Will of Elizabeth GOUGH (-1774)

Will of Elizabeth GOUGH (-1774)

National Archives Document reference: PROB 11/998/248

I Elizabeth GOUGH of Enfield in the County of Middlesex do make this to be my Last Will and Testament.

I give to my daughter Elizabeth TILLY five thousand pounds and all my household goods Furniture and Implements of household in my house in Winchester Street London and all my plate and china whatsoever except what may be in the garden of my house at Enfield.

Also I give to Mr John MISENOR of Abingdon Buildings five hundred pounds.

To Martha FIELD ten pounds besides what may be due to her from me.

Also I give and devise to my son Richard GOUGH and the heirs of his body all my messuages lands and tenements freehold and copyhold at Enfield aforesaid and in default of such issue I give the same to Martha PORCE granddaughter of my late cousin John HAWKINS deceased and her heirs In trust to sell the same and out of the money arising there from to pay herself in the first place the sum of one thousand pounds and pay and apply the surplus (if there shall be any) of the money arising from such sale to any among the children of her late uncle Samuel HAWKINS deceased equally to be divided between and I direct that the purchases of such premises shall not be obliged to see then purchase money applied to the purpose aforesaid but shall be well discharged on payment thereof

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To the said Martha PORCE or her heirs.

Also I give to all my servants who shall be living with me at my death and shall have lived with me six months before one year wages besides what may be then due to them from me.

All the rest and residue of my estate and effects real and personal not before disposed of I give and devise to my son Richard GOUGH his heirs executors and Administrators for his and their own use.

And I appoint him sole executor of his my Will and Testament and do hereby revoke all former Wills.  Witness my hand and seal this fifth day of 1774. Elizabeth GOUGH. Signed and sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth GOUGH as and for her Last Will and Testament in the presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereof Thomas JERMORGAN Thomas STEVENSON Charles PEARSEN.


This Will was proved at London the eighth day June in the year of our Lord 1774 before the Worshipful George HARRIS Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Sir George HAY Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissionary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of Richard GOUGH the son of the deceased and sole executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first sworn duly to Administer.




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