Will of William COOKE (-1832)
National Archives document reference: PROB 11/1807/278
This is the Last Will and Testament of me William COOKE and of Lincolns Inn of Winsted Court in the County of Kent and late of Montague Street Russell Square I give and devise to my dear wife Loveday COOKE and her heirs all my real estates titles tenements and hereditaments corporal or incorporate in the counties of Kent and Surrey and elsewhere for her own use and benefit and in case I should happen to be seized in trust of my real estate I give and devise such estates to my said dear wife and her heirs upon the same trusts as I ? the same.
I give to each of wife’s sisters one hundred pounds for mourning I give to my late clerk Robert Comfort WARD two hundred pounds for mourning.
I give to my coachman William NICHOLS one hundred pounds.
And I give to each of my other servants who shall have lived in my service one year, a year’s wages.
All the foregoing legacies to be free from the legacy duty and I give to my said dear wife my chambers in the Stout Buildings Lincolns Inn and the rest and residue of my personal estate consisting of Bank Stock, Stock in the Government funds and whatsoever else I may have any [?].
I give to my said dear wife for her own absolute use and benefit and I appoint my dear wife Executrix of this my Will and I hereby revoke all former Wills and Codicils.
In Witness where I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th of November 1831 William COOKE. This writing was signed and sealed by the within named testator William COOKE and by him published and declared as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence and at his request. John GUGSON. William ABRAM. William JENURS Angel Court Throgmorton Street.
Proved at London the 15th November 1832 before the Worshipful Will CALVEDAY GURIES Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Loveday COOKE Widow the relict, the sole executrix to whom admin was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.