
National Archives File PROB18/29/11

24th May 1707

[Intro in Latin then]

In the Name of God Amen. Daniel COLWALL of the Priory in or near Guildford in the County  of Surrey Esquire […] (and in the fifth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the grace of God Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith […] Whereas I the within named Daniel COLWALL […] In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of April AD 1707 [….] that Daniel COLWALL Esquire the testator in the cause deceased [?] and having an intent and purpose to make his will to settle and dispose of his estate did give directions and instructions for the making and writing of his Last Will and Testament now exhibited and pleaded in this cause on the said Susannah ONSLOW’s behalf and after the said Will

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Was reduced into writing the same was audibly and distinctly read over by the said testator who well understood the same and well liked and approved thereof and he did therein nominate and appoint the said Susannah ONSLOW his mother to be his sole Executrix and did give will and bequeath in all particular as is therein contained and the said testator in testimony of his good liking and approbation of the said will did on or about the 10th day of February 1706 being the day of the date thereof set his name and seal thereto and did publish and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of the testamentary witnesses thereto subscribed who at his request and in his presence then set and subscribed their names as witnessed thereto in manner and form as now appears thereon and at all and singular the premises the said testator was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding [….]

2) Item that the said Daniel COLWALL the testator aforesaid died after the execution of his Last Will and Testament s in the precedent [?] is mentioned having an intent and purpose to make four alterations therein did give directions and instructions for his making and writing of the Codicil endorsed or wrote on the back of his said Will and after the said Codicil was so made or wrote the same was audibly and distinctly read over to or by the said testator who well understood the same and well liked and approved thereof and the said testator in testimony of his good liking and approbation of the said Codicil did on or about the 16th day of April 1707 being the day of the date thereof set his name and

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seal thereto and did publish and declare the same as a Codicil or part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of the witnesses thereto subscribed who at his request and in his presence then set and subscribed their names as witnessed thereto in manner and form as now appears thereon and at all and singular the premises the said testator was of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding […]


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