

A First World War Prisoner of War camp for mainly British civilians.
Records in The National Archives

Records held by The National Archives, Kew, are mainly Foreign Office records but include Colonial Office, Treasury and Ministry of Transport records TNA Catalogue search for Ruhleben

The National Archives holds three complete directories of British civilian Prisoners of War at Ruhleben and an incomplete collection of “camp lists” providing weekly lists of changes. These are described on the home page of this website.

CAB 24/63 (Available free online at the National Archives website) refers to the case of Sir John IRVINE a prisoner at Ruhleben was transferred to Havelberg camp, which is described as “a very bad camp used mainly for criminals.” . The British Government threatened to send two (prominent) Germans from Alexandra Palace to Knockaloe unless Sir John IRVINE was returned within 4 weeks to Ruhleben. This was done the day before the 4 weeks elapsed. (See also FO 383/319FO 383/422FO 383/433)).  The document also refers to the cases of Lambert and Balfour held at Ruhleben and of Captain Blaikie of the ship “Caledonia”.


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