last Will and Testament according to my true intent and meaning.
And in case my said overseers are at any charge therein then I will the same to be paid and defrayed out of my estate.
Lastly, I do hereby revoke annul and make void all and every other Will or Wills Testaments Legacies and bequests ratifying and confirming this and no other to be and stand as and for my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of Paper (to each of which I have subscribed my name) I the said William LICKFOLD have set my hand and seal this 28th day of the month called February in the tenth year of the reign of Queen Ann over Great Britain AD 1711. William LICKFOLD. Signed sealed and published pronounced and declared by the said William LICKFOLD the testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed the same as witnesses in the presence of the said testator
Richard THISLEWAITE, George CHALKLEY Junior Edward WEST.
Notes from “Some Records of the Early Friends In Surrey and Sussex – Thomas W MARSH”
Page 5 – Nathaniel OWEN from Limpsfield.
Page130 – Nathaniel OWEN – minister, London merchant. Died 1724.
National Archives
C 9/467/130 Short title: Sleddall v Lickfold. Plaintiffs: Katherine Sleddall. Document type: bill only. Date: 1708
C 11/2643/13 Short title: Hurst v Stedall. Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Richard Hurst, carpenter of Elstead, Surrey and Anne Hurst his wife, James Wheeler, husbandman of Thursley, Surrey and Jane Wheeler his wife and Anne Hampton, spinster of Cattishall, Godalming, Surrey. Defendants: Henry Stedall, yeoman of Crowhurst, Surrey, James Ede, Jane Upfold and Catherine Stedwell. Date of bill (or first document): 1716
C 7/319/36 Short title: Stedall v Lickfold. Plaintiffs: Katherine Stedall and Henry Stedall. Defendants: William Lickfold. Place or subject: property in Horley, Surrey. Document type: answer only Date: 1709
Willi of Nathaniel OWN of Reigate – sons Jeremiah, Thomas (1699 Coulsdon) and Cornelius OWEN (1702 born Reigate). Daughters Philotetia (born Coulsdon 1697) and Frances OWEN (born Coulsdon 1697) .
Other Notes
William LICKFOLD was baptised at Seale Surrey on 3 Jan 1643, son of William and Joane (BILLINGHURST LICKFELD. His parents were married at Seale on 10 Oct 1641.
William Married Jean POULSDON a widow, in a quaker ceremony 16 Jul 1678.
Cornelius OWEN City Admission papers 1718 to Jeremiah OWEN
William WRAGG was a witness to Nathaniel OWEN’s Will proved in 1724.
Elizabeth OWEN dau Nathaniel 1694 Coulsdon
John OWEN dau Nathaniel 1693 Coulson
Nathaniel OWEN son Nathaniel 1692 Coulson
Ann OWEN dau Nathaniel 1677 Coulson
Burial Quakers at Croydon William WRAGG aged 79 in 1737 (born circa 1648)