Will of Richard BRADFOLD (-1665)
London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, Clerkenwell, London, England; Reference Number: DW/PA/5/1665; Will Number: 5
[?] that this eight and twentieth day of August in the sixteen the year of this reign of our most gracious sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faith AS 1664. Richard BRADFOLD of Wanbarrow in the County of Surrey Yeoman being then of perfect mind and memory did his last Will and Testament nuncupative in these words to the like effect following vizt First I give unto my sister MUSSELL’s children four score pounds to be divided between them and I give to my sister Joanne BRADFOLD one hundred pounds of lawful English money. And I give to my brother Henry BRADFOLD two hundred pounds and all my [?] my ridding mare, [bridle?] saddle, my boots all my [?] apparel. And to my brother [Omurkley?]’s children the sum of fourscore pounds between them. I give to Robert HARRIS four pounds and to Henry HARRYS forty shillings. And to every one of any household servants I give ten shillings a piece. And to my Brother Thomas BRADFOLD I five shillings. And I make Anne my wife sole executrix of my Will and give her all my goods and chattels after payment of debts and legacies. And I desire all my legacies may be paid within one year of my decease.
[Proved by Anne BRADFOLD widow executrix October 1664]
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