Will of Elizabeth TILLY (-1795)

Will of Elizabeth TILLY (-1795)

National Archives document reference: PROB 11/1255/52

Will of Elizabeth TILLY of Walthamstow in the County of Essex Widow so make and publish this to be my last Will and Testament that is to say. I desire to be buried with my late husband in Enfield Church yard privately with a hearse and only one coach to attend my funeral. I gave to my brother Richard GOUGH Esquire of Forty Hill Enfield two thousand pounds three pounds per cent per annum [?] Bank Annuities.

To Sir Henry? Gough CALTHORPE baronet one hundred pounds of the like [?] Bank Annuities.

To Mr Alexander ALLEN who was formerly Clerk to John TILLY my said late husband one thousand pounds of the like annuities.

To Miss Louise Maria HINDE daughter of the late Jacob HINDE Esquire deceased five hundred pounds of the like [?] Bank annuities.

And to the Reverend Mr William SPARROW curate of Walthamstow one hundred pounds of the like [?] Bank annuities.

Also I give to Miss Martha PORT granddaughter of the late Mr John HAWKINS brewer in old street five hundred pounds consolidated Bank annuities of three pounds per cent per annum.

To Mr John Evelyn SECHER now in the East Indies on of Mrs SECHER of Hampton Court five hundred pounds consolidated Bank annuities.

And to Edward FOSTER senior esquire of Hoe Street Walthamstow five hundred pounds of the like consolidated Bank annuities.

And I give to John Calthorpe GOUGH esquire brother of the said Sir Henry Gough CALTHORPE baronet six hundred pounds Capital Bank stock.

Also I give Miss Elizabeth GOUGH sister of the said Sir Henry Gough CALTHORPE One thousand pounds East India Annuities.

To Jacob WHITBREAD esquire of Soundham Hall in Suffolk five hundred pounds of the like East India Annuities.  And to Mrs Ann Elizabeth WHITBREAD wife of the said Jacob WHITBREAD five hundred of the like East India Annuities and her receipt for the same without her husband shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors/ Also I give to Miss Hannah ROBERTS  daughter of Peter ROBERTS Esquire City Remembrancer one thousand pounds

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Of the like East India Annuities.

Also I give to Roger PICKERING son of the like Reverend Roger PICHERING two thousand pounds of the like  Of the like East India Annuities upon this express condition that the said Roger PICKERING his executors and administrators do and shall yearly and every year during so long as his sister Elizabeth HERRION shall live lay out and expend the sum of thirty pounds for maintenance and comfortable support which thirty pounds a year I declare shall not be in any manner subject or liable to the current debts or engagements of her present or any future husband. And strongly recommend it to the said Roger PICKERING to see that his sister is well [?].

Also I give to James HALL of the Poultry who was formerly clerk to my said late husband one thousand pounds of the like East India Annuities.

Also I give to Robert BRISCOE the Elder of Hoe Street Walthamstow two hundred pounds New South Seas Annuities.

To the Reverend Richard Thomas GOUGH another brother of the said Sir Henry Gough CALTHORPE five hundred pounds of like New South Seas Annuities.

And to each of the two children a son and daughter of John GOUGH Esquire of Perry Hall to whom Mr TILLY and myself stood sponsors one hundred pounds of the like New South Seas Annuities.

Also I give to my said brother Richard GOUGH and the said James HALL my executors hereinafter named the sum of five hundred pounds of the like New South Seas Annuities upon the trusts herein after declared concerning the same, that is to say. In Trust to pay the yearly interest and dividends of the said five hundred pounds New South Seas Annuities from time to time as the same shall become due and payable into the proper hands of Mrs Martha WADE who was daughter of the late John HAWKINS during her life to and for her sole and separate use and benefit  or to such person or persons as she in writing signed with her proper hand shall from time to time notwithstanding her coverture with her present or and future husband direct or appoint.

And I do declare that no husband of the said Martha WADE shall inter meddle therewith neither shall the same be subject or liable to the control, debits or engagements of any husband of her the said Martha WADE and her receipt or receipts so signed with her proper hand shall continue to time notwithstanding her coverture be a good and sufficient discharge for such interest and dividends or so much thereof as shall therein expressed to have been received. And from and after the decease of the said Martha WADE In Trust to all and every the child and children of the said Martha WADE who shall be then living equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike and their respective executors administrators and assigns. And if there shall be but one child then in trust for such one child his or her

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executors administrators and assigns. But in case there shall be no child of the said Martha WADE living at the time of her death then in trust for such person and persons and for such uses intents and purposes as she the said Martha WADE by her Last Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be her Last Will and testament to be by her signed and published in the presence of two or more credible witnesses not withstanding her coverture with her present or any future husband shall direct or appoint. And in default of such direction or appointment then in trust for the executors and Administrations of her the said Martha WADE and to transfer or assign the same accordingly.

Also I give to my brother Richard GOUGH and the said James HALL seven hundred pounds New South Seas Annuities. In Trust to pay the yearly interest and dividends thereof from time to time as the same shall become due and payable unto Eleanor WADE who has been in service for some years past, during her life and after her decease then I direct that the said seven hundred pounds New South Seas Annuities shall fall into the residuary part of my personal estate and effects and go as the same is hereafter disposed of.

Also I give to Humphrey SARGENT who has lived many years with me and my said late husband one thousand East India Annuities.

Also I give to Humphrey SARGENT twenty pounds for mourning for himself and family to the said Eleanor MARSH [ten?] pounds for mourning and to such of my other servants who shall be living with me and in my service at my death five pounds together also with the further sum of six pounds to each of them for mourning over and besides what shall be due to them for wages or otherwise.

And I direct that all the legacies which I have hereinbefore given be after my death and that in case I shall not die possess of so much  of the several stock stocks or funds aforesaid as I have hereinbefore disposed of the deficiency  shall; be answered and made good out of mother personal estate.

And in case Catherine SARGENT shall be living with me and in my service at the time of my death I do in such case I give unto her my wearing apparel of every kind over and besides the legacies she will be entitled to as one of my servants.

Also I give devise and bequeath all my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever both freehold and copyhold and all the rest and residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever not herein before disposed of unto my brother Richard GOUGH, the said John Calthorpe GOUGH and James HALL equally divided between them share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and their respective heirs executors administrator’s and assigns according to the nature and tenure of such respective estate for their respective uses and benefit absolutely for ever.

And lastly I appoint my said brother Richard GOUGH and the said James HALL executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me made. In witness whereof I the

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Said Elizabeth TILLY have set my hand to the two first sheaves of this my Last Will and Testament which is contained in three sheets of paper fixed together at the top with my seal and to this third and last sheet thereof I have set my hand and seal this fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1790. E. TILLY signed sealed published and declared by the said testatrix Elizabeth TILLY as and for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Churchill HARPER Thomas BUTTERFIELD J B PEWTNES.

I Elizabeth TILLY do make and publish this to be a codicil to my Will above written that is to say Mrs Ann Elizabeth WHITBREAD wife of Jacob WHITBREAD Esquire having died since the date and execution of my said Will by which the legacy of five hundred pounds East India Annuities which I thereby gave her is lapsed I do hereby give and bequeath the like sum of five hundred pounds East India Annuities unto the said Jacob WHITBREAD in addition to and over and besides the legacy of five hundred pounds East India Annuities which I have given him by my Will. Witness my hand March 14th 1792. E TILLY.


I Elizabeth TILLY of Walthamstow in the County of Essex do make and publish this to be a codicil to my Will and Testament which I direct to be added to and taken as part thereof (that is to say).

I have to Mrs Elizabeth TERIT of Hackney three guineas for a ring.

I give to Mrs Susan FOSTER wife of Edward FOSTER of Hoe Street Walthamstow Esquire my two pair of large silver candlesticks.

Also I give to Eleanor MARSH if living with me at the time of my death all the furniture at and belonging to the room in which she sleeps and also two pair of sheets and a tea board with six china cups and saucers   teapot basin and sugar dish and also six silver table spoons, six tea spoons and tongs with two table clothes and six napkins.

Also I give to Catherine SARGENT if living with me at the time of my death two hundred pounds over and above what I have given her by my Will. I also give her all the furniture of and belonging to the room in which she sleeps with two pairs of sheets, two table clothes and six napkins, a tea board with six china cups and saucers   teapot basin and sugar dish and also six silver table spoons, six tea spoons and tongs.

Also I give to my servant Humphrey SARGENT over and besides what I have given him by my Will all my household furniture (except what I have hereinbefore disposed of) and also all my household linen (except such as I have herein before

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Disposed of and also except such as my executors shall make choice of keeping themselves and which I give them liberty to do and also give to the said Humphrey SARGENT my saddle or cart horse with two cart harnesses and all the [geers?] thereto.

And I also give to him the said Humphrey SARGENT twelve silver table spoons and twelve silver tea spoons and a pair of silver sugar tongs with the silver [?] six china dishes and three dozen of china plates, a tea board with twelve cups and saucers a tea pot basin and sugar dish and six coffee cups.

And I give all the rest of my china and plate not hereinbefore disposed of and all pictures unto my brother Richard GOUGH Esquire for his own use and benefit.

And I give to Thomas SARGENT son the said Humphrey SARGENT all my books.

Also I give to Francis CLARK my coachman if living with me at the time of my death the sum of fifty pounds together with any coach and pair of coach horses with all the harness thereunto belonging over and besides what I have given the said Francis CLARK by my Will.

Also I give to Richard BLAYGRAVE my gardener if living with me at the time of my death the sum often pounds over and besides what he be entitled unto as one of my servants by my said Will and I also give to him the said Richard BLAYGRAVE  all my greenhouse plants and pots.

Also I give to Frances HUMPHREYS widow, Nurse NEWLOVE widow and [blank] PANTIN wife of John PANTIN Toll Catcher at Lee Bridge all three of them of Marsh Street Walthamstow five pounds apiece. And in other [respects?] I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will together with a Codicil I have written thereon with own hand. And I direct that the necessary stamp duties for the discharges for the respective legacies given by my said Will and this and former Codicil shall be paid by my executors out of my personal estate and not charged to the said legatees.

In witness whereof I have thereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord 1793. E. TILLY signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth TILLY as and for a codicil to her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereof (the date being first altered from the twenty fourth to the twenty third day of October) Jo MAFFEY, Francis MOON, Clerk to Mr HALL Poultry.


I the above named Elizabeth TILLEY do make and publish this to be a further Codicil to my Last Will and Testament whereas I have in and my said Will given and bequeathed diverse legacies in East India Annuities to several persons in my said Will named which annuities have since by virtue of an Act of Parliament been converted into or consolidated with the joint stock of [?] [?]

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Reduced annuities transferable at the Bank of England. Now it is my Will and I do hereby direct the several person in my said Will named to whom I have given legacies in India annuities shall be entitled to and have and receive the like annuities or sums in three present reduced bank annuities in Lieu and stead of the India annuities to them respectively given by my said Will and in all other respects I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will and two former Codicils.

In witness whereof I have thereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord 1793. E. TILLY signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth TILLY as and for a codicil to her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereof (the date being first altered from the twenty fourth to the twenty third day of October) Jo MAFFEY, Francis MOON.

I Elizabeth TILLEY widow of Walthamstow in the County of Essex do make and publish this to be a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament which I direct to be added to and taken as part thereof that is to say I give to Thomas SARGENT son of Humphrey SARGENT five hundred pounds bank annuities of three per cent per annum. I also give him pounds for mourning. I also give to Nathaniel SARGENT, Eleanor MARSH, Francis CLARK, Richard BLAYGRAVE if living with me at the time of my death five pounds over and above what I have given them by Will and codicil as an addition for mourning. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand the eighth day of May 1794. E TILLY I give and   my two cart [?] saddle horses to Humphrey SARGENT.


This Will was proved at London with four Codicil the twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord 1795 before the Worshipful George HARRIS Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Sir William [?]  Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Richard GOUGH the brother of the deceased and James HALL, the executors and two of the executors named in the said Will to whom administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted they having being first sworn duly to Administer. John Calthorpe GOUGH the other residuary legatee first to [so wanting?]


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