Will of Judith SOWLE (-1769)
National Archives Document Reference : PROB 11/950/226
In the name of God Amen. I Judith SOWLE of Saint George Hanover Square Widow being of sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is
I give and bequeath to Capt. [?] SOWLER and his heirs lawfully begotten the sum of six hundred pounds.
I give and bequeath to my Nephew Henry JACOMB one thousand pounds to be laid out immediately in annuity for his life by my executors.
I also give to my sister Mary PYKE of Hackney Widow the sum of fifty pounds and to my sister Elizabeth PACKARD of Enfield Widow the sum of fifty pounds.
I give and bequeath to Susanna JORCK only surviving daughter of my uncle Benjamin HINDE living at Konigsberg in Prussia to her and their heirs lawfully begotten the sum of one thousand pounds and in case the said Susanna JORCK should not survive me the said Thousand pounds to be equally divided amongst her children.
I give and bequeath to the children of Reverend Mr HEATH of Kempton in Hertfordshire five hundred pounds to be equally divided amongst them and also five hundred pounds to the children of the Reverend Mr LESTER of Messenden in Hertfordshire to be equally divided amongst his children unprovided for.
I hive and bequeath to such of my servants as shall have lived me upward of two year at my decease twenty pounds and five pounds for mourning to each of them and it is my desire the two best of such [?] linen and my two best suits of clothes be given by my sister PYKE to those she think proper that all the rest of my wearing apparel as clothes and linen be equally divided amongst my women servants in a private manner and my just debts be paid.
I do constitute and appoint the Reverend Mr HEATH of Kempton in Hertfordshire and Mr William BACOT Apothecary in John Street my executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I give unto the said Mr HEATH and Mr BACOT the sum of fifty Pounds to each of them for their trouble in executing this my Last Will and Testament.
Set my hand the twentieth day of March 1766. Judith SOWLE.
I give and bequeath to Mrs Charlotta WHITAKER of Hacky spinster the sum of fifty pounds and if Mary WILLSON or Mary ELESTON are with at the time of my
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Death I leave them their full legacies as if they had been with me the full time of two years. And I constitute Harry HADLY Esquire of Coney Court Greys Inn and give him fifty pounds for his trouble, the Reverend Mr HEATH of Hertfordshire and Mr John BACOT Apothecary my executors to this my codicil to my Will.
[March?] 29 1769 Judith SOWLE
And I do leave to Bothw [Bartholomew?] and Mary JULLION children of Mr JULLION merchant the rest of my fortune my just debts are paid this codicil add to the above
May [?] 2 1769 Judith SOWLE
19th July 1769
Appeared personally John Nicasins RUSSELL of the parish of Trinity in the Minorities London Gentleman and Henry WRIGHT of the parish of Saint Mary Axe London Gentleman who being severally sworn to depose the truth did jointly and severally say and depose as follows to wit.
That they and each of them knew and were well acquainted with Judith SOWLE late of the parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex widow deceased and during such their acquaintances with her have frequently seen her write and subscribe her name and thereby became acquainted with her manner and character of handwriting and having now carefully viewed and perused the paper writings hereunto unto annexed purporting to be the Last Will and Testament and two codicils of the said deceased, the said Will beginning thus “In the name of God Amen. I Judith SOWLE of Saint George Hanover Square Widow” and ending thus “Set my hand the twentieth day of March 1766. (Judith SOWLE).”
The Codicil beginning this (I give and bequeath to Mrs Charlotta) ending thus “my executors to this my codicil to my Will. [March?] 29 1769)” and thus subscribed (Judith SOWLE) Also the Codicil beginning thus “And I do leave to Bothw [Bartholomew?] and Mary JULLION” ending thus “this codicil add to the above May [?] 2 1769” and thus (Judith SOWLE). They these deponents do jointly and severally say and depose that they do verily believe the several names Judith SOWLE so act and subscribed to the said Will and two Codicils to be of the proper hand writing of the said Judith SOWLE deceased. J N RUSSELL H WRIGHT The same day the said J Nicasius RUSSELL and Henry WRIGHT were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me Wm COMPTON surrogate present
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Michael FOUNTAIN Notary Public.
On the twenty eight day of July in the year of our Lord 1769 administration (with the Will and two codicils annexed) of the Goods Chattels and Credits of Judith SOWLE late of the parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the County of Middlesex Widow deceased was granted to Peter Bartholomew JULLIAN the natural and lawful father and curator or guardian lawfully assigned to Peter JULLIAN and Mary Ann Harriott JULLIAN an infant his natural and lawful and only Children and as the residuary legatees named in a codicil to the said Will for the use and benefit of the said minor and infant and until they or one of them shall attain the age of twenty one years having been first sworn duly to administer The Reverend Ralph HEATH Clerk and William BACOT the executors named in the Will and Henry HADLEY otherwise HADLY the executor named in the Codicil having first renounced the execution of the said Will and Codicils.