Will of Lydia INGHAM (nee HARLOWE)
The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 713.
National Archives
In the name of God amen. I Lydia Ingham of the parish of Saint Botolph Bishopsgate in the City of London and County of Middlesex Widow do make and declare this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made. In the first place being penitent from the bottom of my heart for my sins humbly begging pardon and forgiveness for the same I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping in and through the merits of my saviour Jesus Christ to enjoy everlasting life. And my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my son Anthony and Susannah Bryant whom I appoint executrix and trustee. And for settling of my worldly estate and such goods and chattels as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I hereby give and bequeath to my Nephew Thomas Price ten pounds and my diamond Ring.
Item I give to David Price son of the said Thomas Price ten pounds.
Item I give to Richard Price son of the said Thomas Price ten pounds
Item I give to Mary Price
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Daughter of the said Thomas Price ten pounds
Item I give to Susanna Price daughter of the said Thomas Price ten pounds, the four fore mentioned sums of ten pounds my Will is that in case of the deaths of either of the said children that part shall be equally divided amongst the surviving children and if the four should die my Will is that the said sums of tens pounds be equally divided [?] the said Thomas and Susanna Price the father and mother of the said children and the said sums to be paid to the surviving children when they shall arrive at the age of twelve.
Item I give to Danvers Gartside son of my niece Ann Gartside deceased ten pounds.
Item I give to Loyd Gartside son of my niece Ann Gartside deceased ten pounds.
Item I give to James Gartside son of my niece Ann Gartside deceased ten pounds.
Item I give to Charles Gartside son of my niece Ann Gartside deceased ten pounds.
Item I give to Ann Gartside daughter of my niece Ann Gartside deceased ten pounds.
And my Will is that the said sums which I have bequeathed to the said Loyd James Charles and Ann Gartside be paid to them when they attain to the age of 16 years. And if either of the said four children die before they attain that age that part shall be equally divided amongst the surviving three children. And my will is further that fore mentioned nephew Thomas Price do see that the fore mentioned legacies that is to be paid in [?] be paid with my money that is in Wales. And the overplus money that is in [?] be returned to my executrix in London hereinafter named to pay my legacies that is to be paid in London.
Item I give to John Lodge son of my daughter Susanna Bryant eight pounds.
Item I give to Elizabeth Lodge wife of the said John Lodge three pounds.
Item I give to John Lodge son of the said John Lodge ten pounds.
Item give to Bryant Lodge son the said John Lodge ten pounds.
Item give to Elizabeth Lodge daughter of the said John Lodge fifteen pounds and broad piece of Gold, my ear rings a sliver spoon marked with an E [?] and little walnut tree chest of drawers after her grandmothers death. My will Is that the said sums be put to interest until the said children attain the age of fifteen years. If the said Elizabeth die before she attains that age my will is that her said sum be divided between her brothers and if either of them should die before that age his sum to go to his brothers and all should die before that time the said fore mentioned sums shall go to the next surviving child if any be and if non the my Will is that the said sums be divided between the said John and Elizabeth Lodge the father and mother of the said children.
Item I give to the foresaid Elizabeth Lodge wife of the said Lodge my Crape Gown and petticoat and what linen her mother shall think fit.
Item I give to the Widow of nephew Charles Bryant two guineas.
Item I give to my nephew George Bryant ten pounds if he should die before he returns to England my Will is that the said sum shall go to John Lodge eldest son of the aforesaid John Lodge
Item I give to Lydia Ingham daughter of my son-in-law John Ingham twenty pounds a broad piece of gold and two solver spoons marked with an S [?] and an L and the said
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Twenty pounds my Will is it be paid her when she attains the age of sixteen years. And if she die before that time my Will is that the said sum do go her Brother hereafter named.
Item I give to William Ingham son of the foresaid John Ingham five pounds and a broad piece of Gold. The said sum to be paid when he shall attain to the age of sixteen years. And if he should die before attains that age My Will is that the five pounds be paid to Mary Read widow of William Read late of Scinners Street Corn Meeter.
Item I give to Robert Fryer[1] peruke Maker in Chiswell Street two Guineas to buy a ring.
Item I give to Sarah Fryer wife of the said Robert Fryer two Guineas to buy a ring.
Item I give to Sarah Fryer daughter of the said Robert Fryer sixteen pounds a silver spoon marked with S.M. and P. on the top and my mourning ring the said sixteen pounds My Will is that it is to be paid when she attains the age of sixteen years. And if she dies before that time My Will is that the said sum be divided between the said Robert Fryer and Sarah Fryer the Mother of the said Sarah Fryer.
Item I give to the Revd Mr Goodwin[2] Minister of a dissenting congregation in Ropemaker’s Alley ten pounds and I desire if his health will permit to speak over my grave and that he would please to preach a sermon after my funeral from these words of Job in 19th Chapter and 25th verse[3].
Item I give to such poor as receive relief of the said Church ten pounds.
Item I give to Rebeccah and Sarah Coleman pew openers of the said Church a Guinea each.
Item I give to Widow Read widow of the foresaid William Read six [?] my every day gown and petticoat.
Item I give to my [?] maid Mary Dridg one Guinea.
Item give to the servant that shall be in the house where I shall die one Guinea. My Will is that forty pounds or more be laid out upon my funeral and tomb with a black marble stone with the epitaph engraved that is herein enclosed the money to be laid out at the discretion of Susanna Bryant my daughter whom I appoint executrix of this my Last Will and Testament and Anthony Bryant whom I appoint trustee the rest and residue of my goods if any be I bequeath to the above said Susanna Bryant the rest and residue of my goods to my daughter in law Susanna Briant.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal having first approved of all the contents to this 7th day of October in the 15th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord Christ 1741. Lydia Ingham. Signed sealed declared and published by the testatrix and to be her Last William and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names in the presence and sight of the testatrix. Sarah Collings. Jane Reyner. Mary Dent.
This Will was proved at London before
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Woshipful William Straton Doctor of Laws surrogate to the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the 12th day of November in the year of our Lord 1741. By the oath of Susannah Briant (wife of Anthony Briant) the sole executrix named in the said Will. To whom was granted Administration of all and singular the goods Chattels and credits of the deceased being first sworn only to Administer.
[1] Robert Fryer 1749 Will proved at PCC. The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 772.
[2] Reverend Peter Goodwin
[3] Job 19:25 “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth”