Will of John Bignold (-1658)

National Archives PROB11/283

In the name of God amen. The two and twentieth day of March in the year of Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and seven [1657] I John BIGNOLD citizen and [?] in London being sick and weak in body but in sound and perfect mind and memory praised be Almighty God [?] the same to make and declare this my  Last Will and Testament in manner and form following first and form following first and principally I commend my soul and spirt into the hand of Almighty God my creator [?] and assuredly Believing that through the death and merits of his [?] Jesus Christ my atone saviour and redeemer. I shall have everlasting life my body I commit to the earth until the time of its joyful resurrection to be decently buried as near unto my late deceased father in the parish Shere in the County of Surrey as maybe according to the direction of my Executor hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of such worldly goods and estate it hath pleased Almighty God out of his [?] mercy and loving kindness to tend and bestow upon me. I give devise and bequeath the same as followeth (vizt) First I will that all such debts as I shall really owe at the time of my decease shall be truly paid and satisfied with all convenient speed.

Item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the said parish of Shere in the County of Surrey where I was born, the sum of ten pounds to be paid into the hands of the churchwardens and overseers of the said parish for the time being within two months next after my decease to be by them distributed to such poor of the said parish and by such propositions as they the said church wardens and overseers shall from time to time think fit.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Brother William BIGNOLD the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England and to his daughter Grace BIGNOLD my God daughter the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful money and to my said Brother William’s three children (vitz) Joane BIGNOLD James BIGNOLD and Elizabeth BIGNOLD the sum of ten pounds a piece of like lawful money of England to be paid unto them at their accomplishment of the respective ages of one and twenty years or days of marriage which shall first happen and in case any of them shall die under the age and before marriage as a aforesaid. Then my will and mind is that the part portion and legacy of him her or them so dying under age shall belong and appertain unto to survivor or survivors of them part and part alike.

Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Grace NORTH the sum of ten pounds of lawful English money to be paid into her own hands and her receipt for the same shall be my executor’s full discharge and to her daughter Grace NORTH the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful English money to be paid into her own hands at the accomplishment of the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage which shall first happen.

Item I have and bequeath unto my said sister NORTH’s five sons (Vizt) John NORTH, Thomas NORTH, James NORTH, William NORTH and Joseph NORTH. The sum of ten pounds a piece. And I desire and appoint my executor hereafter named to improve the same to the best advantage for the said children and that the interest and improvement thereof shall be expended towards their maintenance and education until they come to fit years to be put apprentice and then my will is that the sad ten pounds so given to each of them as aforesaid shall be expended and laid out for their advancement in pulling forth to apprentice. Â

Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Joane ROSE the sum of forty pounds to be paid into her own hands and her receipt for the same shall be my executor’s

Discharge and to my said sister Joane daughter Grace SLAWKER? The sum of twenty pounds to be into her own hands at the accomplishment of the age of sixteen years. Also I give unto the said Grace SLAWKER my East India Cabinet which I desire may be delivered to her immediately after my decease.

Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Margaret BIGNOLD the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her own hands and her receipt for the same shall be my executors full discharge although she happen to marry in the meantime. Also I give to my said sister Margaret all such beds bedsteads sheets blankets coverlets and all other household stuff whatsoever as I shall have a the time of my decease.

Item I give unto my sister Redforce the sum of five pounds to be paid into her own hands and her receipt for the same shall be my executors discharge.

Item. I have unto my brother Edward BIGNOLD the sum of ten shillings.

Item I give and bequeath unto my namesake John BIGNOLD son of my brother James BIGNOLD the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England and unto James BIGNOLD eldest some of my said brother James BIGNOLD the sum of one hundred pounds of the like lawful money of England.

Item I gibe and bequeath unto Joane BIGNOLD daughter of my said brother James BIGNOLD the sum of twenty pounds of like money.

Item and bequeath unto my loving friends John MOORE of Mabbing in the County of Surrey Gentleman and John CLIFTON of Worplesdon in the said County of Surrey Gentleman the sum of ten shillings a piece to buy them rings  All the rest and residue of my goods chattels debts monies and other estate whatsoever or yet by this my Will disposed of I give and bequeath unto my said brother James BIGNOLD he first paying my debts, legacies and funeral expenses out of my whole estate. And I make and ordain him my said brother James BIGNOLD sole executor of this my last will and testament and desire and appoint my said two friends John MOORE and John CLIFTON to be overseers of this my said last Will and Testament who I doubt not will be very careful to see the same duly executed and performed. In witness whereof to this my last Will and Testament contained in the two preceding sheets and in this present sheet of written paper I the said John BIGNOLD have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. John BIGNOLD signed sealed published and declared by the said testator on the day of the date to be his last Will and Testament I the presence of us Theodore SOLE, S ROWE, [?] Elizabeth FREELAND her mark.

 This Will was proved at London the thirteenth day of the month of November. In the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fifty and eight [1658] before the judges for probate of Wills and granting administration lawfully authorised by the oath and in the name of James BIGNOLD the brother and sole and only executor named in the above Will of the deceased To whom administration of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased was granted and committed he being first legally sworn truly and saith fully to administer the same.


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