Will of John JACOB of Lothbury (-1737)

Will of John JACOB of Lothbury, City of London, Esquire (-1737)

National Archives Document Reference: PROB 11/687/112

Will of John Jacob On the Name of God Amen. John JACOB of Lothbury London Esquire being of sound mind and memory blessed be God for the same having already made my last Will and Testament in Writing bearing even date herewith of for and concerning and for the disposing of all such monies bonds mortgages securities debts and goods and chattels messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and all my right title interest part share and estate therein and thereto as I have in partnership with Thomas GIBSON esquire except as therein is excepted and thereby made in my partner the said Thomas GIBSON executor thereof as thereby may appear Now to the intent that all such particular estates as God hath given me and which I have not disposed by my said Will may after my decease be applied and disposed of to the honour of God and for the benefit of my relations in such manner as I now in my health have designed.

I do hereby make publish and declare this my last Will and testament off and concerning and for the disposition of all and every the ready money stocks bonds mortgages securities debts plate jewels goods and Chattels manors messuages lands tenements and rents and hereditaments freehold and copyhold and other my estate whatsoever real and personal whereof or wherein or unto which I myself or any other person or persons in trust for me are or am any ways seized possessed interested or entitled in Law or equity as my own separate private or particular estate or to my own private or particular use exclusive of the said partnership and also of and concerning and for the disposition of all such parts of my estate

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In partnership as I have excepted out of my said other Will (viz) all my part and interest of and in the Manor and Park of Marylebone and lands in Middlesex held by me and my said partner by lease from the Crown and the sum of 400 pounds part of my share of the Capital Joint Stock of the said partnership and such money as at the time of my decease shall be due to me from the said partnership on the balance of my private account in the books of the said in main or following (that is to say) I will and appoint that my own personal separate and particular debts by me alone owing and not relating to the said partnership and joint dealing and my funeral charges be paid out of my separate personal estate and I order my body to be buried in Hackney Churchyard near my late dear wife and son by daylight without state or pomp.        `

I give and bequeath unto my dear Granddaughter Elizabeth HINDE[1] the sum of five thousand pounds and when she shall accomplish the day of her marriage so that the same be with the consent off her father if he be living or at her age of three and twenty years if she live to attain the same which shall first happen.

I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Jacob HINDE[2] the sum of one thousand pounds at and when he shall attain his age three and twenty years.

I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Robert HINDE[3] the sum of five thousand pounds at and when he shall attain his age three and twenty years.

I give and bequeath unto my son-in-law Mr Peter HINDE the father of my said three grandchildren three several yearly sums of one hundred and five pounds each to be by him applied and disposed of for the maintenance and education of my said three grandchildren respectively until the said legacies hereby given them shall severally become due and payable or be lapsed.

Item I give to the said Peter HINDE the sum of five hundred and to his wife the sum of one hundred pounds.

Item I give to my nephew Joseph JACOB the sum of three hundred pounds and to his son John JACOB the sum of two hundred pounds at his age of one and twenty years if he lives to attain the same.

Item give to the said Peter HINDE and Joseph JACOB for and during the natural life of my Nephew Nathaniel JACOB son of my late brother Joseph JACOB one annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain In trust to pay and apply the same annuity quarterly unto or for the benefit of the said Nathaniel JACOB in such manner as they or the survivor of them in his ? shall think fit and I will that the receipts of my said Nephew alone and of no other persons shall be sufficient discharge for the same.

Item give to the said Peter HINDE and Joseph JACOB and their heirs for and during the life of my Niece Anne LATIMER wife of Robert LATIMER one annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds of like lawful money quarterly In trust to apply the same unto and for the benefit of my said niece Anne LATIMORE in such manner as they or the survivor of them or his heirs shall think fit and that ? at her own disposal without her husbands ? standing her ? and not to be liable to the

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Control debts or engagements of her present or any future husbands and I will that her receipts alone and of no other persons shall be good discharges for the said annuity.

Item give to the said Peter HINDE and Joseph JACOB and their heirs for and during the life of my Niece Elizabeth PIERCE wife of James PIERCE one annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds of like money payable quarterly In trust to apply the same unto and for the benefit of my said niece Elizabeth PIERCE in such manner as they or the survivor of them or his heirs shall think fit and will that it shall be at her own disposal without her husbands notwithstanding her coverture and not to be liable to the Control debts or engagements of her present or any future husbands and I will that her receipts alone and of no other persons shall be good discharges for the said annuity.

Item give to the said Peter HINDE and Joseph JACOB and their heirs for and during the life of my Niece Sarah MONCKTON wife of [blank] MONCKTON now of Saint Christophers one annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds of like money payable quarterly In trust to apply the same unto and for the benefit of my said niece Sarah MONCKTON in such manner as they or the survivor of them or his heirs shall think fit and will that it shall be at her own disposal without her husbands notwithstanding her coverture and not to be liable to the Control debts or engagements of her present or any future husbands and I will that her receipts alone and of no other persons shall be good discharges for the said annuity.

Item I give to the said Robert LATIMER during his life one annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds like money.

Item I give to Mrs Mary MARKMORAN (wife of Mr Robert MARKMORAN and Cousin German to ? late dear wife) during her life one annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds like money.

Item I give to my Nephew Jacob BIRKHEAD one hundred pounds of like money.

Item I give to my Nephew William BIRKHEAD the sum of fifty pounds at his age of one and twenty years if he lives to attain the same.

Item I give to my Nieces Hope, Susanna, Anne and Barbara BIRKHEAD fifty hundred pounds a piece at their respective ages of one and twenty years or their respective days of marriage which shall first happen if they respectively attain the same.

Item I give to my wife’s Nephews Edward FOSTER and William FOSTER and her Niece Susanna HANDLEY ten pounds apiece.

Item I give to my sister SADLEIR and sister BIRKHEAD ten pounds apiece.

Item I give to kinswoman Mrs Anne TURNER of Kelvedon the sum of four hundred pounds and to Miss BEALING daughter of Mrs Sarah BEALING deceased the sum of one hundred pounds at her age one and twenty years or day of marriage which shall happen first if she live to attain the same. Item I give to my kinsman Nathaniel WRIGHT of Farnham my messuage or tenement and hereditaments therein his possession for ninety nine years from the day of my decease subject to an annuity of fifty shillings per annum to the said Peter HINDE during his life.

I give to the Children of my late [wives?] nephew

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Sadlier ? twenty pounds apiece.

Item. To Mr John BARKER and Mr Joshua HAYES and Mr Philip GIBBS Ministers ten pounds apiece.

Item. I give to my Clerk Mr Oxinbridge HARWOOD twenty pounds besides the thirty he owes me and Mr BOOTH Mr PHILLIPS Mr CRAMLINGTON, Mr MORGAN and Mr LAWFORD Clerks in Lothbury ten pounds apiece.

Item. I give to my old servant Paul COX twenty pounds and to all my menial servants that I have lived with me one year at the time of my decease five pounds apiece.

Item. I give to the said Peter HINDE the sum of twelve hundred pounds to be by him paid applied and disposed of as I shall direct and in default of my direction as he shall think fit and Will that he shall not be accountable for the same or any part thereof to any person or persons whensoever.

Item. I give and devise and bequeath unto the said Peter HINDE his heirs executors and administrators all and every my freehold copyhold and leasehold manors messuages lands tenements and hereditaments all my estate and interest therein and all the rest and residue   of my estate and interest therein and all the rest and residue of ready money stocks bonds mortgages securities parts of ships debts plate jewels furniture goods chattels and estates whatsoever real and personal whereof or wherein or whereunto I myself or any other person or persons  In Trust for me and is or are seized possessed interested or entitled in any wise to my separate or particular use and benefit exclusive of the said partnership aforesaid as I have excepted out of my said other Will and hereinbefore is specified upon Trust that he the said Peter HINDE his heirs executors and administrators do and shall sell and dispose of the same for the best prices they can get for the same and in such parts and parcels and in such manner as he shall think fit and shall and so apply and dispose of the money arising by such sales in purchase of freehold manors messuages lands tenements rents or hereditaments of inheritance in the fee simple in that part of Great Britain called England and convey and settle and assure the same to the use of my said grandson Jacob HINDE during his life without impeachment of ? with remainder to trustees to preserve the contingent estates hereinafter limited and after his decease To the use of the first and other son and sons of my said Grandson Jacob HINDE lawfully to begotten severally in remainder one after another according to their seniority and of the several heirs male of their bodies respectively issuing  every older of such sons to take the estate taile before others of them and for default of such issue to the use of my said Grandson Robert HINDE during his life without impeachment of Waste with remainder to Trustees to preserve the contingent estates hereinafter limited and after his decease To the use of the first and other son and sons of my said Grandson Robert HINDE lawfully to begotten severally in remainder one after another according to their seniority and of the several heirs male of their bodies respectively issuing  every older of such sons to take the estate taile before others of them. In which said settlement I will shall be invested proper provisions or powers or enabling my said Grandsons severally when in possession of the freehold of the said Trust estates to make reasonable jointures of any part thereof after the rate of

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Eighty pounds a year for each one thousand pounds portion that they shall receive with any woman or  women they shall respectively marry and also to grant leases of the same estate for any terms not exceeding twenty one years in possession at the full rents and on usual terms and covenants and for default of such issue Male of both my grandsons to the use of all and every the daughter and daughters of my said Grandson Jacob HINDE lawfully to be begotten to take equally if more than one as tenants in Common and of the several heirs of their bodies respectively issuing with cross remainders of the shares of any of them dying without issue to the survivors of them in Tail equally in Common and if there be but one daughter to the use of such only daughter and the heirs of her body and for default of such issue to the use of all and every  the daughter and daughters of my said Grandson Robert HINDE lawfully to be begotten to take equally if more than one as tenants in Common and of the several heirs of their bodies respectively issuing with cross remainders of the shares of any of them dying without issue to the survivors of them in Tail equally in Common and if there be but one daughter to the use of such only daughter and the heirs of her body lawfully issuing and for default of such issue to the use of my said granddaughter Elizabeth HINDE during her life without imposition of Waste with the like powers for her when in possession to grant leases of the said premises for twenty one years at a full improved rent under the usual covenants and restrictions with remainders to Trustees to preserve the contingent estates after limited and after her decease to the use of the first and other son and sons of my said Granddaughter Elizabeth lawfully begotten severally and successively one after another as they shall be in priority of Birth and of the several heirs males of their  bodies respectively issuing every elder of such sons to take the estate Tail before the others of them and for default of such issue to the use of all and every the daughter and daughters of my said granddaughter Elizabeth lawfully to be begotten equally between them if more one as tenants in common and of the several heirs of their bodies respectively issuing with cross remainders of the shares of any of them dying without issue to the survivors of them in Tail equally in Common and if there be but one daughter to the use of such only daughter ad of the heirs of her body lawfully issuing and for default of all such issue of my said Grandchildren the remainder or reversion in fee to be unto my own right heirs for ever provided always and I will and appoint that it shall be lawful for the said Peter HINDE to take  pay and allow out of the income of my said Trust estates such sum and sums of money from time to time for the maintenance and education of said Grandchildren  (over and above the said several sums of one hundred and five pounds a year before bequeathed to … as he in his discretion shall see fitting until the rates and interests hereby devised and intended them shall respectively vest in possession and out of the particular legacies herein before bequeathed to my Grandsons respectively to advance

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Any sums of money he shall think necessary for the putting out my said grandsons to any business or calling or purchasing any employment for them provided always and I will and appoint that in case there shall be any opportunities of renewing the leases or obtaining any further lease or lease term or terms of years of or in Marylebone Park aforesaid and premises which I hold of the Crown that the said Peter HINDE be at liberty out of the rents issues and profits of the said manor park and premises to pay a proportion of such fines charges sum and sums of money as shall be necessary for that purpose and that my share and interest in such further leases and terms for years shall go according to the directions in my Will concerning  the present terms therein.

Item. I will order and appoint that the said Peter HINDE his heirs executors or administrators shall not be obliged to have recourse to a Court of Equity upon the Sale of any my estates or disposition of any monies arising by such sale or the laying out the same or any other monies belonging to or arising from estates or any part thereof nor shall the purchases of my estates or any part thereof nor shall the purchased of my estates be concerned to see their purchase money laid out again or answerable for the non-application or loss thereof but shall be well discharged upon the payment thereof to my said Trustee his executors or administrators, I having an entire confidence in him and I will order and appoint that my said executor may detain and shall be all owed out of estate all manner of costs charges and expenses that he shall be at and that he be at liberty to employ accountants stewards bayliffs and agents as he shall think expedient and I do hereby constitute and appoint the said Peter HINDE to be the sole executor of all the estates goods chattels and effects herein and hereby give devised and bequeathed and do revoke all former Wills by and made (except the said Will of my Partnership estate) provided always and I will and appoint that it shall be lawful for my executor to compound and discharge debt or demand due to me from any person whomsoever as he shall think fit In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal to every sheet of this my Last William and Testament contained and written on seven sheets and this part of another sheet of paper joined and sealed  together as at the top this twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five [1735] and in the ninth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second King over Great Britain. John JACOB. Signed Sealed and delivered published and declared by the said John JACOB the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have unto subscribed our names as witnesses in the said Testators presence Richard PHILLlPS, ? CRAMLINGTON, Ja MORGAN.


[Comments written at bottom of page]

On the 11th Day April 1822 Administration with this Will and Codicil annexed of the Goods Chattels and Credits of John JACOB late of the Parish Saint Margaret Lothbury London deceased left unadministered as well by Peter HINDE deceased whilst living ? ? executor named in the said Will as by Jacob HINDE the grandson the residuary legatee for life and limited administrator with the said Will and Codicil ? ? by Jacob WHITBREAD esquire the administrator with the said and Codicil annexed under the like limitations and committed the estate of John Jacob HINDES the ? limited to

Of the said Jacob HINES deceased and as such the residuary legatee substituted and for his use and benefit during his lunacy? //

Was granted to Charles HINDES and William CUSRANCE the committee of the estate of the said John JACOB the ? limited to //

All and every the ready money Stocks Bonds Mortgages Securities Debts Plate, Jewels Goods and Chattels manors messuages lands tenements rents and //

Hereditaments freehold and copyhold and his estate  whatoever real and personal whereof or wherein or unto which the said John JACOB  or any other //

… equity as his own separate private or particular //

… partnership … all such parts of his estate or partnership as ….//

… in the Manor and Park of Marybone and lands in Middlesex held of him the said John JACOB //

…. Share of the Capital Joint stock of the partnership …. //

[Rest not readable …]

[Comments at top of page]

On the 15th February 1845 Administration of the Goods Chattels … of John JACOB late of the Parish of Saint Margaret’s // 

Lothbury in the City of London Esquire deceased left in Administration by Peter HINDE the ? executor named in the Will with a Codicil then ?  //

The said deceased also by Jacob HINDE the grandson and the residual legatee for life therein named ? Moses HOPER the //





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On 26th September 1818 Administration of the Goods Chattels and credits of ….

Esquire deceased … Peter HINDE deceased  … [rest unreadable]


I John JACOB of Lothbury make and declare this present writing a Codicil to be annexed to my Last Will of my own particular estate dated the twentieth day of this instant March and to be proved with the same. Whereas by my said Will I have given fifty pounds to William BIRKHEAD and fifty pounds apiece to Hope, Susanna, Ann, And Barbara BIRKHEAD therein named and thirty pounds apiece to the two children of Sadleir KEALE  in my said Will named. Now I do hereby revoke and make void all and every the particular legacies and in lieu thereof I hereby give to the said  William BIRKHEAD the sum of one hundred pounds at his age of one and twenty years if he shall live to attain the same. Item I give to the said Hope BIRKHEAD the sum of one hundred pounds. Item I give to the said Susanna and Ann BIRKHEAD and Barbara BIRKHEAD the sum of one hundred pounds apiece at their respective ages of one and twenty years of they respectively live to attain the same. Item I give to the two children of the said Sadleir KEALE the sum of fifty pounds apiece at their respective ages of one and twenty years of they respectively live to attain the same. I give to Mrs RUSSELL my housekeeper ten pounds. In witness whereof I have to this present codicil set my hand and seal the two and twentieth day of March anno ? 1735 Jno JACOB. Sealed published and declared by the within named John JACOB for and as a Codicil to his Last Will the day of the date in presence of Richard CRAMLINGTON V LAWFORD Ja MORGAN.

This Will was proved at London (with a Codicil annexed) before me the Worshipful John AUDLEY Doctor of Laws and Surrogate to the Right Worshipful John BETTESWORTH Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the eleventh day of January in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty seven [1737[  the oath of Peter HINDE the executor named in the said Will for the purposes therein after mentioned to whom administration was granted of all and every the .. stocks bonds mortgages securities debts plate jewels goods and chattels manors messuages tenements rents and hereditaments whatsoever real and personal whereof or wherein or unto the said John JACOB deceased …. In trust for him were or was …..

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His partnership with Thomas GIBSON Esquire and also all such part of his estates in partnership as he had excepted out of another Will of the said deceased already proved in Court (vizt) all his part and Interest of and in the Manor and Park of Marybone and lands in Middlesex held by him the said John JACOB from the crown and the sum of four hundred pounds part of the capital joint stock of the said partnership and such money as at the time of his decease should be due to him from the said partnership on the balance of his private account in the books of the said partnership but no further or otherwise being first sworn duly to administer.



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On the 27th Day of November  1786 …

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On the thirteenth day of June 1767 Admin with the Will and Codicil annexed of the goods chattels and credits of John JACOB late of the parish of St Margaret Lothbury London Esquire Deceased left unadmin by Peter HINDE the sole executor named in the said Will now also deceased was … Jacob HINDE the grandson of the said deceased and residual legatee for life named in the said Will as to all and every the ready money stocks debts plates jewels goods and chattels manors messuages lands tenements rents and hereditaments freehold and copyhold and other his estate whatsoever real and personal whereof or wherein or unto which he the said John JACOB or any other person or persons In trust for him were or was anyways  seized possessed interested or entitled in law or equity as his own personal private or particular estate or to his own private or particular use exclusion of his partnership with Thomas GIBSON Esquire and also all such parts of his estate in partnership as he had excepted out of another Will of the said deceased already proved ? ? ? all his part and interest of and in the Manor and Park of Marybone and lands in Middlesex held by him the said John JACOB deceased and the said Thomas GIBSON by lease from the Crown and the sum of four hundred pounds part of the capital joint stock of the said partnership and … money …    

[Rest of note not readable]

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Proved in this Court Vizt All his part and interest of and in the Manor and Park of Marybone and Lands in Middlesex held by hi, the said John JACOB deceased and the said Thomas GIBSON by lease from the Crown and the sum of four hundred pounds part of the capital joint stock of the said partnership and such Money as at the time of his decease should be due to him from the said Partnership on the Balance of his private account in the Books of the said Partnership but no further allowance for the use and benefit of the said Lunatic and during his lunacy having been first sworn by ? duly administer.


[1] Baptised 1720

[2] Baptised 1722

[3] Baptised 1723

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