Will of Henry JACOMB (-1782)
National Archives document reference: PROB 11/1090/407
In the name of God Amend. I Henry JACOMB of Beverley in the County of York [Gentleman?] being of sound mind memory and understanding do [now?] declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say/ I desire to be buried in church of St Margaret in Lothbury London where the remains father and mother are both deposited provided that I should happen to die within two days journey of London. [Otherwise?] I wish to be buried in the church of the parish where I happen to die. I give and bequeath unto my worthy friend
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Samuel WHITBREAD of Chiswell Street in the County of Middlesex [?[ all such sum and sums of money now is or are or shall be due belonging unto me from Jacob HINDE Esquire and Valentine [?ford?] or either of them, their or either of their heirs executors administrators or assigns.
Also all and singular [the?] [?] effects of what nature or kind so ever and where so ever [thereof] or wherein I shall be possess interested in or entitled unto at the time of decease, to hold the same unto the said Samuel WHITBREAD his executors administrators and assigns upon Trust in the first place to pay and satisfy himself or themselves [the] such sum and sums of money that shall be due and owing from me to him or them at the time of my decease on [?].
And afterwards to pay the several legacies following that is to say to the said Samuel WHITBREAD the sum of twenty guineas as a small memorial of my regard.
Also to my aunt Elizabeth PICKARD of Baker Street Endfield Middlesex the sum of fifty pounds.
To the Lying in Hospital for Married Woman in the City Road London the sum of £100. To the Foundling Hospital London the sum of £20.
To Jacob HINDE Esquire of Henrietta Street near Cavendish Squire London the sum of ten Guineas.
To Robert HINDE Esquire of Welbeck Street London the sum of ten guineas.
And the residue after payment of debts legacies and Funeral expenses as aforesaid to be placed out in some or one of the British Stocks or Funds or at interest upon such security as my executor shall think proper upon trust for my Nephew Peter JULLIAN and my niece Mary JULLIAN to be equally divided between them share and share alike.
And one moiety or half part there to be paid to my nephew Peter JULLIAN at his age of twenty one years. And the other moiety or half part thereof to be paid to my niece Mary JULLIAN at her age of twenty one years or day of marriage.
I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Samuel WHITBREAD executor of this my Will and hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me heretofore made. I do declare this only to be and contain my Last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of April in the year of Our Lord 1781. Henry JACOMB. In the presence of [?] CONSTABLE, WM HENDERSON
This Will was proved at London the twenty eighth day of May in the year of our Lord 1782 before the Worshipful John FISHER Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Peter CALVAT, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Samuel WHITBREAD, the sole executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased he having being first sworn duly to Administer.