POW Files in US National Archives

US National Archives (NARA)

Record Group RG 84 Listing of selected USA Embassy London, England, UK files 1914-1918 related to Prisoners of War (Military and Civilian). Much of the correspondence is routing correspondence from the US Embassy in Berlin to the British Foreign Office in London, as the US represented British Interests after the outbreak of War in 1914.

A few merchant shipping files have been included as these may relate to capture of seamen as POW. Most noteworthy is file 710a which relates to S.S Lusitania

The documents form a small part of the holding for the London Embassy in this period. Other files entitled Welfare, or Financial etc. might relate to Prisoners of War but have been omitted until there is a direct reference in the title.  The numbers such 711.4 relate to the subject classification of files.  711 relates to “War, Peace, Friendship Alliance”.  The subdivision 711.4 relates to ‘Prisoners of War’ and 711.5 ‘Civil Prisoner. Enemy non-combatants’.

Original Documents are available at US National Archives at Washington.

[Editor’s note – I have only viewed a few of these files so cannot confirm accuracy of Catalogue description]


Ref Start End Description
0599 1914 1914 Correspondence File, enemy property, prisoners of war, (military) 711.3,711.4 Austrian, 711.4 Belgium 711.4 British (general)
0600 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners or war (military) 711.4 British a-w
0601 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (military) 711.4 British, e.p. Gaston, l.p. Hofmann
0602 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (military) 711.4 French, 711.4 German, 711.4 Turkish
0603 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (civilian) 711.5 general
0604 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (civilian) 711,5 general, 711.5 Austrian, 711.5 British
0605 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (civilian) 711.5 British a-z
0606 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (civilian) 711.5 French, 711.5 German
0607 1914 1914 Correspondence File, prisoners of war (civilian) illegal warfare, hospital ships, military observers, peace! arbitrations territorial cessions, navigations 711.5 Hungarian, 711.5 Russian, 711.5 Turkish, 711.6, 711.7,711.8,712,714,720
0665 1915 1915 Correspondence File, enemy property, prisoners of war 711.4 Austrian, 711.4 Belgian, 711.4 British in Bulgaria, 711.4 British in Germany-relief treatment Jan – April
0666 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 treatment (continued) May-Dec
0667 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 clothing, 711.4 correspondence, 711.4 food
0668 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 camps, 711.4 parcels
0669 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 exchange, 711.4 lists Jan.-May
0670 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany & Turkey 711.4 lists (continued) june-dec.,711.4 lists, 711.4 exchange
0671 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Turkey 711.4 parcels, 711.4 pay, ,711.4 treatment, 711.4 British a-b
0672 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 c-g
0673 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4h-o
0674 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 o-t
0675 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 u-z, 711.4 French, 711.4 German, 711.4 German and Austrian camps, correspondence, pay
0676 1915 1915 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, German and Austrian, exchange, lists, treatment, 711.4 German a-z, 711.4 Turkish
0678 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 exchange, list, relief
0680 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 British in Turkey, 711.5 British a-b
0681 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 [British] c-j
0682 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 British k-p
0683 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 British r-z, 711.5 French
0684 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners German 711.5 correspondence, camps, lists, repatriations
0685 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners German 711.5 relief, treatment, seamen, 711.5 German a-z
0686 1915 1915 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, illegal warfare, 711.5 Hungarian, 711.5 Turkish, 711.6
0709 1915 1915 Correspondence File, communication, navigation, merchant vessels 875, 877, 879, 880, 880.1, 882, 883, 884, 885
0710 1915 1915 Correspondence File, merchant vessels, 885 British a-j
0710a 1915 1915 Correspondence File, merchant vessels, 885 British S.S Lusitania
0711 1915 1915 Correspondence File, merchant vessels, seamen, press, science 885 British (continued), 885 Russian, 886, 888, 891, 892.6, 892.7
0759 1916 1916 Correspondence File, neutral rights, enemy property, prisoners of war 7111.2 trading with the enemy (continued) m-z, 711.2, 711.4 Austrian (camps)
0762 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war 711.4 Austrian (continued), 711.4 Belgian, 711.4 British in Austria, 711.4 British in Bulgaria (lists)
0763 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war 711.4 British in Bulgaria, treatment, release, 711.4 British in Germany camps (Jan-May)
0764 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 camps (continued) June-Dec.
0765 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 communication, 711.4 exchange, 711.4 officers
0766 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 lists correspondence file, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 lists
0767 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 relief
0768 11916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany 711.4 treatment Jan-May
0769 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Germany, 711.4 treatment (continued) June-Dec.
0770 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Turkey 711.4 lists, 711.4 officers, 711.4 postal, 711.4 facilities
0771 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British in Turkey 711.4 relief
0772 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, 711.4 British in Turkey, release, treatment, 711.4 British a-b
0773 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 c-f
0774 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 g-i
0775 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 m-r
0776 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, British 711.4 s-t
0777 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war 711.4 British u-z, 711.4 Bulgaria, 711.5 French, 711.4 German, {lists, officers, release
0778 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, German 711.4 camps Jan-May
0779 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, German 711.4 camps (continued), 711.4 relief, 711.4 transfer
0780 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war 711.4 German treatment, 711.4 German a-z, 711.4 Italian, 711.4 Polish, 711.4 Serbian, 711.4 Turkish (lists)
0781 1916 1916 Correspondence File, prisoners of war, 711.4 combatant & civilian 711.4 Turkish, 711.5 Armenian, 711.5 Austrian
0782 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, 711.5 Belgian, 711.5 British in Austria, 711.5 British in Bulgaria, 711.5 British in Germany, 711.5 camps, lists, reparation
0783 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, 711.5 British in Germany 711.5 relief, 711.5 treatment, 711.5 seamen
0784 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, 711.5 British in Germany (seamen), 711.5 British in Turkey (list release)
0785 1916 1916 [Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 British in Turkey, treatment, 711.5 British a-f
0786 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, British 711.5 g-l
0787 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, 711,5 British m-z, 711.5 Bulgarian
0788 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, German 711.5 camps
0789 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, German 711.5 treatment
0790 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, German 711.5 camps(continued), 711.5 correspondence
0791 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, German 711.5 release, 711.5 a-l
0792 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners 711.5 German m-z, 711.5 Greece, 711.5 turkey
0793 1916 1916 Correspondence File, civilian prisoners, illegal warfare 711.5 Turkish, 711.6
0818 1916 1916 Correspondence File, communication, navigation, merchant, vessels 874, 875, 877, 879, 880,881.2, 891.3, 892, 892.3, 892.51, 892.55, 892.63
0819 1916 1916 Correspondence File, merchant vessels 885 Austrian 885 British
0820 1916 1916 Correspondence File, merchant vessels, seamen, press, science, 885 Danish, 885 Norwegian, 886, 89, 891.3, 892, 892.3, 892.51, 892.55, 892.63
0855 1917 1917 Correspondence Files. Enemy Property Prisoners of War 711.2 Enemy Property, 711.4 Combative Prisoners, Copenhagen Conferences. Rebel Work
0856 1917 1917 Correspondence Files Prisoners of War 711.4 Austria in Britain, British in Bulgaria
0857 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British in Germany
0858 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British m Turkey
0859 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British in Germany (continued) British Individual Cases (A-H)
0860 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British individual Casas (J-Z) Bulgaria in Britain, Germany in Britain
0861 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War Civilian Prisoners 711.4 German Individual Cases (A-Z) Turkish in Britain, 711.5 Austrian in Britain, British in Austrian
0862 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Civilian Prisoners 711.5 British in Germany, British in Turkey, British Individual Cases (A-Z)
0863 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Civilian Prisoners 711.5 German in Britain, Turkey in Britain, 711.6 f lies
0855 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Enemy Property, Prisoners of War 711.2 Enemy Property, 711.4 Combative Prisoners, Copenhagen Conferences, Relief Work
0856 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 Austria in Britain, British in Bulgaria
0857 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British in Germany
0858 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British in Turkey
0859 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British in Germany (continued) British Individual Cases (A-H)
0860 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711.4 British Individual Cases (J-Z) Bulgaria in Britain, Germany in Britain
0861 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War, Civilian Prisoners 711.4 German Individual Cases (A-Z), Turkish in Britain, 711.5 Austrian in Britain, British in Austrian
0862 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Civilian Prisoners 711.5 British in Germany, British in Turkey, British Individual Cases (A-Z)
0863 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Civilian Prisoners 711.5 German in Britain, Turkey in Britain, 711.6 Files
0922 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Transportation, Navigation, Merchant Vessels 878, 879, 881, 883,885
0923 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels 885 American, Belgian
0924 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels 885 British A-K incl.
0925 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels 885 British A-K Incl. Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels 885 British L-Z incl.
0926 1917 1917 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels, Seamen 885, Denmark to Uruguay,886
0951 1918 1918 Correspondence Files. Neutral Commerce, Enemy Property, Prisoners of War 711.2 Contraband, 711.4
0952 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711 4 American
0953 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War 711 4 British
0954 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War, 711.4 British (cont)
0955 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War, Illegal War, Hospital Ships, 711.4 Bulgarian, 711.5, 711.6, 711.7
1000 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Wireless Telephone, Railways, transportation, Navigation, Merchant Vessels’874, 875, 877, 879, 881, 882, 883, 885
1001 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels, 885 (cont’d)
1002 1918 1918 Correspondence Files, Merchant Vessels, Seamen, Public Press, 885 (cont’d), 886, 891
1019 1919 1919 Correspondence Files, Prisoners of War, Combatant and Civilian Hospital Ships 711.3,711.4,711.7


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