Account of Nathaniel Bateman re Ship “Catchpoole”

Profits ? Disbursements and Allowances of the ship in Question

Extract From National Archives C 12/1766/63


May? 1st 1717 paid Bill of Exchange for Ship £736 07 3
Insurance of 1200 at 10 per cent £120 00 0
Paid Bottomry £136 14 0
Charge of Letters to and from thence £001 15 0
For my Trouble in London £025 00 0
Interest of this money from the 1st May 1717 to the 1st   February 1719 being 2 years and nine months £140 05 0
Charges and Disbursements in Norway when taken by the Danes  
March the 24th 1717 paid Bill of Exchange from Christiania   drawn by Thomas GROVE £125 00 0
Interest of one year and nine months of ditto £010 18 9
July the 5th 1718 paid for the Bill of Exchange from Mr   GROVE £140 00 0
Interest of one year and six months £010 10 0
Paid Mr ROSS Ditto Bill of Exchange from Copenhagen February 1717 £200 00 0
Interest two years £020 00 0
Getting the Kings Letter the King being then at Hampton Court £022 10 0
Bill of Exchange from Thomas Grove at Christiania Ditto £100 00 0
Interest two years £010 00 0
Paid Bill Thomas GROVE drew on me Mr MARGERUM £007 11 0
May the 18th cost for sending over 5 men by Mr JNO   MARGARUM from Ipswich to Christiania £004 00 0
11 Men by Jno KINDERSBY £009 16 0
Paid brokerage to get the men £000 15 0
Wateridge and expenses £000 07 6
To Pilotage from Yarmouth this voyage £005 10 0
Paid Mr BOWLING for loading the ship £009 00 0
To Drink money and wateridge £000 07 6
To appraising the ship when unloaded £002 02 0
To Cap: and writing the inventory £000 10 0
To wateridge and expenses there £000 06 0
To Brokers Bill Lights and Dagn £009 17 6
To the Company of Iron Porters as usual £001 01 0
To the Landwaiters of the same £001 01 0
To translating the Condemnation into English £002 02 0
To 8 men wages at 4 10 per man £036 00 0
To FOTHERLY his wages £005 00 0
To the Carpenter his wages £007 07 0
To old Will LAMBLEY his wages £004 15 0
To the mate his wages £008 00 0
To J PLOVER his wages £004 10 0
To Mr NOBLE the blockmaker £015 12 2
To WATTS his wages £004 10 0
To Mr LOVEING the sailmaker’s Bill £015 14 8
To Mr ALEXANDER Sailmaker £038 08 0
To Mr JONES Mastmaker’s Bill for new Mast £049 13 0
To Mr WOLLEY Ropemaker £059 01 0
To Mr TIMS Painter £003 00 0
To Mr RUDD cooper £001 10 0
To Mr Jones smith £004 10 0
To charge of letters to and from Norway and Copenhagen and my trouble   in this affair £025 00 0
To acting in Admiralty Office the old owners threating to arrest ship   for warrant out and ? £000 06 8
To advise in Case the ship the old owners should stop her at   Gravesend £001 01 0
To attend and expenses thereon £000 07 6
To my Charge in going ? to clear ship and see her discharges from   July the 5th to July the 7th £001 05 0
July the 16th To Mr JUIT fir rigging the ship and putting   in nowrnaism? £008 00 0
To drink money and wateridge £000 06 6
To Mr LING brokerage for letting the ship to Longsound to Mr Jno   FOSTHROPE and Company ? in London June 25th 1718 and Chr J DARTY £003 03 0
To my expenses therein £000 05 0
Paid Mr CORKETT for ? 19 of beef this voyage £008 05 0
To charge of carrying it to the ship £000 02 0
To Humph : Cole for 2 Beef and Charge £002 00 0
To Mr EDWARDS for 4 bushel of peas £000 14 0
To Brewer for beer £003 07 6
To sending Merchant Letters after ship to Yarmouth Harwich and   Ipswich £000 11 6
Postage and expenses  
To six Firkins of flour £001 16 0
To 8 Suff: Cheeses £001 18 0
August 22 1718 Arrived in River Thames  
To Dagd breath Trinity and Lights £007 11 0
August 28th To the six penny office £000 10 4
To the mate for his disbursements for the ship £001 07 9
To the Carpenter ditto £001 12 3
To wages to 16 men this voyage £085 00 0
To one Boy £002 00 0
For my trouble and expenses paying wages and tradesmen and keeping   ships accounts this voyage £005 05 0
Insurance at 5 per cent for 1000 £050 00 0
Shipment Down September 10th 1718 bound to draw for the   same merchants  
To 60 tons of ballast £003 00 0
Tor Mr LING for brokerage and Chr J DARTY £001 06 6
Expense about that affair £000 05 0
To my man going to Gravesend to get Thomas GROVE to sign Letter of Attorney   to settle with Mr VICTORIN £000 11 0
Insurance at 5 per cent for 1000 £050 00 0
To Letter of Attorney and Duty £000 05 0
To Mr LOVEING for a new mainsale £028 02 9
Drink money about freighters £000 10 6
November the 3rd Ship arrived in the River Thames  
4th paid officers for working one holiday and 2:6 to drink £000 07 6
To the wages of 15 men and one boy this voyage £090 10 0
To lights and Dagn Breath £007 11 0
To Mr ?dden for Beer £003 17 6
To Mr SWIFT ? Bill £001 16 8
For Affidavit and oath to satisfy Merchants that none of his goods   were ? £000 05 0
Gave to the box in the Carpenters yard for the poor labourers £000 05 0
Expense when ? the freight £000 15 0
Coals for the ships use £000 09 0
Charges in carrying down £000 01 6
? KING for looking after the ship £002 02 0
For 2 valts … ? £001 01 0
To 2 men going down and taking £000 10 0
To John JOHNSON Master for Ballast £007 07 0
To the Carpenter in part of wages £000 15 0
To drink money for men £000 05 0
To Humph: COLE for 8:2:23 of beef £008 14 2
November the 14th 1718 To Money paid Mr VICTORIN as   followeth  
To 2 bars of Iron wanting £000 10 0
To 4 cast and 8.5 tarr Rynbut £008 11 0
To one barrel used £000 12 0
To 93 tons of Iron brought by other ships from Christiania ? ..   agreement £027 16 6
To charge and disbursements towards reclaiming said ship Alternation   when taken by the Danes from June 1717 to May 1718 £326 5 0
To Mr NRITT £004 14 6
To Mr WOOLEY Ropemaker £051 00 0
Mr LOVEING Sailmaker £026 05 0
Paid 2 old men for taking care of the ship £001 00 0
To Britklirye for mending the cabin £001 04 2
To Mr HAGUE smith £001 01 8
To MR WISE for tarr £000 10 10
To Robert MANNING Cooper £001 01 9
To Mr EADE Ship Chandler £002 00 0
To SAUNDERS for mending and cleaning small armes £000 16 0
To several sum of money paid at sundry times .. on account in England   to ?GROVE Master £073 12 1
March 14th Paid 5 men for Rigging and working on board £002 10 0
Paid 3 more £001 10 0
Paid the cook £000 13 6
Paid him more £001 01 0
Paid Mr JOHNSON master for tending and stocking after the ship 2   months when ship was arrested £008 00 0
Paid the Carpenter for tending on the ship 2 m  2 £005 00 0
20th April Paid TORONSON for shipping nine men £001 02 6
Paid JNO KING Mate for 2 months £005 00 0
Paid for Luggage Boat to carry the men to Greenhithe £000 17 0
To Mr JOHNSON the Master for Stock of Money to purchase Coals and   other incident charges £171 00 0
To my expenses going person to clear ship from being stop at   Gravesend by GROVE £001 05 0
18th Paid Richard LAW for 5 men to get the ship from   Debtford to Greenhithe £005 00 0
Paid Will PARKER for taking care of the ship and getting down and   keeping possession when under arrest by GROVE £004 10 0
Cabin stores £003 10 0
Drink Money for the men at Greenhithe £000 03 0
To cheese and a firkin of Butter £001 14 6
To half firkin of Grease £000 07 0
To the Defendants trouble and expense in making up the accounts with   Mr VITTORIN £010 10 0
Paid the broker when accounted with Mr VICTORIN £001 01 0
First Voyage from London to Newcastle April 1719  
May 2nd. Paid Mr SOWER by fitter at Newcastle for 168   Chalder of Coals and £130 11 6
Charges as per Bill  
Paid 12 men wages at £3 per man £036 00 0
To the Cook and Sailmaker £000 10 0
To a young man £001 05 0
To the Mate £004 05 0
To the Carpenter £004 05 0
To the Master’s disbursements new boat ? to 21st May when   the ship was entered his wages included in Bill £064 03 10
To Duty of the Coals and Crimps Bill Mr FURS £178 14 8
To my expenses contracting with tradesmen paying mens wages and   getting in the money for the Coals ? and trouble this voyage £003 03 0
Paid Mr LING for a prossthen? £001 01 0
To the meeter to Drink £000 02 6
To 8.2.23 of beef at 20 per ? £008 10 6
To 4 bushels of peas £000 16 0
To  firkin of Flour £000 18 0
To 1 at 19 Suff: Cheese £000 15 0
To one Cheshire Cheese £000 06 9
To several small things for the cabin £000 15 0
To one Dozen of Candles £000 06 6
To 5 ? Bread at 8 per ? £002 00 0
To 3 bush of salt £000 13 6
To lightermens Servants £000 14 0
Beer £003 10 0
5 ton ple of salt fish £000 10 0
Insurance of 1200 at £1:10s £018 00 0
To HUMPH: ? for 3 quarters of ? beef £000 15 0
Second Voyage from London to Newcastle 30th May 1719  
To the fitters Bill £133 04 0
Crimps Bill of disbursements £176 19 8
To one Barrel of Tar £000 16 0
To half barrel pitch at 1:2:0 £000 12 9
Beer £003 13 6
3 bushes of salt £000 13 6
To 4 bush of peas £000 16 0
To 5 ? bread at 8:6 £002 02 6
To one firkin of Butter £001 04 0
To half firkin of grease £000 07 0
To ? 2:0 Suff Cheese at 12s per ? £000 18 0
To Humph: Cole for ? Beef qt 8:2:23 at 22s per ? £009 07 7
To one hawser ? 7.25 120 offath: qt 11:2:14 at 16s per ? £009 06 0
Paid 12 men wages at 2:10 per man £030 00 0
Cook and Sail maker £000 10 0
Mater 4:5 Carpenter ditto £008 05 0
To the Masters wages and disbursements £045 08 5
To my trouble and expense £003 03 0
To a Young Man £001 05 0
To a Boy £000 15 0
Insurance of 1200 at £1:10 per cent £018 00 0
Third Voyage from London to Newcastle July 1719  
To one Barrel Tar £000 15 0
Brandy £000 13 0
Cheese 1:2:11 £000 19 6
One Ihn Cheese £000 03 3
Beer £004 00 0
To 5:2:9 Bread at 8 per ? £002 04 0
4 bushel peas at 4 per bushel £000 16 0
To 3 bushel salt £000 13 6
3 Firkin Flour £000 18 0
Masters wages and disbursements £021 03 2
Carpenter 4:5 Mate ditto £008 10 0
12 men at 2:10 per man £030 00 0
Cook and Sail maker £000 10 0
One boy £000 15 0
Fitters Bill £139 10 8
Crimps Bill £184 04 6
To my trouble and Expense £003 03 0
To a new Foremast £019 14 0
To Mr MANNING cooper for work about ditto £001 04 6
To the Riggers to fit it £003 02 6
To drink money £000 07 6
Ropemaker £003 12 2
To the Butcher for 8:2:0 Beef at 21 per ? £008 18 6
To 3 new thaizes and other necessaries for the cabin £001 18 3
Insurance of 1200 at 1:10 per cent £018 00 0
Fourth Voyage from London to Newcastle the August 19th   1719  
To 3 firkin flour £000 18 0
To 4:2:0 wt of Bread £001 16 0
To 4:0:17 Beef £004 03 0
To 3 bushel of salt £000 13 6
To 2 dozen of candles £000 13 0
To 3 bushels of peas £000 12 0
To half barrel tar £000 10 4
To the Master’s disbursements this voyage £000 12 0
To fitters charges at Newcastle £017 08 7
Crimp charges at London £157 03 9
To 12 men wages at 2:10 £030 00 0
To the Cook and Sailmaker £000 10 0
To the Carpenter 4:5 Mate ? £008 10 0
To one young man £001 04 0
To one boy £000 15 0
Master’s wages £008 00 0
To my expenses since first voyage £003 03 0
To brewer for beer £003 10 0
Fifth Voyage from London to Newcastle October 11th 1719  
To PLANK to mend the bowes and boat £001 15 0
To 3 bushel of peas £000 18 0
To 3 firkin of flour £000 19 6
To 4 ? wt of bread £001 05 0
To half an altier of Brandy £001 05 0
To 3 bushel of salt £000 13 6
To wt ROSSEN £000 15 0
To one barrel of pitch £001 06 0
To the Master’s wages and his disbursements this Voyage £034 02 10
To one dozen candles £000 06 6
To one firkin Grease £000 07 6
Cheese £000 15 7
To one firkin Butter £001 06 0
To sailmaker for new foresail as per Bill £018 06 6
Ropemaker £002 15 0
Fitters charges at Newcastle as per Bill £133 17 9
Insurance of 1200 at 1:10 £018 00 0
To the Mate and Carpenter wages £008 00 0
To 12 mens wages at £3 per man £036 00 0
To the Cook and Sailmaker over and above other men 5s each £000 10 0
To a young man £001 05 0
To one boy £000 15 0
To the Crimps Bill of Disbursements this voyage £150 3 10
To one man for looking after the ship from the 8th   December to 12th day of February being 0 weeks and 3 days at 7:6   per week. £003 18 4
To the Masters charge and expenses. Attending on the ship while   unloaded. £005 00 0
To Mr MITT the brewer for beer £004 10 0
To my expenses paying and contracting with tradesmen £003 03 0
To the labourers for unloading the ship £011 17 0
Drink money £000 04 6
To insurance omitted last voyage of 1200 at 1:10 per cent £018 00 0
To appraising the ship tackle apparel and furniture £002 02 0
To a copy of the appraisement £000 10 0
To wateridge and expenses thereon £000 07 6
To money disbursed by this defendant in discharging the ship now in   dispute when arrested by Mr GROVE in the Court of Admiralty in an action of   200 for wages on or about the 3rd February 1718 and in discharging   the same ship when arrested the second time on the 28th of the   same month by the said GROVE man action of property in in the said Court of   Admiralty as by Bill of costs ready to be produced by this defendant £038 0 5
To one Bill of Costs in the Office of Pleas in the Exchequer to   obtain the prohibition in Easter Term 1718 £010 3 4
To one Bill of costs in defending the suite in the English side of   the Exchequer at the suite of ? GROVE  
To one Bill of costs in order to bring Mr GROVE to an account in the   English side of the Exchequer  
To several sums of money Mr Grove demand of me for his wages and   disbursements in and concerning the said ship for which were now in dispute   in the Court of the Exchequer


To one Bill of tests at the suit of John CLEMENTS one of the complainants in the Bill mentioned for 3 two and thirtieth parts of the said ship in Hill: 1718 in the Kings Bench [1] £003 8 3
An account of the freight and earnings of the said Ship formerly   called the Catchpoole now the Alteration since her being purchased at Gothenburg   in February 1718.  
To Jno FOLTHORPE and Company one half of freight £125 00 0
To Dagn Breath £004 00 0
To freight reted of Mr Laurence VICTORIN for the Gothenburg Voyage as   followeth  
To 153 2/3 last of Iron at 35 per last £268 10 4
To 53 ? Deals at 35 per ? £092 18 6
To 4 last and ½ tarrat ditto per last £007 17 6
To freight or caplaken and primage at 3 per last £031 13 6
To Dagnum Breath £004 00 0
To his share as per agreement towards reclaiming the ship when taken   by Danes £217 10 0
To the remainder half freight of Jno FOLTHORPE and Company for the Postgzolmd   voyage £125 00 0
To other freight reted of them £024 08 0
To freight for 1 ½ ufars of the defendants £001 10 0
November 1718 : To freight reted of Mr FOLTHORPE and Company for one   voyage to Dram in Norway  
To one ½ freight per Chze party £127 10 0
To Dragn Breath £004 00 0
14 March 1718 : To the remainder ½ freight reted of the same   merchants £127 10 0
To other freight then reted of them for 1:4:3:21 Deals at ? per ? £026 01 0
To freight of 63 Ufars of the defendants £000 12 0
To 3 ? Deals at 1:5 per ? of the defendants £003 15 0
An account of monies reted and to be reted by this Defendant for   coals in the year 1719  
First Voyage  
2 June 1719 reced of Mr Nicholas FURS Crimp in money and lightermens   notes for 105 chalder Coals sold at 27:6 per Chq £141 00 0
To 229 Chalder Coals sold at 28 per Chalder meetage ? £312 19 4
17th July 1719 2 voyage from Newcastle  
Reced of Mr Nicholas FURS by lightermens notes and money for 342   Chalder ¼ of Coals at 26:6 £443 05 10
Third Voyage from Newcastle  
26th August 1719 reted ditto for 338 Chalder ¾ of coals at   26 per Chalder £430 13 0
19th October 1719 Fourth Voyage from Newcastle  
To 343 Chalder ¼ Coals at 27 and 27:3 as per Bill with meetage £454 16 2
Fifth Voyage from Newcastle February 1719  
To 318 Chalder ¼ Coals not yet accounted for by Mr FURS the Crimp  


[1] KB122/90 Possible Kings bench File to be checked.

PROB 3/27/228

National Archives File PROB 3/27/228

Nathaniel Bateman 23rd December 1728

A true and perfect inventory of all singular the goods Chattels and Profits? Of Mr Nathaniel BATEMAN late of the parish of St Lawrence Poultry London, Gent. Deceased which since his death have come into the hands possession or knowledge of Deborah DASH now wife of Mr Joseph DASH the administrator of the said deceased.

At the Deceased’ Chambers in the Temple

Inprimis One oval table, a chimney Glass, two Sconces, one stool of furniture and bellows, three pictures, a pair of slops and three window rods.

Goods at Mr Dupuly TWINAYS in Thames Street

Item One bedstead with worked furniture complete , two pairs of shipped Camblet Windows Curtains, five feather bed and bolsters and ten pillows, nine small pillows, seven blankets, one quilt, a comtorpane, one Walnut bureau, a dressing glass, one jappaud Chest of Drawers, a Mahogany table, two ? tables, one wainscot chest of drawers, one looking glass, four doule, ditto a choserstool and pan, a Walnut chest of drawers, and dressing boxes, one oval table, a box, ditto a cedar box, fourt matted chairs, one stove and furniture and bellows, a piece of tapestry, one large picture and twelve small ditto, four chests, two elbows to a bed, threes of tapestry, a wainscot chest of drawers, a bureau, two cupboards, a table, a stool, two stows for clothes, one lloking glass, one easy chair and cushion, ? cane chairs, a napkin, ? two matted chairs, two wood, ditto, a plate drainerright ? cane chairsand two cushions … chest, a Remnant of green cloth, a walnut tree table and glass, a brass health, stove and tongs dogs and Iron back a brass handled brush, one stove shovel tongs and poker.

Item Twelve cane chairs, six ? ? a brass tea kettle, lamp and …a piece of tapestry, one oval table one wainscot Chest of drawers … China cups, a tea …

A corner cupboard, ten pieces of Chinaware two pairs of fine Holland sheets and ten pairs of ? ditto eight pairs of large pillowbeersic. Pairs of small pillowbeers and ? and one pair of blue window curtains and Valance,  one fine Damask table cloth and six napkins, one fine draper table cloth and twelve napkins, one side board, ditto, sixteen coarse table cloths, sixteen napkins, twenty two  breakfast clothes, thirty two coarse towels, threes of Callow Window Curtains, eight pairs of white window curtains, a toylight two white counterpaial, one Callicoe Counterpain and one Child bed linen.

Kitchen Furniture &c

Item one Range and fonder, two shovels and tongs and poker, two ? a toaster and spit rack, a gridiron, a pot iron or choppe, a box iron and ?, four stands,a Husfrey, a pig iron, two plate warmers, a cover , four iron skewers, two chatting dishes, four spils, one jack complete, one fish kettle plate and cover, two boylers and covers, two stew pans, four sauce pans, a Ball Nestle Mortar and Iron Pestle, a brass kettle. A grater, a pepper box, five brass candlesticks, a tinderbox, snuffer and fland, five sevealls, a brass disk Ring, two ladles, a ?. four dozen and seven? Plates, a bed pan, a colander, Mazareens, two salvers, two salvers, two frying pans, an iron pot, pewter sauce pan and tin and earthen ware.

Item. The ? linen and wearing apparel books and arms?

Item Old sterling plate thirty two ounces and  [at] five shillings and two per ounce,  £8 5s 4d.

Item. New Ditto seventy nine ounces at five shillings and two per ounce, £21 4s 0d.

Item. A pair of silver buckets. £0 5s 0d.

Item. A Rose Diamond Ring with ?  £14 0s 0d.

Item. Mourning Ring with a Rose Diamond. £1 15s 0d.

Item. One Gold Watch. £12 0s 0d.

Item. This exhibitant declares that the deceased was at the time of his death entitled ? to the several parts of shipping hereinafter mentioned.

To 32nd part of the ship Robert PERRY Master valued at £20.

To 32nd part of the ship “John and Benjamin” Benjamin HAMMOND Master at £20.

To 1/8th part of the ship “Nathaniel” William WESTTHORP Master valued at £18.

To the 16th part of the ship “John and Sarah” John SCOTT Master valued at £12.

To the 16th part of the ship “James and Katherine” John WARD Master valued at £15.

To 16th part of the ship “Dispatch” Robert WESTHORP Master valued at £7.

To the 8th part of the ship “Skinner” Isaac CARNABY Master valued at £16.

To the 16th part part of the ship “Bcony” Jos SCOTT Master valued at £4.

To 3 16th parts of the ship “Thomas and Mary” John ? Junior Master valued at £7 10s.

Item This exhobitant declares that the said deceased had at the time of his death five shares in the London Insurance Company which  are worth thirteen pounds a share. £65.

Item. Received of Mr Thomas BASALT by bond £400.

Item. Received for ? £24.

Item. Due from Mr Ralph SHARWOOD £20.

Plat by Bond.

Item. Interest due upon the same £2 16s 11d .

Item Due from William WESTHORPE and his interest  £90.

Item Ready Money in the house at the time of deceased death. £21.

Item. Arrears of rent due from the deceased estate at Ipswich and Rayden in Suffolk. £13.

Item Received of Mr MASH being a debt due to the deceased  £3 3s.

Item. Due from Deputy BRIDGSON £60.

Item. This exhibitant declares that there accounts ? between the deceased and Mr SKINDALL and Mr HAMMOMD but what the several balances are they cannot at present set forth but will be answerable for that they shall receive.

Item. This exhibant declares that the said deceased was entitled to one eighth part of the estate of her Father the deceased Anthony TOURNAY by virtue of his Last Will and Testament of which she hath since her said husband’s death received the sum of one thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds and declares she cannot at present set forth what the remaining part will amount to but she will be answerable for what the shall further received of it.

Item. This exhibitant declares that no other goods chattels or credits of the said deceased have since his death come to her hands possession or knowledge.

December 23rd 1728.

Deborah DASH.

? [in latin]

Coram HIL



? [in Latin]

Bateman Family History

Judith BATEMAN (1793-1857)

Born in Chappel (Pontisbright) Essex, England, although no record of her      baptism has been found. Judith had two illegitimate sons, David baptised      1811 and George baptised 1817. Judith was clearly very poor and is      featured in the parish account held at the Colchester branch of the Essex      County Record Office (Reference D/P 87/12/1). During the period 1820 to      1823 two shillings a week were paid to Judith for support of her child.

Judith is listed on 1841 Copford, Essex as a servant. In 1851she listed with her son John in Galleywood near Chelmsford and she died in 1857 in the Chelmsford District.

David BATEMAN (1811-1875)

David was baptised at Chappel, Essex 10th March 1811, baseborn      (illegitimate) son of Judith Bateman. David married Betsey (Elizabeth)      JAMES. In 1851, the family lived at 22 Barrack Street Colchester, with 6      children, a lodger and a visitor. David’s occupation is given as      Lime-Burner and David is recorded as being born in Chapel Essex, although      is age is given as only 30. In 1861, the family are living in Hythe Back      Lane, with 8 children (including George), 1      son-in-law and two grand-children. David’s occupation is given as      Lime-Burner. On the 1871 census David & Betsey are shown living      Parson’s Lane Colchester, together with 3 daughters and 1 son and      Elizabeth COATES (aged 19) a tailoress who was boarding with the family      and was later to marry George – one of the      sons that had already left home. In 1871 David’s occupation is simply      given as labourer. David died 25th October 1875 Hythe Hill Colchester Essex.

George      BATEMAN (1846-1905)

George BATEMAN was born on 13th February 1846, East Street, Colchester.      On 24th September 1872 at Colchester Register Office, George married      Elizabeth COATES (1851-1881) tailoress daughter of William COATES      (deceased), both living in Church Lane, The Hythe, Colchester On the 1881      census George and family are shown living at Hythe Hill Colchester.  Elizabeth died 1st May 1881 and on 9th April 1883 George remarried Eliza  BARNES daughter of Daniel BARNES mariner.

On the 1891 census they were living in Spring Close, Brightlingsea and by the  1901 census they had moved to Hall Cut, Brightlingsea. In 1930 Eliza was  living at 22 Queen Street Brightlingsea. Eliza was buried at Brightlingsea on  9th February 1940, although her address was given as 6 Hill Cottages, Great  Bentley, Essex.

Arthur William BATEMAN (1886-1945)

Arthur William BATEMAN married Jessie May ROUSE at the Primitive Methodist Church, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex 21st December 1913.



John Carter (1770-?)

Born around 1770, married Sarah ?. Children :- John Cooper (1794), Sarah (1798), Joseph (?), Mary (1801), William (1807), Susannah (1810).

John Cooper Carter (1794-?)

Born on Christmas Eve 1794 in Harwich, baptised 11th January 1795 at Harwich St Nicholas. Married Rebkecca PENNICK from Dovercourt, in 1818. All references to John Cooper CARTER show his trade as Shipwright. The 1871 census lists John and Rebecca CARTER plus 2 sons both mariners aged 39 and 42 as yet unmarried, living at 3 Castlegate St. They had lived in Castlegate St since at least 1851. Children :- Sarah (1819), Caroline Amelia (1821), John Cooper (1824), William Cooper (1825), John Cooper (1829) Sarah (1835), Emma (1838), Elizabeth (1841)

William Cooper Carter (1825-?)

Born 1825 in Harwich, married Sarah BINES, from Great Bentley. The IGI states that William C CARTER was baptised at Harwich Wesleyan Chapel in 1826, this may explain why his later brothers/sisters were not baptised at St Nicholas.

The 1871 census shows William, Sarah, 4 children and lodger living in courtyard at 16 West St, the three eldest children were at school. William Cooper CARTER followed his father into the Shipwright profession, together with his sister according to the 1851 census. The baptism record however lists his occupation as a mariner.

William Cooper Carter (1858-1923)

Born 22nd November 1858, however was not baptised until 26th June 1872 aged 14, together with his 2 sisters and three brothers. Married Mary Ann COLE aged 19 on 18th October 1879 at St Nicholas Parish church aged 20, both residing in Harwich. The 1881 census give William’ occupation as a Railway Labourer. (None of his children were baptised, Non-conformist or agnostic ?) Occupation given on children’s marriage certificates as Lampman in 1908, 1910, 1912, living at 1 East St from at least 1910, A 1914 entry lists him as a clerk. Died 23rd November 1923, 1 East St, Dovercourt, aged 65, and buried at All Saints churchyard, Dovercourt.

John Cooper Carter (1891-?)

Born 2nd June 1891 68 West St, Harwich.

PHILPOT Family of Freston, Suffolk

Children of John PHILPOT (b 1780 Ubbeston, Suffolk) & Sarah/Elizabeth NORMAN).

(Are Sarah/Elizabeth one person or did John remarry after being widowed?)

John PHILPOT is recorded on the 1851 census at Walpole (Folio 505).

  • Betsey PHILPOTbaptised at Walpole 7 Aug 1813. Married William FAIRWEATHER at Walpole 5 May 1833.
  • Sarah PHILPOT baptised at Walpole 15 May 1815.
  • Benjamin PHILPOT baptised at Walpole 5 Nov 1815. Living in Little Linstead (Census Folio 467) in 1851.
  • Samuel PHILPOT baptised at Walpole 15 Sep 1816. Living in Halesworth (Census Folio 580) in 1851 and at Chediston, Suffolk in 1881.
  • Robert PHILPOT born Heveningham, baptism details not known. Married Marian born 1820 ? Winsten Suffolk. Lived at Potash FarmFreston for 1861, 1871 and 1881 (Widowed) censuses.
  • Francis PHILPOT baptised at Heveningham 18 July 1818. In 1851 Francis was living in Walpole (Folio 505). (He was living (Widowed) ? at Potash FarmFreston for 1881 census).
  • Thomas PHILPOTbaptised at Heveningham 24 May 1819.
  • Mary PHILPOTbaptised at Heveningham 12 November 1821.
  • Susan PHILPOT baptised at Heveningham 26 Sept 1820 and married Henry BALLS 28th December 1840 or 1841 at Bramfield. (Lived (Widowed) ? at Potash Farm for 1881 census).

Boot Inn, Freston, Suffolk

Boot Inn

John BIRCH was born in 1818 in Tattingstone, son of John BIRCH, ? Blacksmith.Married Mary GRANAGER Freston 10/12/1838. Mary died aged 34 and was buried 3/12/1848 at Freston. John re-married 30/8/1849 at Freston to Matilda BIRCH (born 1823 Tunstall) daugther of Henry Rackman BIRCH (Blacksmith). Matilda died in Ipswich (St Margarets) and was buried at Freston 23/4/1875. John BIRCH died in Ipswich and was buried in Freston 20/12/1877.

Grove Farm, Freston, Suffolk

Grove Farm, Freston, Suffolk

In 1841 Grove Farm was owned by East Clayton Esquire and occupied by George Ford Hare according to tithe records. The farm at this time extended to 254 acres. In 1871 & 1891 censuses Grove Farm was occupied by Charles Ed and Sarah Elizabeth WRINCH. The 1871 census states it was a farm of 335 acres employing 17 men, 6 women and 8 boys).??Born 1784 (baptised 25 October 1784) Woolverstone Suffolk of Joseph and Mary HARE.


Married Frances RIVERS (m Woolverstone 12 February 1811) born 1781 Nettlestead. Children baptised Mary Anne 29th September 1811; George [born 27th October 1813] 7th November 1813 Woolverstone son of butcher; Francis [born 17 May 1818] 24th May 1818 Woolverstone daughter of butcher ; Joseph 23rd September 1820 Woolverstone son of butcher.On 1841 census living in Freston and tithe records show G F Hare as occupier of Grove Farm. In 1851 living in Holbrook with daughter Francis (born 1821 Woolverstone).


The G H Berners Woolverstone Estate 1937 Sale Catalogue describes Grove Farm as follows:?Lot 160 : A good dairy farm. Red brick built with slate roof. Dining and Drawing rooms, Study, Kitchen, Housemaid’s Pantry, Pantry and Scullery, Larder and Cellar. 6 bedrooms ?and dressing room bathroom and WC.Farm buildings. Brick built & tiled Granary, Churn house, Nect House for 30 cows, Mixing House, Root House, Grinding House with Granary Over, Corn Barn, covered Yard, Stables with chaff & collar houses, loose boxes, horse yards and open sheds, Nag stable and coach house. A detached timber and tiled range of cart and implement sheds. A large timber and corrugated iron implement shed. A timber & corrugated iron range of piggeries and yard.339 acres in Freston, Holbrook and Woolverstone.



In 1841 Potash Farm was owned by Alfred BOND and occupied by Thomas BRADBROOK according to tithe records. The farm at this time extended to 83 acres. However the 1841 census shows William ALDERTON age 50 as well as Thomas BRADBROOK as farmer. In 1861 Robert and wife Marian PHILPOT are shown as farmer of 130 acres employing 8 men and one boy. In 1871 Robert’s wife is Mary [sic?] born 1840 Helmingham, and the farm is 142 acres employing 6 men and 12 boys, nephews Robert (born 1852 Kelsale) and Henry (born 1854 Bramfield) PHILPOT are in residence. By 1881 the farm was occupied by brothers Robert and Francis PHILPOT and sister Susan BALLS together with nephew N R PHILPOT and niece Clary Pinkney.In1891 Potash Farm was occupied by William (age 60 born Hindlesham Suffolk) and Eliza BUTCHER (age 50 born Creeting Suffolk). John PAYNE was farm bailiff.Children of John & Elizabeth PHILPOT (nee NORMAN).Robert PHILPOT baptism details not known. Married Marian born 1820 ? Winsten Suffolk. Lived at Potash Farm Freston for 1861, 1871 and 1881 (Widowed) censuses.?Francis PHILPOT baptised at Heveningham 18 July 1818. (Lived (Widowed) ? at Potash farm Freston for 1881 census).


Thomas PHILPOT baptised at Heveningham 24 May 1819.?Susan PHILPOT baptised at Heveningham 26 Sept 1820 and married Henry BALLS 28th December 1840 or 1841 at Bramfield. (Lived (Widowed) ? at Potash Farm for 1881 census).

Mary PHILPOT baptised at Hevingham 12 November 1821. ??Thomas BRADBROOK was born in 1791 Claydon Suffolk , married Susan born 1811 Claydon Suffolk. Son George BRADBROOK born 1817 Wherstead Suffolk. Living at Potash Farm on 1841 census. Father Tithe records and 1841 census show John and Anthoninia BIRCH as farmer of the Bond Hall estate. The lands were rented from Revd Henry Denny Berners, Revd John Theodore Bond and Sir Philip Brooke, totalling 249 acres.The 1873 electorial register lists John Lott MANNING and William MANNING as joint occupiers.

Born 1804 Groton near Hadleigh baptised 25/11/1804 at Groton son of John (born 1777 Naughton bapt 14 Apr 1776 of Thomas and Susan MANNING) and Mary MANNING (born 1780 Washbrook) and still listed in Groton on the 1851 census. However thought to have moved to Freston shortly afterwards as mentioned as early 1854 in Freston parish records. Joint occupier of Bond Hall with brother William MANNING and Mary MANNING who all remained unmarried. ?Born 1808 Groton near Hadleigh baptised 21/8/1808 at Groton son of John (born 1777 Naughton bapt 14 Apr 1776 of Thomas and Susan MANNING) and Mary MANNING (born 1780 Washbrook) and still listed in Groton on the 1851 census. However thought to have moved to Freston shortly afterwards as his brother is mentioned as early 1854 in Freston parish records. Joint occupier of Bond Hall with brother John Lott MANNING and Mary MANNING who all remained unmarried.?Buried Freston 3/21894 residence given as Ipswich which would account for his absence on the 1891 census in Freston.

Potash Farm

In 1841 Potash Farm was owned by Alfred BOND and occupied by Thomas BRADBROOK according to tithe records. The farm at this time extended to 83 acres. However the 1841 census shows William ALDERTON age 50 as well as Thomas BRADBROOK as farmer.

In 1861 Robert and wife Marian PHILPOT are shown as farmer of 130 acres employing 8 men and one boy.

In 1871 Robert’s wife is Mary [sic?] born 1840 Helmingham, and the farm is 142 acres employing 6 men and 12 boys, nephews Robert (born 1852 Kelsale) and Henry (born 1854 Bramfield) PHILPOT are in residence.

By 1881 the farm was occupied by brothers Robert and Francis PHILPOT and sister Susan BALLS together with nephew N R PHILPOT and niece Clary Pinkney.

In 1891 Potash Farm was occupied by William (age 60 born Hindlesham Suffolk) and Eliza BUTCHER (age 50 born Creeting Suffolk). John PAYNE was farm bailiff.

Wood Farm, Freston

Tithe records and 1841 census show this farm as occupied by Benjamin and Sarah SAGE. Farm size is given as 102 acres mostly in central Freston.1891 census lists William LAIT as Farm Bailiff with his wife Emma and two children Thomas William and Mabel Ellen. Modern maps show Wood Farm as Freston Lodge Farm. William LAIT born 1845 Holbrook married Emma born 1847 Holbrook. 1891 census lists them living at Wood Farm with two children Thomas William LAIT aged 19 born Holbrook and Mabel Ellen age 7 born Freston baptised Freston 29/6/1884. Thomas William married Susannah TOPPLE born 1870 daughter of Ephraim TOPPLE on 4/10/1899 where his sister Mabel Ellen was a witness together with a Frederick TOPPLE. Another daughter Charlotte Maria born 1869 Holbrook married Charles GOODWIN born 1868 Holbrook a butcher son George GOODWIN on 3/12/1890 in Freston and moved to Chelmondiston (as shown on 1891 census).

Catchpole Family History

Updated 2nd April 2021

George CATCHPOLE (1758 -1821)

George’s  birth place is unknown. George and Sarah Payne married 30th January 1781 at Bentley Suffolk.  Sarah was baptised at Stutton, Suffolk 22 April 1759.  Their children were born in Freston although there is no evidence of CATCHPOLEs in Freston prior to this period.

I have found at the Ipswich branch of the Ipswich Record Office (Ref FB 98/G1/494) “The examination of George CATCHPOLE residing in the parish of Tattingstone in the said county of Suffolk, Labourer. Who on his oath about four years ago let himself to one John BARLEY then of the parish of St Clements in the said borough of Ipswich, farmer for one year. That he served his said master all that year and during that time resided in the said parish of St Clement and that he hath done not anything since that time to gain settlement elsewhere. 29/1/1781”

This looks a strong possible to be my George CATCHPOLE, on the following      grounds (a) He would have been about 19 when the above George was in service to John BARLEY. (b) No mention of wife/family suggests a young  person. (c) Tattingstone is next to Freston, and later CATCHPOLEs lived in Tattingstone. (d) As yet no trace of a  second George has been found. Finding our more about John BARLEY is a future option for filling in the detail. (e) It is exactly one day before  his wedding.

George Catchpole received Poor Relief from the Parish of St. Clement in Ipswich in 1789-1790, even though the family was resident in Freston.

Children :- Sarah (1784), George (1786),  John (1786), Charles (1789), Benjamin (1791), Edward (1795), Isaac (1798),  James (1801) Henry (1802).

John Catchpole (1787-1848?)

John CATCHPOLE son of my George and  Sarah CATCHPOLE is listed in the recently compiled      National Archives (PRO) index of  the War Office (WO) pension records. PRO document WO 97/28 tells us that  John CATCHPOLE, labourer, was a private in Captain KEANES’ troop born in Freston, Suffolk, that he enlisted at the age of 18 years and served in the regiment for the space of ten years and eight days, but “in consequence” of a diseased liver which resulted from a bad fever in 1812 was discharged to pension. It also gives a description – twenty eight years old, five feet seven inches tall Brown hair, blue eyes and fresh complexion.

With information gleaned it was possible to try several other War Office sources. WO 120/20 (Chelsea Regimental Registers) lists John CATCHPOLE, age now given as 30, service as 10 1/ 12th years, at pension rate 9 pence. The complaint, where born and occupation are the same as before. In the Admission column it is marked “See Report”, “Dd 2.12.38”,   “D.21.366” the meanings of which remain unclear, 2.12.38 looks like a death date but St Catherine’s lists no deaths for John CATCHPOLE in 1838/39.

Finally I have looked at the regiment’s pay lists also held at the National Archives Kew in class WO 12 to trace in more detail where he served. In this instance they show he was stationed at Ipswich Barracks and enlisted 25th July 1804. John received £13 8s as bounty for enlisting and £2 6s 1d worth of equipment, and the recruitment party received £1 18s for their efforts.

A John CATCHPOLE died at the Tattingstone Workhouse on 3rd July 1848  aged 66 which would a birth year of 1782 (compared to an expected 1786), and it is probable that this is John CATCHPOLE’s death.

Children :- None Known.

Benjamin Catchpole (1791-1871)

Born 1791 Freston Suffolk married Elizabeth PALMER (1794-1816) in 1813 at Harkstead remarried after Elizabeth’s death

Mary WRIGHT or RIGHT (1786-1874) in 1820 at Ipswich St Matthews.

Children :- Mary Ann (1814), Benjamin (1822), Charles (1825) Sarah (1827)      Metelden/Matilda (1829).

Charles Catchpole (1825-?)

Chelmondiston Baptist Church’s birth register (National Archives RG4/1835;Suffolk        County Record Office J419/2) which was assembled at the start of  civil registration in 1837, records Charles’s birth in usual detail. Not only are his parents names and mothers maiden name given, but we are told Elizabeth BENNETT was the mid-wife and Sarah STANNING was the nurse in attendance at the birth. This implies that the CATCHPOLE family were regular attendees at the chapel.

Charles CATCHPOLE is listed on the Freston tithe assessment and his father Benjamin CATCHPOOL (sic) is listed on the Woolverstone tithe record (both approx. 1840). The Woolverstone tithe details are published in the book “Exploring the Past Through Place-Names : Woolverstone” by Sylvia Laverton and published by Paul  Watkins, Stamford, ISBN 1 871615 78X.

Children :- Maria (1845), Charles (1846), Sarah Ann (1848), William      (1849), Matilda (1851), Elizabeth (1853), Anna (1855), Walter (1858), Benjamin (1859), Charlotte (1864), Edith (1860), Ellen (1866), Frederick (1866) and Arthur (1869).

Benjamin Catchpole (1859-1907)

No trace of Benjamin’s birth certificate can be found, although through census and parish registers we can be confident that Benjamin was baptised  at Harkstead Parish church 13th April 1858, son of  Charles and Sarah Ann Catchpole. He is  shown at Harkstead on the 1861, 1871 censuses aged 2 and 12 respectively.  On the 1881 census he is listed as a Mariner at 12 Culloden Street, Bromplet, Poplar, London living with his sister and brother-in-law (Robert RANDALL).

Benjamin married Agnes Emma GILL daughter of Charles GILL 30th July 1882 in  Poplar parish church.

Widowed by first wife, married Eliza Sparrow from Sutton Suffolk (though born in Shotley) where she was in service, on 19th November 1887 at St Nicholas Church Harwich. Profession given on marriage certificate    as mariner, as on all the children’s baptisms. Addresses 1881  69 Church St, 1891-1893 1 Trinity Cottages, 1876 1 Alexander St, 1901 24  Hordle St.

Great Eastern Railway (GER) records in National Archives File Reference RAIL 227/488 record Benjamin’s career with the GER’s steam ships operating from Harwich. Benjamin served on SS Berlin (1895), SS Norwich (1896), SS Peterborough (1897), SS Vienna (1897), SS Amsterdam (1900), SS Berlin (1902).

Benjamin died 21st February 1907 when the Great Eastern Railway (GER) ship SS Berlin upon which Benjamin was a fireman (the coal shovelling type!), sunk off the Hook of Holland. Over a hundred      people died and many of the crew lived in Harwich. A photograph of      Benjamin appeared in the Daily Mirror on 22nd February 1907.      Administration granted to Eliza CATCHPOLE (wife). Estate value £53. Witnessed by John SPARROW (Shotley) and Charles PRATCHETT (Maria St Harwich).

Benjamin’s death is recorded in a Register of Deaths at Sea (National Archives Reference BT 334/040). The details are as follows :-    CATCHPOLE Benjamin Age 48 Occupation Fireman, British Subject, Residence  Dovercourt. Drowned, lost with Vessel at Hook of Holland, 21st February 1907, Vessel Berlin, Vessel Official number 99454, Registered Harwich,  Tonnage 586, References C&D 6a and LB 7/07. (Meaning of these  references unclear (LB could mean letter book)).

Children :- Frederick (), Ethel Emma () , Frank (), Sidney (), Ivy Mable      (), Arthur (), Irene (),William ()

Ethel Emma CATCHPOLE (1891-1969) b Harwich Essex m John CARTER (1891-1945)