This page contains additional information on National Archives File MT 9/1288.
A large sized piece divided into separate folders each covering a discreet set of correspondence. Each folder has a unique (with the year) reference start with the letter ‘M’.
The folders are presented in the order that they to be found in the piece.
Whilst primarily the information recorded here is the summary as written on the folder, in some cases details of particular documents of interest within the folders have been record.
Letters to ship owners (circa 100 letters) asking for confirmation of named individuals’ release from Germany to enable Board of Trade to update their records. The questionnaires generally list a few individuals (presumabely whose information is missing).
See the below links for images of a typical return:-
“Coralie Horlock” Questionnaire: Image on Flickr
“Coralie Horlock” Questionnaire (back): Image on Flickr
“Coralie Horlock” Cover letter by F W Horlock & Co: Image on Flickr
In several cases the ship owners replied that foreign seamen were involved and they had no information, or the individual were admiralty gunners and not part of the normal crew and again they had had no contact. Example ships “Rossall” “Glencliffe” “Garesfield” “Leversons”