MT 9/1182

This page contains additional information on National Archives File MT 9/1182.

A small piece divided into a single folder covering a discreet set of correspondence. Each folder has a unique (with the year) reference start with the letter ‘M’.

The folders are presented in the order that they to be found in the piece.

Whilst primarily the information recorded here is the summary as written on the folder, in some cases details of particular documents of interest within the folders have been record.



BT Reference File date Description
M4857 1918 25/6/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Forwarding copy of memorandum to Netherlands Legation as to whereabouts”Minnetonka” crew member Mr George Craigen, 2nd engineer. Previous Paper 3815-3868.
M3868 1918 8/3/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Whereabouts “Minnetonka” crew member. Previous Paper 3815.Extract from Camp Changes between 15/9/1918 and 21/9/1918 Charles McMillian / L P McConville

Extract from Camp Changes between 31/8/1918 and 6/9/1918 George C R Cragien

Extract from List no P.M. 447 28/6/1918 Robert P Palmer

Extract from Camp Changes between 15/6/1918 and 21/6/1918 John James Stewart

Extract from O.P.4098 E.E.Jones

Extract from List no P.M. 429 7/6/1918 Robert H Hancock

Extract from Camp Changes between 25/5/1918 and 31/5/1918 Edward Eliot

Extract from Camp Changes between 13/4/1918 and 19/4/1918 Edward Eliot / Robert Paterson / John James Stewart

German prisoner pro forma for Edward Eliot / Robert Paterson / John James Stewart

Extract from List no P.M. 367 22/3/1918 :- Capt. G. Rose Hampshire Regiment Capt. J. Taylor Somerset Regiment Cove; Hancock, McConville ; McMillan; Craigen; Whitaker all from “Minnetonka”

Extract from List no P.M. 363 18/3/1918 :- Stewart; Craigen; Hancock; Cove; McMillian; McConville; Elliot; Palmer; Whitaker

“Merchant Seamen made Prisoners by German Submarines” slips for Stewart; Hancock; McConville;McMillian; Whitaker; W Brown; Palmer; Cragien; Cove; Elliot

M3815 1918 7/3/1918 Prisoner of War Department – Forwarding list of crew of vessel who have been interned in Germany.

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