Will of Mary GOMOND (-1782)
National Archives document reference: PROB 11/1094/192
In the Name of God Amen. I Mary GOMOND wife of Herbert GOMOND of the parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do make and declare this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say.
First and principally I commend my soul unto the hands of my creator who gave it my body I commit to earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my dear husband.
As to my worldly estate and effects of which I stand possessed and interested in the four per cent consolidated Bank Annuities 1762 standing in Trust in the names of Henry PULSFORD of May Buildings in the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields Button Seller and James COBB of the India House Gentleman.
I dispose of as follows first I give and bequeath to my dear husband Herbert GOMOND the interest of the three thousand five hundred pounds consol. Four per cent 1762 during his life and at his decease as follows, I give and bequeath to Mary COMBE spinster daughter of William COMBE late of the parish of St Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex one thousand pounds of the above stock.
I likewise give and bequeath to Meliora SAUNDERS wife of William SAUNDERS the sum of five hundred pounds of the above stock for her own separate use and disposal and not subject to the debts or control of her said husband and I likewise give and bequeath to Elizabeth SAUNDERS and Meliora SAUNDERS the sum of five hundred pounds of the above stock to be equally divided.
I likewise give and bequeath to Mary MORSE spinster of the City of Hereford sister to the above named Meliora SAUNDERS the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds
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Of the above stock.
And I give and bequeath to Ann WEBB wife of William WEBB farmer of the parish of Kelden in the County of Essex the sum of two hundred pounds of the above stock.
I likewise appoint the before named Henry PULSFORD and James COBB to remain trustees to the before mentioned stock standing in the books of the Bank of England for the use of my dear Husband during his life and I do appoint and nominate Henry PULSFORD and James COBB joint executors of this my Last Will and as an acknowledgement for their trouble do give to the said Henry PULSFORD one hundred pounds of the above stock and the like sum of one hundred pounds stock James COBB. And I do appoint all the above legacies to be paid within three months after my decease of my dear husband.
The remaining stock over and above the legacies to be disposed of by the Will and direction of my dear husband Herbert GAMOND.
And I do hereby publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills by me made and to which I have set my hand and seal the sixth day of March 1780. Mary GAMOMND.
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us who in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed set our hand and subscribed our names as witnesses the day and date as above. Richard WARING Jane HOPKINSON.
This Will was proved at London on the 13th August 1782 before the worshipful Andrew Coltee DUCAREL Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter CALVERT Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath Henry PULSFORD one of the executors named in the said will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased she having been first sworn to administer. Power reserved of making the like grant to James COBB the other executor named in the said Will when he shall apply for the same Herbert GOMOND the husband of the said deceased first consenting.