This page contains additional information on The National Archives file MT 85/380.
This piece is a large bound volume approximately A4 in size.
The MT 85 consists of registers of Marine Division correspondence between 1851 and 1919. They take the form of press copies of entries, giving brief details of correspondents, date and contents of letters and the registered number of each paper.
Subject indexes of the correspondence are contained in MT 86
MT 85/386 is arranged in Board of Trade “M” folder sequential number order. Each number therefore corresponds to a “M” folder of correspondence on a particular theme. The original folders can be found in the MT 9 series usually bundled with folders relating to the same topic.
MT 85/386 covers items from 27501 – 30000 in 1916.
Entries Related to Prisoners of War
BT Reference | File date | Description |
M27648 | 19/10/1916 | War Office – “Astrum Spey” Forwarding particulars of prisoners interned in Germany. |
M27875 1916 | 21/10/1916 | Admiralty – Forwarding information re death of civilian members of crew of “Assiout” and “City of Khios”. Copy of Letter to Sir A HILL attached. |
M27937 1916 | 21/10/1916 | Grimsby – SS “Fuschia” ? as to whether crew are prisoners of war in Germany. Enquiry form attached. |
M27984 1916 | 23/10/1916 | Hull Supt. – “Thurso” Reports that letters have reached Hull from Master and Chief Engineer who are interned in Germany.(Item preserved in MT 9/1249) |
M27997 1916 | 23/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Copy note to US Ambassador relating to whereabouts of Capt Wood, Chief Engineer B Wilson of “Thurso”Previous Paper 60-27984. (Item preserved in MT 9/1249) |
M28004 1916 | 23/10/1916 | Foreign Office – David PUDDING and George PEACOCK ex “Horus” and James KAVANAGH ex “Soli”. Question whether German Government can be pressed to rlease these men referred to War Office. |
M28059 1916 | 20/10/1916 | Copy note from US Ambassador relative to proposed exchanage of civilian prisoners over 45 years |
M28066 1916 | 23/10/1916 | N ARCHER Hull – “Bella” Forwarding cutting from the Daily News and header from what it appears .. was .. and crew are interned in Germany. |
M28078 1916 | 23/10/1916 | Bell Bros & Co Glasgow – British Seamen Prisoners of war in Germany “Bellailsa”. Corrections to List. |
M28135 1916 | 24/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Copy note from US Ambassador with enclosure re whereabouts and welfare of HARTWELL Chief Officer of “SS Brussels“ |
M28143 1916 | 24/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Copy of reports of inspections of internment camps at Brandenburg. |
M28144 1916 | 24/10/1916 | Forward copy letter from International Committee of the Red Cross Geneva re British Merchant Officers interned in Austria. |
M28207 | 24/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Stating that it appeas from a report by US Offical in the prisoner of war camp at Saltau Celle Germany that Capt ALLISON of the “Goldmouth” is interned there. |
M28341 1916 | 25/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Forwarding list of British Prisoners of War interned at Ruhleben. |
M28376 1916 | 25/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Copy despatch from US Ambassdaor Washington re suggested intervention by British .. .. at Rensacola in the case of British Strathearn now pending before local court. |
M28377 1916 | 25/10/1916 | Foreign Office – Copy letter to War Office re release of British civilians over forty five years of age interned in Germany. |
M28593 1916 | 27/10/1916 | Forwarding copies of list issued by .. of Merchant seamen seamen and Fishermen detained as Prisoners of War in Germany and Austria Hungrary and Turkey. |
M28920 1916 | 28/10/1916 | War Office – Certificates of death received through Geneva Red Cross Assn of John BOYD and Edward LEAHRY of “Assiout” and “City of Khios” respectively. |
More entries to follow.