
National Archives File C10/156/46

[Partial Transcript 5% complete]

January 1670

Humbly complaining shows unto your Lordships, your Lordships’s daily orators Jeremy ELWES of London Esquire Thomas BROSTOCK of London Gentlemen and John HARLOW of St Oysth in [?] //

Gentleman, That whereas William STYDOLFE of Headley in the County of Surrey Esquire deceased was heretofore lawfully seized in the demesue  of fee of and in the manner   [?] //

and hereditaments [hereafter?] [?] and understanding that John STYDOLFE the eldest son and heir apparent since deceased was [?] said William STYDOLFE  [?] //

settle the said manor and premises upon certain

six hundred fify [?] and release there upon dates dated

convey and assign to your Orator and one John

of Wittering. And all other the many
? als ? Lacy with their appurtences

and hereditaments situate lying and being in

the Church of Hadley als Hadlieigh aforesaid

to have and to hold the said manor

and behoof of the said William STYDOLFE

and behoof of Mary then wife of the said

Charge in the said Indentures [?] And

[?] upon trust that your Orator and the

and Mary his wife should receive the rents

John STYDOLFE the son and of Ann

[?] of one thousand pounds to be liad out in purchasing of the lands

trust long since determined . And that your Orator

STYDOLFE second son of the said William STYDOLFE

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