Will of John HALLS (-1757)
National Archives document reference: PROB 11/834/382
In the name of God Amen. John HALLS of the parish and in the liberty of Westminster and County of Middlesex, Gentleman, do make publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimus.
I give devise and bequeath unto Susan my [?] beloved wife all my messuages lands and tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying and being in Hempnall in the County of Norfolk or elsewhere in this Kingdom and all my right title and interest claim and demand whatsoever therein and thereunto belonging with their appurtenances to hold the same for and during her natural life and after her decease I give and devise the same unto Dulcibella GOMOND my daughter, wife to Mr Herbert GOMOND and her issue by her present or any future husband and in failure of such issue in case he survives her I give and bequeath the same to the said Herbert GOMOND.
I likewise give unto my dearly beloved Wife all my personal estate whatsoever after paying my just debts and funeral expenses which I leave to the disposal of my executrix hereinafter named not doubting her affection to our daughter.
And I do nominate and appoint my said dearly beloved wife sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament of whom I do request my body may be buried in the most private manner.
To this my Last Will write with my own hand I have hereunto set my hand seal publishing the same to be my Last Will this twenty second of February 1753 in the twenty sixth year of His Majesty’s reign, our sovereign Lord George the second King of Great Britain. John HALLS Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator to be his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have signed our names as witnesses hereto N DRAPER Benjamin PHILIPSON William LANDER.
As to the settlement of my estate my design in doing which was to service a provision for my daughter but considering to her husband’s affection for and love towards her I revoke the said settlement and after the death of my said daughter I give
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The said estate to the said Mr Herbert GAMOND and his heirs for ever and desire this make taken and deemed as part of my Last Will relating to the same. John HALLS March 5 1753. The four black line were drawn by myself J.H. and also the words I mean by ready money the 3 per cent annuity that stand in [blank] and the name J HALLS.
Appeared personally William JACOMB of the parish of St Lawrence Poultry London Gentleman and Jonathan KENDALL of the parish of Saint Faith London Undertaker and being sworn on the holy evangelist to depose the truth did severally swear and depose as follows, to wit. That they knew and were well acquainted with John HALLS late of the parish of Saint Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex Gentleman deceased for several years before and to the time of his death and have several times seen him write and subscribe his name and thereby came to be well acquainted with the manner and character of his hand writing and subscription and that they having severally viewed and carefully perused the paper writing hereto annexed purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased beginning
“In the name of God Amen. John HALLS of the parish and in the liberty of Westminster and County of Middlesex, Gentleman”
And ending
“To this my Last Will write with my own hand I have hereunto set my hand seal publishing the same to be my Last Will this twenty second of February 1753 in the twenty sixth year of His Majesty’s reign, our sovereign Lord George the second King of Great Britain.” And thus subscribed “John HALLS”
And also the memorandum or Codicil wrote under the said Will beginning thus
“As to the settlement of my estate my design in doing which was to service a provision for my daughter”
and ending thus
“and desire this make taken and deemed as part of my Last Will relating to the same”. And thus subscribed “John HALLS”
And likewise the note or memorandum at the foot or bottom of the said Codicil in the words figures and letters following
“March 5 1753 The four black line were drawn by myself J.H. and also the words I mean by ready money the 3 per cent annuity that stand in [blank] and the name J HALLS” subscribed at the end thereof.
They these persons do severally depose and swear that they do verily and in their consciences believe the whole series and contents of the said Will and subscription thereto and also the whole series and contents of the said codicil and the subscription thereto and like the words and figures of the said note or memorandum at the foot or bottom of the said Codicil and the initials JH thereto subscribed as also the aforesaid words and name subscribed thereto to be all of the proper hand writing and subscription of the said John HALLS deceased. William JACOMB and Jonathan KENDALL 16th December 1757. The said William JACOMB and Jonathan KENDALL were sworn to the truth of the premises before me [?] HARRIS Surrogate present Jno GRENE Notary Public.
This Will was proved at London with a memorandum or codicil annexed the 19th day December in the year
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Of our Lord 1757 before the Worshipful George HARRIS Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir George LEE, Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Susan HALLS, widow, the relict of the deceased
and sole executrix named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased he having being first sworn duly to Administer.