Will of Mary HINDE (-1735)
National Archives Document Reference: PROB 11/674/157
In the Name of God. Amen.
I Mary HINDE of the parish of Cheshunt in the county of Hertford Widow being in good health of body and sound mind and memory do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say.
First I surrender my soul to God my Creator in hope of mercy through the merits of my [?] my redeemer.
And as to my body I desire it may be buried in St Andrews Church in Holborn where my dear husband lies.
And as to my worldly estate I do give and dispose thereof (after payment my just debts and funeral expenses) as followeth vizt whereas my late father Mr Peter GELSTHORPE in and by his Last Will and Testament in writing dared on or about the third of July AD 1716 did desire me by and out of the several stock therein mentioned to give and secure to my daughter Elizabeth HINDE after my decease the sum of one thousand pounds. Now I do hereby give and bequeath to my said daughter Elizabeth HINDE the said sum of one thousand pounds to be paid to her at the end of month next after my decease. And whereas my said father
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Having purchased in my name a copyhold messuage and lands with the appurtenances at Turners in the County of Hertford did by his said Will desire me to give the same to my son Peter HINDE and did devise the leasehold estate and premises adjoining thereto to me and my said son Peter HINDE to the intent to go along with the said copyhold premises. Now I do hereby give devise and bequeath to my said son Peter HINDE his heirs and assigns all and every the said copyhold messuage lands tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances and all other my copyhold and freehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments in the County of Hertford or elsewhere and I also give to my said son Peter HINDE his executors administrators and assigns the leasehold estate and premises adjoining to the said copyhold premises at Turners Hill and all other my leasehold estate in the said County of Hertford or elsewhere for an during all the residue of such term of years which at the time of my death shall be to come therein.
Item I give to my said son Peter HINDE my coach chaise and books and also all and every my household goods and furniture of what nature or kind so ever (excepting my plate and linen) which plate and linen I give to my four daughters Judith SOWLE, Frances JACOMBS, Mary PYKE and Elizabeth HINDE to be equally divided amongst them.
Item I give to my son John HINDE my best diamond ring and all other my rings and jewels with my gold watch and chain.
Item the rest and residue of my personal estate I give to my four grandchildren Marmaduke SOWLE, Richard SOWLE, Mary JACOMB and John PYKE to be equally divided amongst them at their respective ages of one and twenty years.
But as to the part and share of the said Mary JACOMB, I will that the same be paid to her at the day of her marriage if she marry before the said age and my mind and will further is that in case any of my said grandchildren shall die before their respective legacies are payable then I give the part and share of him her or them so dying unto the survivors and survivor of them my said grandchildren to be paid to them respectively at his her or their respective ages or marriage in manner aforesaid.
And I hereby direct my said executor to place out at interest the said rest and residue on government or other securities as he shall think fit without any loss or risk to himself. And such interest and improvement as shall be made thereof I will the same be for the augmentation and increase of such rest and residue.
And last I do hereby make and ordain my said son Peter HINDE full and sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and sealed this thirtieth day of December AD 1731. Mary HINDE. Signed Sealed published and declared by the testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto set our hands as witnesses in her presence. ? DAVIS, Peter HINDE Senior, Jos DAVIS.
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This Will was proved at London the twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord 1735 before the Worshipful John AUDLEY Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful John BETTSWORTH, Doctor of also of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Peter HINDE Esquire the sole executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first sworn duly to Administer.