Will of Robert Harlowe (-1626)

Will of Robert Harlowe

National Archives Reference PROB 11/148/533

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Harlowe Esquire for the body of our late Sovereign Lord King James being sick in body and yet in in memory (praise be unto God) make this my Last Will and Testament as followeth.

First O commit my soul unto my Lord God eternal immortal invisible [in?] incomprehensible insubstance and three in [?] father son and holy ghost who by his Almighty power and wisdom hath only created heaven and earth and all things in them contained but also by his providence upholdeth

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Goveneth and preserveth the same. I believe that Jesus Christ is my online saviour who be equal with God his father became man without limit to [?] me together with the will of God [?] of his mercy and grace to forgiveness of my sins and eternal life for through Adams fall and my own actual sins I became the child of perdition and there was not means to deliver me from eternal death and condemnation but only Jesus Christ who being himself the son of God by nature made me through faith the child of God by adoption he was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the virgin Marry according to the flesh and through the tyranny of the [?] and people he was guilty and was [?] condemned under Pontus Pilate he being himself body of all sin and free from all offence but it is pleased him to come into the world to live and die for us [?] sinners and so taking upon him the punishment of my sins he hath delivered me from the curse of the same being made a curse for me had he [?] only God he could not have felt death neither being only man could he have overcome death but being God and man both his deity and humanity being [?] together in one person he was able to suffer death in his flesh and to overcome it by his spirit and thus to purge me from my sins he of his free mercy offered up himself an acceptable sacrifice for me the which death of his albeit sufficiently reconciled me unto God yet the scriptures to attribute the evidence and testimony of my inspiration unto his resurrection for as by his death my sins are taken a [?] [?] his righteous is manifested assured unto me by his [?] that he is ascended into heaven by the power of his Sprit I do [?] the believe being most assured of his [?] to God the father for me and he being in heaven as [?] personal purchase where the father hath set him at his right hand committing to him as well all in heaven above as in earth beneath when all are fulfilled he will come in a moment in the [twinkling?] of an eye and with the voice of the Archangel and with the [?] [?] of God in the bible form in which he ascended with an unspeakable  majesty and none shall escape his judgement.

I believe in the Holy Ghost God equal with the father and the son who [?] and sanctified me [?] and keepeth me in his [?] [?] me assured that I am the Child of God and hence of everlasting life through the only merits of Jesus Christ by a saving faith and to this most holy most blessed and undivided trinity.

I give most humble and hearty thanks giving unto God [?] the glory and honour of all those many and sundry good things temporal and spiritual whereof I have been [?] in all my life ascribing them all unto his mercy and goodness unto me humbly beseeching his divine majesty to continue his goodness unto me not weighing my merits but pardoning my offences and when my soul is departed from my body unto God that gave it I will that my body be tapped in lead and be put in a coffin and buried in the Channel of the Church of Lambeth there to rest until the general due resurrection of the coming our saviour Jesus Christ unto Judgment at which time. I do further believe that my body being then joined with my soul shall by the power of God rise again incorruptible and be changed and put on immortally. And I being one of elect of God that die in Jesus Christ I? shall caught up also with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the [?] and receive blessed presence of eternal life and so shall I with them ever be with the Lord. I further acknowledge (Lord) that in me of myself there is not any goodness nor any sufficiency so much as to think one good thought well therefore I humbly beech thee to assure me with the holy spirit in the hour of death against death [Satan? ] [?] to believe [?] and heavenly promises my reconciliation [?] my salvation in the only merits of Jesus Christ which is the [?] of my faith that I waver not through unbelief for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and the tongue man confess unto salvation, I    believe Lord helps my unbelief. Amen.

And for my worldly goods which God of his goodness hath lent me,, I bestow them as followeth vizt.

Imprimus. I give one hundred pounds to my eldest son Pedaell to purchase six pounds yearly in fee simple to be assigned to the Church ministers and churchwardens of the parish of Lambeth to for such uses as in herein

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Herein declared, that is to say

I give thirteen shillings four pence thereof yearly forever towards the repair of the Channel of the said Church of Lambeth so long as my bones be not thrown or taken up again.

Item I give twenty shillings thereof quarterly forever to twenty poor men and women of the said parish of Lambeth to take one of them twelve pence apiece but six pence in money and six in bread.

Item I give twenty six shillings eight pence thereof yearly to the minister of the same parish in succession forever that is six shillings eight pence a quarter to preach one sermon on the Friday morning after every quarter date forever to induce those poor people in the doctrine of faith and repentance and if any the said poor shall be absent from any of the aforesaid sermons without reasonable cause to be allowed of them my will is that they so absenting shall have no part of this my gift so often as they or any of them forbear or absent their coming and they that so come to be paid before their departure thence in manner as a foresaid and if the minister do forbear the preaching of the said sermon by himself or some other minister qualified in manner as a aforesaid then I will that six shillings eight pence for ever time so forborn be denied from him and them out of the said twenty six shillings eight pence and given to the said poor from time to time. And I also further will that the minister and churchwardens of the said parish for the time being for ever and eldest son Pedaell during his life shall have nominated and choose of the said poor men and women and I will that my said son being my executor shall so soon as may be purchased the said six pounds and to make it [?] to the use aforesaid according to the same and my desire. And I also give six pounds yearly to the use above named until he do perform the same.

Item I will that Elizabeth my dear wife shall have my house from Mr Bettingson during her life paying the rent thereof with all the household stuff during her life and after her decease to my son Pedaell during his life.

Item I give unto Elizabeth my said wife the garden which I have from Mr George Thurloe for diverse years yet to come.

Item I give unto Elizabeth my said wife forty shillings weekly after my decease for her maintenance until her half years rent being three [?] pounds be due and payable unto her next after my decease out of the north side of the manor of Preston which being [?] pounds yearly she is to have during her life and I will that all the evidence concerning the same be delivered unto her.

And whereas I have yet at this time an adventure of six hundred pounds stock in the second joint stock to the East Indies whereof I have already paid unto the treasurer of the East India Company in London as it hath grown due five hundred [forever?] [?] [?] odd pounds.   I give the same with all the right benefit and [?] thereof hereafter remaining unto Pedaell my eldest son. And as to the rest of my adventures in the East India Company from the fourth to the twelfth  are cleared together with the first joint stock except some remainder in the first adventure which is due unto me.

Item I give unto my son Nathaniel the sum of twenty pounds.

Item I give unto my said son Pedaell two bonds of one hundred and fifteen pounds in which John Heather and Richard Monnck [?] bounden unto me and I also give him a bond of one hundred and twenty pounds wherein one Phillip Jacobson Merchant [?] bounden unto me with condition for the payment of [four score?] pounds in such manner as in the said condition thereof is expressed.

I further give unto my said son Pedaell one other bond of three score pounds with condition for payment of forty pounds in such manner as therein is expressed by Mr Bayterfeid Merchant.

Item I give unto my said son Pedaell one rent of twenty pounds yearly which I bought of Mr Isous in my said son’s name during his life.

Item I give to my sister in law Mrs Enry Norman five pounds.

Item I give to my cousin Sarah Mallorie forty shillings

Item I give to [old?] Mr Shepherd [?] Mr Cooper of London without Cripplegate 40s  and Mr Rushbrooke of Northon 50s

Item I give to the poor at Piddington and Hackleton next Preston four pounds to be bestowed on them by the minister and churchwardens there where most needed.

Item I give to the poor at my burial three pounds and to the poor within the liberty of the constable of Cheswell [?] [?] to Finsbury twenty shillings.

Item I give to Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the said Pedaell one hundred pounds to buy her an annuity of ten pounds [per annum?] and during  her

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Life and rent thereof an [?] yearly to be kept [?] either for the enlarging of her annuity or towards a stock for her till she come to the age of one and twenty years or the day of her marriage.

Item I give to Mary the second daughter of the said Pedaell one hundred pounds to buy her likewise an annuity of ten pounds [per annum?] and during her Life and rent thereof [arising?] yearly to be kept either for the enlarging of her annuity or towards a stock for her till she come to the age of one and twenty years or the day of her marriage.

And if it come to pass hereafter that my son Pedaell shall have a second son I give unto him one hundred pounds to buy him an annuity of ten pounds [per annum?] and during his Life to sundry and [?] the law and I will that the rent thereof arising yearly to be kept either for the enlarging of him annuity or towards a stock for him till he come to the age of one and twenty years or the day of his marriage.

And whereas the said Sir John Hungerford by indenture bearing the date the first day of December in the year aforesaid covenanteth for him and his heirs to pay unto me my heirs and assigns three score pounds yearly in such manner as in the said indenture of [?] sum is submitted and expressed and whereas also at the  of the said Sir John Hungerford I have agreed to sell unto him the said statue of eight hundred pounds and the said defeasance of the said rent and estate he the said Sir John Hungerford paying the sum of four hundred pounds unto me my executors and administrators out the four and twentieth day of this instant [?] and said rent due unto me in the meantime and one yearly rent of fifteen pounds if the life of any person that I shall nominate do so long live.

I do hereby name and appoint that the said fifteen pounds yearly shall be made and assured unto my executors and assigns for the said four score years if Samuel my son shall so long live and I give the said fifteen pounds per annum unto the said Samuel during the said four score years if he live so long. And my Will and meaning is that my said son Samuel shall not have power or authority to sell or make [?] the said estate and rent or any part thereof contrary to this my Will and if he put in purchase the same to do then I have the same unto  my said son Pedaell my will is that a condition and clause for that purpose shall be put into the assurance for the same from my executors unto the said Samuel and if he said Sir John Hungerford do not perform the said agreement according as he hath undertaken by his deeds of Articles under his hand and seal then I give the said estate rents and assurance which I have from the said Sir John Hungerford in manner as aforesaid unto my son Pedaell his heirs executors and assigns he and they paying fifteen pounds thereof yearly

In [?] of the said gift and bequest unto my said son Samuel during his life and also other fifteen pounds thereof to Mountagu my son during his life to be paid unto them half yearly.

And if my said son Mountagu do not live in the fear of God then I will that he shall have thereof but only ten pounds by the year so long as he lives discover he frequently gambling or evil company of men or women in Mehowsea or elsewhere. And if the said Mountagu shall [?] frequent the company of that woman named Elizabeth Baxter then my will is that he shall have but only six pounds thereof yearly paid him during his life but if the said Sir John Hungerford do perform the same agreement according to the said Articles then my will and meaning is that my said son Pedaell shall purchase or make over for the said Mountagu to be paid him  during his life in such manner as is before expressed the sum and rents of fifteen pounds by the year and more over I will that my said son Pedaell shall pay unto my said son Samuel the sum of five pounds yearly more during his life.

Item I give one hundred pounds [?] [?] in silver and guilt plate to marked with these for letters R E P W and my said son [Pedaell ?] to have the use thereof during his life and after his decease to William his son [?] life and after his decease to the eldest son of the said William and so forever heirs male to another of the body of the said Pedaell for ever.

And whereas I have purchased a lease of Lewis Bowles Esquire by indenture bearing the date the first day of July 1622 for the term of four score years if Nathaniel and Samuel my sons or either of them shall so long  live of restay [?] lands closes and pastures in Norton in the county of Hertford as by the indenture of demise thereof appears for the allowance whereof I have a statue of four hundred pounds from the said Lewis Bowles.

And whereas I have reconveyed back again the said premises unto the said

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Said Lewis Bowles [?] thirty pounds yearly rent during the continuation of the said lease of redemise as by the indenture thereof also further appeareth I give the said leases and the said thirty pounds went unto my said son Nathaniel for and during his natural life so much of the three score pounds given him by his  [uncle?] Mountagu remaining with me to be included for his maintenance in the [study?] and practise of the [?] and if he sake and leave of the [?] and practise of the law before he be a barrister then he to have but only the yearly payment and [?] of fifteen pounds thereof for and during that time and so long as he forbeareth the same [study?] the other fifteen pounds thereof per annum to be to the use of the said Pedaell as aforesaid and from and after the death of the said Nathaniel then to the use of the wife and children of the said Nathaniel thirty pounds to be equalled divided yearly amongst them during the life of the said Samuel but if the said Nathaniel die leaving no wife nor children the said Samuel [?] then fifteen pounds thereof be to the use of the said Samuel and his children to be equally divided amongst them and if Samuel have no children them to himself during his life and the other fifteen pounds and to be to the use of the said Pedaell my son.

And my will is that if the said Lewis Bowles make default in payment of the said half yearly payments then so long as he doth forbear the payment thereof then my said son Pedaell shall pay and allow unto my said son Nathaniel thirty pounds per annum for his maintenance in the study of the Law to be paid him in such manner and upon such conditions as is above expressed and no otherwise and my Will also is that such payments disbursements expenses and charges as the said Pedaell shall so put unto by reason of default of payment by the said Lewis Bowles his heirs executors or assigns or in maintenance or defence of any such suits or troubles that shall arise covering the said estate and rent the same shall be satisfied and discharged and allowed out of the benefit and profit of the said estate rent and premises from time to time.

And whereas the right honourable Edward Lord Dudley hath sold and leased unto me by indenture enrolled bearing date the four and twentieth day of June 1623[1]. All that his park in Dudley called the Conygree containing five hundred acres or there abouts with appurtenances and Lymehill pitts there for the term of four score and nineteen years of Pedaell my son [?] his wife and William their son or any of them so long live as by the said indenture of demise further appeareth the which according to agreements I have by indenture dated the [14th] of February 1624[2] redemised back again unto the said Edward Lord Dudley for such term of years and upon such condition and covenants as are in the said indenture contained with [?] of the rent of one hundred pounds yearly unto me my executors administrators and assigns with a clause of forfeiture and having a [?] of the premises for the non-payment thereof as by the said [?] deed more at large appeareth and for the security of the said first recited lease and estate the said Lord Dudley hath acknowledged unto me a statue of fourteen hundred pounds the said  lease estate and rents I give and dispose as hereafter followeth that is to say unto the said Pedaell for and during his natural life the sum of four score pounds thereof unto his eldest son William for his maintenance and after the death of the said Pedaell I give fifty pounds thereof yearly unto Marie his now wife for and during her widowhood and thirty pounds thereof per annum and more unto the said William during his life and from and after the decease of the said Marie or her second marriage which shall first happen the said Pedaell not then living I give the other fifty pounds [?] unto the said William the which together with the whole interest and estate of the whole premises he is to have during his life provided never the less that [?] lawfully unto the said Pedaell to [?] sell or determine the estate of the said premises as he shall [?] cause he making and assuring the like or better estates unto his said wife and children for and toward their maintenance and livelihood as in manner as in this my Will is expressed and according to the true intent and meaning thereof and no otherwise the said statue and estate to be kept for preserving and maintaining the said rents and former estates.

Item I unto my kinswoman Alice

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Alice Woxley and to her children three score pounds vizt to herself twenty pounds upon demand after my decease and if she be dead before it be due or paid then I give the said twenty pounds under her husband upon like demand.

Item I give the rest as follows to her son Richard twenty marks, to her son Robert twenty marks t her daughter Martha twenty marks and to her daughter Alice other twenty marks to be paid to them upon demand. And if any of them dead before the payment thereof them I give their parts to their husband or wife or children of him or her so deceasing of the said four sons and daughters.

I give unto my cousin Anne Appleby and to her children forty marks to be paid unto the said Anne upon demand and to be equally divided amongst them and my executors to take bond her for performance thereof.

Item I make Pedaell my eldest son my whole executor and do given unto him the rest of all my substance and goods unbequeathed dated the four and twentieth day of January 1625 [?]

In the presence of Christopher [ffabell?] Nathaniel Harlowe, Anne Johnson her mark, Robert Smith, Mary Fowler that at the publication of this Will the viiith and xxth lines of the 5th page were blotted out and the sons in the [?] and [?] lines there were interlined and also the [?] and [?] and [?] lines of the [?] page were also blotted and the interlining in the [?] line and the bloting in the [?] and [?] of the 4th page [?] other places not very material. Robert Smith Mary Fowler.

[Proved in Latin in London by Pedaell Harlowe]

[1] http://blackcountryhistory.org/collections/getrecord/GB145_DE_2_57/

[2] http://blackcountryhistory.org/collections/getrecord/GB145_DE_2_57/

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