This pages is an index of Prisoner of War movement in/out/intra the Ruhleben First World War camp. This held mainly British civilian prisoners including many Merchant Seaman including the crew of the SS Brussels.
The orginal document is in document MT 9/1597.
[[Ruhleben]], 9th April 1918. CAMP - CHANGES Including Releases. Removals etc since 2nd April 1918 SUPPLEMENT No: 80 2.4.18 Gaskin, Donald (coloured) removed from Barrack 21 to Barr.23 Taylor, Norman William removed from Barrack 2 to 23 The following men were released: MacCarthy, James - Barrack 9 (till 31.5.10) Roman, Theodor Frederick - Barrack 8 (till 16.4.18) 3.4.18 The following men were released:- Dahm, Julius Carl H. - Barrack 5 (till 3.5.18) Hasler-Birch, Oliver - Barrack 7 4.4.18 Goodwell, Charles William, returned to Barrack 14. 5.3.18 Harris, Frederick removed from Barrack 3 to Barrack 12. Bardsley. William Eric removed from Barrack 5 to Barrack 7 6.4.18 The following men were removed to the Kriegsgefangenen-lazarette v Berlin. Green, James - Barrack 8. Wren. Frederick Festus (coloured) Barrack 21 7.4.18 The following man was released: Kershaw, John To. - Barrack 2. 8.4.18 The following man arrived from Brussels:- Name: Bills, George Birth date: 16th February 1901 Birthplace: Liverpool Occupation: Student Address: 24 Rue de Bollincks, Brussels or 29 North Street, Saltney Ferry, Chester Barrack: 8 The following man was released till 29.4.10; Payne, George Alexander - Barrack 15 Number of men in Camp to-day (8th April 1918) - 2458. Pigg Robert removed from Barrack 16 to Barrack 23. Friend, William removed from Barrack Schonungsbarrack to Barrack 15. Belmont, Algernon removed from Barrack 10 to Schonungsbarrack. Browne, Charles removed from Barrack 8 to Schonungsbarrack. Underwood, Alexander removed from Barrack 10 to Schonungsbarrack. Aird. Bruce K. removed from Kriegsgefangsnenlazarette to Stadtvogtei. Blumberg, Israel, placed in Stadtvogtei, Henry, Leigh Vaughan, removed from Stadtvogtei to Havelberg Camp. Schaeffer, William, removed from Stadtvogtei to Havelberg Camp.