Dated 1727
The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Reference – PROB 11/617 Sig 224 1727 Oct HERTS
I Mary BERNERS heretofore of Much Hadham in the County of Hertford, spinster do this twenty and seventh day of July one thousand seven hundred and twenty seven make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in writing in manner following that is to say I commend my Soul into the hands of the Almighty and my body to be decently but privately buried among my ancestors at Hadham aforesaid in such manner as my most worthy cousin Abigail EDWIN whom I make my executrix and who I earnestly [invite?] to take on her the trouble here of shall think fit for the doing whereof. I allow my Executrix the sum of 50 pounds and I will that she shall not be accountable to any one for the manner of disposing of it.
I next to my funeral will and desire that my debts of what kind so ever the same be may be forth with paid and then that my said Cousin EDWIN accept of thirty guineas to buy her a ring or what else she thinks fit as a Token of my Esteem.
I remit to my Sister DENNY whatever is due to her from me and I give her my wearing apparel and ten guineas to buy her a ring or what else she thinks fit.
I give to my Nephew William BERNERS my pictures that I have of my relatives and I give all my cross stitch work for furniture with all the materials thereunto belonging and a quilt and four pillows and my many loose flowers for hangings all of Chain Stitch work together with a Cedar Chest to keep the stitch work in Chest and works therein deposited I desire may be lodged for him with the Lady BENDISH till he comes to the age of twenty one years and then delivered him but he died before he comes to the age of twenty one years then I give them to my Nephew Henry BERNERS at his age of twenty one years and if he dies before the age of twenty one years then I give them to my Nephew William DENNY for his use forever.
I give to my Nephew Henry BERNERS thirty guineas to buy him a watch or what else he likes best when attains the age of eighteen.
I give to my Cousin Abigail LOCKEY the daughter of my Cousin EDWIN my loop and [brtifsey o’laced fead?] Double Ruffles and handkerchief.
I give to my good friend Mrs Elizabeth OTWAY all my [flowerwork?]
I give to her son Mr Hanlop OTWAY the principal sum of four hundred pounds [Southern?] Annunties which I have in the name of his brother Mr Richard OTWAY to be transferred to him at the age of twenty one years but if he dies before he attained the age of twenty one years I then Will [?] the dividend arising thereon and the said principal sum I will to my Nephew DENITY and to his executors and assigns.
I give my said Nephew DENNY all my household goods and furniture not before disposed of and I give him all my jewels [viz?] a pearl necklace of one row and a short string of the same sized pearl belonging to it a pair of diamond ear rings with diamond [Dropo?] to thein three and twenty diamonds set in Single Coffets and now strung on Silver Royer six Silver guilt Era spoons two lazar Silver Medals to be delivered him when he attains the age of twenty five years or marries the which first happens.
All the rest of Estate and Effects I give to my Cousin Abigail EDWIN to answer and pay herself all such Costs Charges and Expenses as she shall be put unto for or by reason of this my Will or of any thing therein contained and then after in Trust that she will lay out as much of my said Effects as she shall think reasonable to service by all possible means ten pounds a year to be paid quarterly or as often as she thinks fit to find my Brother James wearing apparel for his life and then after to apply the residue to the use and benefit of my said Nephew DENNY [or who?] he shall appoint after he attains his age of twenty one years or marriage and the earliest or proceed there of in the mean [?] he my said Nephew first in satisfying my said Cousin EDWIN from and against all Costs and Damages she may suffer or be put unto by [waby?] of this my Will in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of July 1727. Mary BERNERS signed sealed published and declared by the Testatrix as and for her last Will in the presence of Tho. VAUGHAN, Wm. VAUGHAN
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