MT 9/1240

This page contains additional information on The National Archives File MT 9/1240.

A small piece which is divided into separate folders each covering a discreet set of correspondence. Each folder has a unique (within the year) reference starting with the letter ‘M’.

The folders are presented in the order that they to be found in the piece.

Whilst primarily the information recorded here is the summary as written on the folder, in some cases details of particular documents of interest within the folders have been recorded.


BT Reference File date Description
M3465 1918 28/2/1918 Imperial Merchant Guild – Crews of “Jumna”, “Wordsworth” and “Turritella”. Asking for any definitive information relating to the Captains and Officers of these ships beleived to have been sunk by the German Raider Wolf.Previous Paper 3265.

Handwritten list and whereabouts of crews of “Jumna”, “Wordsworth” and “Turritella”.

M3265 1918 26/2/1918 High Commissioners Office Australia House Strand – “Wolf”– Asking to be supplied with list of prisoners captured by vessel.German record page for Charles BOWMAN

Letter dated 16/07/1918 re James O’RIORDAN of Norwegian barque ss “Storbror”.

Camp Changes including Releases, Removals etc. since 16th April 1918. (no 82) (46 names)

German list with names from “Turitella” (5 names); “Junna” (9 names); “Wordsworth” (4 names); “Dee” (1 name); “Wairuna” (5 names); “Winslow” (1 name); “Beluga” (1 name); “Matunga” (12 names); “Junna” (12 names); “Wordsworth” (10 names); “Dee” (11 names); “Wairuna” (27 names); “Beluga” (1 name); “Encore” (1 name); “Matunga” (46 names); “Hitachi Maru” (13 names); “Storbror” (1 name); “Hitachi Maru” (5 names)

German list of names in Lazarett Kiel (10 names); Lazarett Kiel-Wik (24 names)

List No P.M. 412 of 17.5.1918. Official German List through Geneva Red Cross 26/4/1918. (8 names) plus Paul BERINGER to Switzerland from Ruhleben; Charles BRACLEY to Switzerland from Celle-Schloss; Laz. Kiel-Wik BOWMAN ; Exchange Stat.aschen from Celle Schloss Archibald CAMPBELL; Laz. Kiel-Wik from S.M.S. “Wolf” (11 names); Exchange Stat.aschen from Celle Schloss Percival ANDERSON.

German record pages for Arthur Samiel CURRIE; Macolm MAKENZIE; Harold SAUNDERS; John Edward BISH;Roy Henry ALEXANDER;

Handwritten list and whereabouts of crews of “Jumna”, “Wordsworth”, “Matunga” and “Wairuna”.

M3838 1918 7/3/1918 Mrs MELLOR 35 Stanhope Street South Shields – “Jumma” Asking for alist of the crew who was saved from vessel.Previous paper 3265-3465.

Letter dated 5/9/1918 confirms Benjamin LOWN is interned at Gustrow.

German record page John LOE;

Extract Camp Changes between 24th and 30th August 1918 Benjamin LOWN.

Extract Camp Changes between 10th and 15th August 1918 William STIRLING.

Extract Camp Changes between 22nd and 28th June 1918 James MORTIMER; Nicholl ELLIOTT

Extract Camp Changes between 18th and 24th May 1918 John James MONCRIEFF; Thomas STEVENS; W W WICKMAN.

German record pages Nicholl ELLIOTT; Cyril Ernest MCDEARMID; John James MONCRIEFF; John MORTIMER; Thomas STEVENS; William Shaw WICKMAN.

Extract from List No P.M. 404 of 8/5/1918. Official German List through Geneva Red Cross 22/4/1918. John REGAN; Matthew POTTS.

Extract Camp Changes (undated) Capt. W W WICKMAN; Bernard MCLACHKANE.

Extract from List No P.M. 399 of 2/5/1918 Robert PEARCE; John LOWE; Matthew POTTS.

Extract from List No P.M. 398 of 1/5/1918 BRUGH? Adam; Shaw WICKMAN.

Extract Camp Changes between 20th and 25th April 1918 Hugh MCLAREN; Bernard MCLAUGHLIN; William WARE.

Extract Camp Changes between 13th and 19th April 1918 (21 Names)

List No P.M. 383 of 12/4/1918. Official German List through Geneva Red Cross 3/4/1918. (9 names from “Junna”

M3732 1918 6/3/1918 Prisoner of War Deparment – “Hitachi Maru” Transmitting copy of memorandum for communication to the Netherlands Minister at Berlin asking him to obtain any information with a view to ascertaining the names of any British subjects which were captured by the German Auxilary Cruiser “Wolf”.Previous Paper 3265.
M12958 1918 5/11/1918 Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co. – “Turritella” Forwarding letter from Mrs A.D. Christie sating that he is not in receipt of maintenance money allowed to Prisoners of War in Officers Camps.Previous Paper 3265-6607.
M6607 1918 30/4/1918 Admiralty – Informing Board that according to information received from Officers escaped from the “Igotz Mendi” the Chief Officer and 2nd Engineer of the “Turritella” left the ship and swam towards the shore on 5th June 1917 in order to avoid possible capture by the German raider “Wolf”known to be in the vincinity.The Chief Offficer was A.C. CLELAND and the 2nd Engineer Arthur STEERS left on Raoul Island Kermadecs.

German record page Thomas Gerald MEADOWS.

Extract from List No P.M. 447 of 28/6/1918. Official German List through Geneva Red Cross 17/6/1918. John [?] First Engineer Captured 27/2/1917; Born New Quay 15/5/1882.

Extract Camp Changes between 22nd and 28th June 1918 T G MEADOWS of ss “Turritella”

Extract from List Number O.P. 7054 John Emrys DAVIES of ss “Turritella”

Extract from List Number PM 432 of 11/6/1918. Official German List through Geneva Red Cross 21/5/1918. Thomas Gerald MEADOWS of ss “Turritella”.

German record pages Cecil Reginald ROSEN; Thomas Gerald MEADOWS; Andrew Donald CHRISTIE; John Emrys DAVIES;

Letter dated 30/3/1918 from T G MEADOWS re fate of A STEERS.

Letter from Admiralty dated 30/4/1918 re unknown fate of Chief Engineer and 2nd Engineer of ss “Turritella”.

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