
National Archives file C10/13/55

Partial Transcript 10%


In all humble manner complaining showeth unto your good Lordships your Orator Robert HARLOW of St Giles in the county of Essex Gent, George DANVERS of London Dyer and Elizabeth his wife and Mary //

HARLOW of London Spinster. Which said Robert HARLOW, Elizabeth DANVERS and Mary HARLOW were three of the children of Pedaell HARLOW late of Grays Inn in the County of Middlesex Esquire deceased //

By Mary the first wife of the said Pedaell. That whereas Robert HARLOW Esquire father of the said Pedaell and Grandfather to your Orators Robert, Elizabeth and Mary in his life time made his last Will //

And testament in writing bearing date the four and twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and twenty five [1625] and by his said last Will and Testament amongst other //

Legacies therein by him bequeathed, did give and devise to your Oratrix Elizabeth by the name of Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the said Pedaell

Annuities of ten pounds per annum during her life. And did also thereby devise and bequeath that the rent thereof arising should be yearly kept either for the enlargement

Stock for her till she the said Oratrix should come to the age of one and twenty years or the day of her marriage. And after he the said Robert HARLOW the said [?]

Testament give and bequeath to your Oratrix Mary HARLOW the sum of hundred pounds to buy her an annuity of ten pounds per annum, during life. And

Be [?] either for the enjoying of her said minority or else towards a stock for her the said Oratrix until she should come to the age of one and twenty

The said Robert HARLOW by the said Will did devise further devise and bequeath that if the said Pedaell HARLOW should have a second son (he the said Pedaell Harlow

HARLOW deceased and [deleted text] then he gave to the said son of the said Pedaell the sum of one

Of about ten pounds per annum during his life to bring him up to the study and practice in the Law [?] that the rent thereof should be kept either for the enlarging of

Stock for him until he should come to the age of one and twenty years or the day of his marriage. And the said Robert HARLOW the grandfather did further by his said Will

Bequeath that the sum of one hundred pounds should be bestowed in silver and gilt plate to be marked with these [?] R E P W And that

Thereof during his life and after the decease that the said William his son should have use thereof and that [?] the same should go from heir Male

Pedaell for ever [?] of the said Last Will and testament he the said Robert HARLOW made the said Pedaell HARLOW his sole and only executor

Robert HARLOW the grandfather relation being there unto had it [doth?] and may more fully and at large appear. And the said Robert HARLOW

Testament died possessed of and interested in a very good personal estate sufficient to pay all his debts and to perform his said Last Will and Testament

Whose decease the said Pedaell HARLOW [accepted?] of the said executorship [?] the said

Of the said annuity according to the expressed direction and appointment of the said

Hundred pounds for plate according to the said Will but kept the said whole estate in

They the said George and Elizabeth did inter marry about thirteen years since and

[….]  and profit thereof to the said Orator George DANVERS and Elizabeth

[…] by the said Pedaell HRLOW and that since the death of the said

[?] about the first of December last past and set? The said [?] and the

According to the said Will. And the said Oratrix Mary HARLOW showeth unto your good Lordships


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