MT 9/1253

This page contains additional information on National Archives File MT 9/1253.

A large sized piece divided into separate folders each covering a discreet set of correspondence. Each folder has a unique (with the year) reference start with the letter ‘M’.

The folders are presented in the order that they to be found in the piece.

Whilst primarily the information recorded here is the summary as written on the folder, in some cases details of particular documents of interest within the folders have been record.


BT Reference File date Description
M14574 1918 20/12/1918 Deputation from Shipping Federation re wages. Lists actions by each shipping company.

For example entry for F W Horlock of Mistley, Essex states 
Unable to do more than give repatriated men £5 each. 
Should ship be returned or replaced would consider the question of making crew reasonable allowance on return.
Compelled through loss of Coralie Horlock to sell remaining steam¬ers to avoid bankruptcy, 
consequently practically out of business since beginning of war. 
Would be glad of information as to replacing of ship
M14511 1918 7/12/1918 Circulation to ship owners re payment of wagesPrevious Paper 554
M12220 Expenses in connection with internment and repatriation
M11366 1918 14/9/1918 Admiralty (Ref L39855) to Board of Trade re cost of Prisoners of War on public fundsPrevious Paper 554-8113
M113557 1918 13/9/1918 Minster at Hague re extra assistance to those interned in Holland (FO telegram 116983/1250/P)Previous Paper 554/10961
M10843 1918 27/8/1918 Burns Philip & Co re SS “Matunga”Previous Paper 554-10063
M9500 Question to Prime Minister
M9208 1918 9/7/1918 Question to Prime Minister / Holland / Switzerland / expensesPrevious Paper 554-9849
M8878 1918 27/6/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Provision of FundsPrevious Paper 554-8696
M8831 1918 26/6/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Repatriation Holland.Cutting from Lloyds confidential re arraivals in Hague of 72 Prisoners of War. officers named including some from “Eskimo” “Aaro”, “Nicoga”, “Saxon Prince”.

WO Ofice list as above – List number No X.79295 28th June 1918.

List Ho. X, 79295.
List of British Officers arrived in Holland for Interment 27th June 1918. (Transferred from Germany) 
notified by S.B.O., The Hague, Holland, in a telegram dated 27th June, 1918 
received in War Office, 28th June, 1918.
Captain R.L. Allinson.	S.S. "Goldmouth". Wahmbeck.
Captain A.H. Bean. S.S. "Eskimo" Schweidnitz.
Wireleas Officer, B.O. Baxter. S.S. "San Wilfrido".Schweidnitz.
2nd Engineer C.S. Binks. S.S. "Aaro". Furstenberg.
Wireless Officer A.Hardcastle.  S.S. "Aaro".  Schweidnitz.
Marconi Officer L.P. de Hugo. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeck. 
Wireless Officer R.J. Henry. S.S. "Nicoya" . Scnweidnitz.
Chief Engineer J.W. Harrison. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeck.
3rd Engineer N.H. Johnson. S.S. "Aaro". Schweidnitz.
Chief Officer W. Mort on. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeok.
Captain H. Newton. S.S. "Aaro". Furstenberg.
2nd Officer J.A. Phenix. S.S. "Aaro". Schweidnitz.
2nd Engineer A.D. Scott. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeck.
lst Officer W.D. Smith. S.S. "Aaro". Bad Colberg.
2nd Officer H.H. Wilson. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeck.
4th Engineer R. Williams. S.S. "Saxon Prince". Schweidnitz.
3rd Engineer Bell, J.W. S.S. "Eskimo". Wahmbeck.

Hague telegram release to UK few names 25/6/1918.

Previous Paper 554-8696

M8131 1918 6/6/1918 Question – Finance of Officers in Holland / SwitzerlandList of Merchant Seamen and Fishermen 31st May 1918

Previous Paper 554-8113

M7410 1918 8/5/1918 Leith Hall [shipping company] / HollandPrevious Paper 554-7338
M7338 1918 17/5/1918 War Office – Cost of Prisoners of War in Holland.List of Britisn NCOs and men 7/10/1918 21 names inc Australian/Candian/South African and 2 from “Saxon Prince”.

List of Boston (UK) arrivals x 4 civilians named 7/9/1918 including 1 from SS “Lestris”.

List of British Civilians in Holland 10 Pages (26 names per side) includes Date of Birth and place of Birth.

7/6/1918 Telegram list of transfer from German to Holland.

Previous Paper 554-6875

M8113 1918 1918 War Office – Prisoners of war to Neutral countriesPrevious Paper 7675
M6875 1918 7/5/1918 Prisoner of War Department – HollandPrevious Paper 554-6655
M6795 1918 4/5/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Holland inc.List X.79295 28/6/1918 [Same as above].

List civilians 25th April 1918 who arrived 26/4/1918 6 pages.

List miltary and civilan War Office no OP6004 including pilot of SS Brussels F J PAYNE  W WHYMARK 2 and a half pages 17/5/1918.

List WO X.75941 12 names. Admiralty X.75271 1 Page. WO X.75166 2 pages. WO X.74078.

Previous Paper 884-6688

M6512 1918 28/4/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Cases of Samuel A HENRIKSEN (Norway) and James Ernest TAYLOR of GoolePrevious Paper 554-6511
M6198 1918 22/4/1918 Prisoner of War Department – HollandPrevious Paper 554-5941
M13289 1918 9/11/1918 Prisoner of War Department -Question / PETO MPPrevious Paper 554-12519
M12293 1918 16/10/1918 Question / Board of TradePrevious Paper 554
M12292 1918 16/10/1918 Notice of Question / PETO MPPrevious Paper 554-11366
M12768 1918 30/12/1918 Question / John Butcher MP – allowancesPrevious Paper 554-12519
M12736 1918 29/10/1918 Question / PETO MPPrevious Question 554-12579
M12519 1918 22/10/1918 Question / Board of TradePrevious Paper 554-11366
M12910 1918 2/11/1918 American Shipping Mission – AllowancesPrevious Paper 554-12768
M10961 1918 29/8/1918 Newcastle Daily Chronicle Press CuttingPrevious Paper 554-10063
M10063 1918 5/8/1918 Question / STEWART MPPrevious Paper 554-9500
M9335 1918 11/7/1918 Prisoner of War Department re letter from Hme Office re Property left behind in UKPrevious Paper 554-9209
M8265 1918 28/6/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Forwarding copy of letter from Admiralty Officer in Charge Switzerland re treament of wireless operator R C GILLONPrevious Paper 554-8696
M8696 1918 22/6/1918 Admiralty – Clothing POW includes letter from British Officer in charge in SwitzerlandPrevious Paper 554-8131
M6796 1918 4/5/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Copy telegram from HM Minister The Hague listing civilians arrived in Holland for internment.Various lists from Hague.

Previous Paper 554-6795

M6511 1918 26/4/1918 Admiralty – re medical expenses – Switzerland.List 4/?/191? 6 names from X.75722. X.74617. extract from X.74617

Previous Paper 554-5941

M5622 1918 9/4/1918 War Office – List of prisoners repatriated from SwitzerlandList X.70353 24/2/1917 1 Page. Swizterland including 6 SS Brussels.

Previous Paper 554-5178

M3316 1918 26/2/1918 Prisoner of War Department – re medical examination of men arrived in Switzerland.Previous Paper 554-3010
M3010 1918 21/2/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Switzerland. Mis behaviour of named (drunk) Prisoners. List in some from SS Brussels.Previous Paper 554-2647
M2647 1918 15/2/1918 Switzerland.Previous Paper 554-2159
M1469 1918 24/1/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Condition of men arriving in Switzerland.Previous Paper 554-1106
M1433 1918 24/1/1918 War Office – suggestions re pay and accommodation for men transferred to Switzerland.Previous Paper 554
M1065 1918 19/1/1918 Admiralty – Men transferred to Switzerland. List 27/12/1917 inc. some from SS Brussels.Previous Paper 554-866
M866 1918 15/1/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Correspondence with Admiralty re men moved to Switzerland. List 27/12/1917 inc. some from SS Brussels.Previous Paper 554-745

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