Will of Elizabeth BIRKHEAD (-1727)

Will of Elizabeth BIRKHEAD (-1727)

National Archives document reference: PROB 11/618/84

In the name of god Amen I Elizabeth BIRKHEAD late of St Mary Axe London now of Hackney in the County of Middlesex Widow considering the uncertainty of life and my great age make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following vizt.

I resign my soul to almighty God my merciful father hoping and believing through the merits and mediation of my Lord and Savour Jesus Christ to obtain the forgiveness of my sins and to inherit everlasting life.  I desire my body may be buried in the burial ground near Bunhill Fields.

And as to the estate God has blessed me with I dispose thereof as followeth vizt.

I give to my three sons John JACOB and Joseph JACOB and Jacob BIRKHEAD twenty pounds apiece for mourning for them and their wives.

Item I give to my son Joseph JACOB my diamond ring.

Item I give to my niece COMNELL ten pounds in money and to my nephew Nathaniel WRIGHT five pounds in money.

Item I [?] forgive to my [spry] what she shall owe me at my decease and I give to my friend Mrs Dorothy BIRKHEAD two guineas.

Item I give to my grand daughter Ann LATTIMER my silver

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Saucepan and my bed and bedding and the furniture of my room.

Item I give to Esther BRAY one Guinea

Item I give to my wearing clothes to my cousin CONNCEL and her niece Mary RIGHT as my children shall think fit.

Item I give to every one of my grandchildren that shall be unmarried at my decease ten pounds and all the rest and residue of my estate real and personal whatsoever I give unto my son John JACOB sole executor of this my Last Will and revoke all former Wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 24th day of December AD 1725. Eliza. BIRKHEAD Sealed and Delivered published and declared by the said Elizabeth BIRKHEAD for and as her Last Will and Testament in the presence Robert LATTIMER, John HATHINSON

[Proved in Latin]




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