C 7/427/50 | 1657 Exall v Lady Dirletoun. Plaintiffs: Edward Exall. Defendants: Elizabeth [Maxwell] Countess of Dirletoun. Place or subject: estate of James Maxwell, Guilford, Worpledon etc, Surrey |
1. C2-JASI-M22-44 better photographs required of folded sections.
2. C 11/814/24 Fowke Also 33 Baylis
39 Hunt
44 Hunt
46 Hunt
3. MT 85/361 //done
3b. Will Register that Dr H F Bateman died after 1967
4. Official Number and crew lists of SS Gordon Castle 27th September 1916 114677 Re Du Toit
5. TS 16/140 Berners 1831 Your Archives
6. MH12/11980 – 11990 Samford Union notes (MH 12/11985 seen)
7. SP 46/136/54 – Robert Magore to Navy Commissioners. Report on survey of Mr. Dalmahoy’s timber at Gillford, as ordered by them. 28 Oct. 1662 //done
8. C 11/323/46 John Budd George Grew v Richard Jackson and his wife Jane Jackson 1743 (see also C 11/1628/25)
9. C11/353/24 Robert Sharrock v John Budd
10. C11/677/38 Boteler v BUDD (prevouisly seen 9 in same file)
12. BUDD v Willis
13. ADM1/8563/207 Fryatt bring remains to England 1919
14. IR 58/82062 ALLER VALUATION BOOK Copied 1-78
C 13/2120/1 Mangles v Dudman 1814
C 13/2131/14 Mangles v Hosier 1816
C 13/68/51 Mangle v Smith 1806
C 13/1232/21 Withy v Mangles 1839
C 13/1259/3 Mangles v Grand Collier Dock Company 1840
C 13/1682/30 Ea Winterton v Mangles 1816
C 13/3157/5 Mangles v Delap depositions. Frederick Mangles 1843.
15. OS 26/10264 OS Remark Book 1866 Wanborough
13. OS 26/10352 OS Remark Book 1866 Wanborough
14. IR 58/42264 Complete transcript 70+
15. IR58/42265 Freston 100+ (check transcript) Holbrook
16. IR58/42267 Freston 300+ Done
17. IR58/42268 Freston 400+ Copied – Stutton
18. IR58/42269 Freston 500+ Copied Tattingstone
19. IR58/42270 Freston 600+
20. IR58/42271 Freston 700+
Reference Scope Date OS 26/9839 Suffolk: Freston 1879
OS 26/9770 Suffolk: Freston 1877
OS 27/5005 Suffolk: Freston 1879
OS 29/239 SEEN
OS 35/6770 Freston 1902-1924
OS 35/6772 Freston 1902-1924
21. MT 6/557/22 London and South Western Railway: Wanborough 1891
22. MT 6/809/4 London & South Western Railway: Wanborough & Tongham Stations 1897
23. MH 12/11979 Samford includes list of paupers dying in Work house (120 names)
24. WO 339/6344 BERNERS H H, Capt 1914-1918
25. WO 339/33569 BERNERS G H, Lieut 1914-1920
26. MAF 9/332 Manor of Worplesdon R D Mangles 1872 4 Jan
27. C202/242/23 1852 Ross Donnelly Mangles Return of Writs.
28. HO 197/42Civil Defence Joint Planning Staff: survey of tunnels and caves.
29. HO200/3 Use of tubes agreement with LPTB Previously closed 2044
30. +++ Need to find FO file 13317 +++ contains lists of camp changes at Ruhleben. From 586/1852 (1916). Tried FO 383/139 (1916).
31. +++ Need to find FO Hague files +++ Brussels \news N29 190402 16 FO395/24 and N29125337 16 FO395/23.
32. CUST 59/80 Board to Collector 1781 – 1784
33. CUST 99 Harwich customs 1699-1909
34. SP 14/1/68 Memorial of”things grievous and offensive to the Commonwealth” which may be reformed by King James or by Parliament; abuses in Church and State, monopolies, plurality of offices, etc
31 Jan 2010 updated ¶
. SC 6/HENVIII/7442 1536 Waverley Abbey // done
1. C 9/60/2 Axtell v dalmahoy 1674 Your Archives
2. C 10/490/107 Jacob and others v. Cranbourne / Dalamahoy 1667 Your Archives
C 11/814/18 Budd v Threlkeld (prevouisly seen 13/15 in same file)
. MT 85/361 1916
35. C 10/201/16 Your Archives
36. C 11/88/3 Your Archives
37. ADM 137/3910 Reports concerning the activities and exploits of German surface raider WOLF, including log of British prisoner on board Your Archives
38. C 2/JasI/M22/44
39. FO 608/247/1 Legal, containing: Violation of international law by the enemy. Breaches of the laws of war by Germany. Trial of Germans in breach of international law.
40. MT 23/112 Prisoners of war, South African War. List of prisoners embarked between the 10th January and 3rd February 1900. Flickr Images
41. C 6/231/43 Thomas Dalmahoy re Will 1678
42. E 178/4608 Windsor Forest Survey including Wanborough JAMES 1
43. RAIL 227/28 1906-1908 GER Board Director Minutes – Worth full transcript and copy later
44. WO 164/402 Prize Records – Water & Capture of Paris by 3rd Guards
45. C3/453/100 Maxwell v Dalamahoy
46. C 10/15/39 Dirleton v. Cranborne, Blagrave, Smith, Exoll, Palmer: Surrey 1651
47. C 2/JasI/L5/46 Wanborough I
48. C 2/JasI/B9/56 Wanborough James I
49. C 12/670/14 BRANDER v. SHEPHERD b.r.r. 1797
50. C 12/1747/17 BRANDER v. SHEPHERD b.r.r. 1797
51. PROB 18/104/46 Timothy Mamgles Your Archives
52. ADM 137/3200 Capture by Germans of s.s. COLCHESTER 1916
53. ADM 137/4069 Intercepted German messages broadcast by W/T stations Nordeich, Nauen, Bruges, etc. relating to movements of British and allied naval and merchant ships 1914-1918
54. ADM 137/4188 Breaches of the laws of war at sea by Germany: draft reports and papers
55. ADM 171/94-119. John Cooper Carter Canteen Manager HMS ? Try medal rolls in These are in alphabetical order and are typed, and give you the service number. Then The place to find service records for any rating who joined the Royal Navy as a regular serviceman between 1873 and 1923 is in the Registers of Seamen’s Services in ADM 188 . Try Miscellaneous: e.g. WRNS, canteen staff ADM 171/133 – not found
56. ADM 188 is arranged by service number but there are contemporary name indexes to the service numbers in the series. There are several series of indexes, which are in manuscript and are not arranged in strict alphabetical order. A tip for searching for those who served in the First World War is to use the medal rolls in ADM 171/94-119. These are in alphabetical order and are typed, and give you the service number. – No Luck !
57. ADM12/1556B Index O-P – Index to ADM Prisoners of War?
58. ADM137/3148 FRYATT Shooting of Fryatt by Germans 1916-1919
59. AIR 5/233 Reports of the Committee of Enquiry into Breaches of the Laws of War.
60. BT 165/272 Ships’ Nos. 99432 – 99776 1907 possible Berlin 99454 1907 ship log
61. BT 334/040 Full index of Deaths at sea (Vessel 99454) C&D 6a LB 7/07
62. BT 351 William on GER ship in Red Cross service Board of Trade: Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen: Index of First World War Mercantile Marine Medals and the British War Medal 1914-1925 Medal record found and copied.
63. BT 372/358/93 R234157 CARTER R W 10/12/1910 PARKESTON (could Reginald Walter) – seen.
64. BT99 1432 and 1577 Adelaide/Tyler look good.
65. BT99/1057 Stephen USHER – Kate found but no USHER
66. BT99/3350 1917 St Denis and St Petersburg and Copenhagen
67. C 10/69/62 Floyd alias Lloyd v. Lincott & Blagrave: Hants 1663 Done Your Archives
68. C 12/466/25 More informationSwain v. Budd 1796 seen budd family of bishopsgate Your Archives
69. C12/1011/10 / BUDD Hy 1765 BUDD Wm 1765 C12/1011/10 seen -excellent Your Archives
70. C12/283/5 BUDD – seen no use Your Archives
71. C12/605/36 seenPICKSTONE Joseph 1785 Your Achives
72. C12/627/1 seenPICKSTONE Joseph 1789 Your Archives
73. C13/126/4 Richard Henry Budd v Burnand. Bill and two answers – very good includes bank statement Your Archives
74. C13/2367/8 Barnard v Seward. Examination. Of Chicister Your Archives
75. C13/467/22 Mangles v Delap. Bill and answer.Relates to Dunmore Farm near Guildford Your Archives
76. C3/446/47 Hamilton v Dalamahoy (seen – refers to Guildford priory estate)
77. Copy1/377/21 Photograph of West family
78. CUST 59/16 Collector to Board Correspondence Weymouth 1780-1783
79. E 115/10/70 Amey (Amy, Amye), George: Surrey Seen
80. E 115/11/10 Amey (Amy, Amye), Richard: Surrey seen
81. E 115/2/80 Amey (Amy, Amye), Richard: Surrey
82. E 115/2/91 Amey (Amy, Amye), Richard: Surrey
83. E 115/4/15 Amey (Amy, Amye), Richard: Surrey – copied
84. E 115/6/94 Amey (Amy, Amye), George: Surrey done
85. E 115/9/37 Amey (Amy, Amye), George: Surrey done and photographed
86. E 367/1344 Tooley Robert Wanborough Ash and Ripley 1617. – not found in file
87. E115/5/133 Amey (Amy, Amye), George: Surrey
88. E179/186/381 – Wanborough – no person names
89. ED 70/2584 Wanborough Church Hall (Wilsthire)
90. FO 383/18 Various POW list 1915
91. FO 383/427 Official German list of prisoners at Ruhleben 18 May 1918 and at Doeberitz 3/10/1918
92. FO 383/491 24/12/1918 Frank Bennett Master of SS Colchester. seen and photographed
93. FO 383/523 German official list of dead / Request for card index
94. FO 566/1131 1914-1916 Germany Series Diplomatic/War – no use at
95. FO 566/1852 Germany Civilians Prisoners 1916-17 – detail correspondence index
96. FO George Carter Rehleben / SS Brussels References to British subjects interned by the enemy can be found in the Foreign Office card index in the PRO (see PRO leaflet Foreign Office card index 1910-1919). Not all files have survived. Need to convert references and look up. Looked FO 566/1852 register of correspondence
97. FO383/110 Possible lists – non-found
98. FO383/267 Brandenburg in docket 110490 inc list of men in hospital
99. HO 322/161 : Retention of Second World War shelters: discussion of policy seen – no interest
100. INF 9/1547 Wanborough, Surrey 1926-1948 (seen) a. Infantry 1883 – no Batemans
101. IR 125/3/82 XXXI 2A Valuation Map for Puttenham & Hogs Back
102. IR 125/3/83 Maps and then 65
103. IR 18/10201 SURREY: Wanborough, parish (seen)
104. IR 58/34491 Domesday Book Wanborough 1911 Wanborough Assessment No. 1-100 1910 (done)
105. IR 58/34492 Wanborough Assessment No. 101-200 1910 106. MAF 32/1051/86 Farm Survey
107. MAF 73/40/31 Farm Survey Map
108. MT 5/47 Index, General. 1907
109. MT 6/556/4 London and South Western Railway: Wanborough 1891
110. MT 9/1058 Fryatt Execution 1916
111. MT 9/1066 Fryatt Memorial 1916
112. PIN 26/19752 FRYATT Pension for wife? – Missing !
113. PROB 3/61/29 Venn, Elizabeth, p. of St. Marys, Lambeth, co. Surr., widow. John Morse, esq., and Clement Paston, esq., exors. – Seen Inventory no additional info.
114. RAIL 227/184 Continental Committee 1907 – Berlin?
115. RAIL 227/432 Photographs of early date including steamships – contains of high quality locomotive pictures and of Witham crash – but only steamships are Thames boats.
a. Royal Engineers 1849- no Batemans
b. Service Corp 2148 – no Batemans
116. SP47/9 No BUDD Jersey use. Could try other volumes.
117. T 1/367/41 Bond for £3,000 of Henry Budd and sureties. 1756 July 9 – Done
118. TS 11/48 John Lowden v. Henry Denny Berners and others and A-G. Proceedings under will of Metyer Reynolds of Gisleham, Suffolk. Court: Chancery 1831-1836 – seen no berners interest.
Adm. sizar at EMMANUEL, Mar. 28, 1733. Of Norfolk. ‘ Matric. 1733; B.A. 1736-7. Organist at Emmanuel. V. of Little Ryburgh, Norfolk, 1740-58. V. of Bacton, 1746-97. R. of Gisleham, Suffolk, 1758-97.
119. Will of Elizabeth Haydon, Widow of Guildford , Surrey 04 March 1823 PROB 11/1667
120. Will of William Haydon of Guildford , Surrey 28 April 1855 PROB 11/2210
121. Will of William Haydon of Guildford, Surrey 22 May 1816 PROB 11/1580
122. Will of William Haydon of Saint Nicholas Guildford , Surrey 22 January 1784 PROB 11/1112
123. WO 363 Harry Cooper Carter – Army medal roll – not found in main two series. Also checked 363 missorts and 364/5088.
124. WO 372/5. Service Record Thomas A F CRISP B1880 Bw Orford SFK Possible WW1 service Army Service Corps Private S- 35550. Medal card Not WO363 / Not Ancestry.co.uk first release.
125. WO 900/46 List of German Subjects interned as PoW List 101 1916
126. WO 94/103 Documents concerning prisoners in the tower for espionage WW1
127. WO 95/4149 Hospital Ship, St. Denis 1915 Oct. – 1918 Dec. Munich 1908 Harwich – Hook, 1914-1918 became hospital ship renamed St.Denis, 1940 scuttled at Amsterdam, raised and used by Germans, 1950 scrapped.
128. WO 97/1253/96 JOHN NEWMAN alias JOHN NEUMAN Born WEELEY, Essex Served in Royal Artillery Drivers Discharged aged 33 1804-1814 seen
129. WO100/3003 Medal Rolls for 4 Hussars – John Norris MIROFILM – not found
130. WO100/319 South Africa Medal Roll for Wanborough people. (Already tried WO100/166) William Cheeseman and William Charles Davey. MICROFILM – not found
131. WO363/C549 Medal Roll and Service Record of F Carter G/13476 Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) from locomotive department – found Copied.
132. WO97 1900-1913 For William CHEESEMAN WO 97/4519 not found and William Charles DAVEY WO97/4644 of Wanborough. not found
133. WO97 1900-1913. Try John Graham NORRIS WO97 5602. not found
134. WO97 Circa 1873 Batemans
135. WORK 19/1325 We are pleased to tell you that, in consultation with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, it has been decided that this document may now be made available at The National Archives, Kew. The file can be ordered and viewed at the National Archives from 27th June 2006. – Works of Art: wartime protection 1949-1964.
136. ZJ1/78London Gazette
137. ON for SS Malines 1939-1941 415402
PROB 18/29/11 | ![]() |
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